
  • 网络Internal exchange;intrachange
  1. 在一定水合范围内交换速率与水合溶菌酶水含量有关。

    The exchange rate depends on the water content in certain range of hydration .

  2. 2&距离空间内交换映射族的公共不动点定理

    On Common Fixed point theorems of faintly of exchange mapping of 2 metric space

  3. 在可获得的限度内交换文件、信件、报告和其他有关信息;

    Exchange of documents , correspondence , reports and other relevant information to the extent available ;

  4. 福布莱特教师和管理人员交换项目是真正意义上的交换——意味着两个人在一段时间内交换工作。

    The Fulbright Teacher and Administrator Exchange Program offers a true exchange -- meaning two people trade jobs for a time .

  5. 如果完成某一任务需要在一段时间内交换很多消息,则仅为了维护应用程序的状态而一直运行应用程序的一个实例是一种低效的做法。

    If accomplishing a task involves exchanging many messages over time , it is inefficient to keep an instance of the application running just to maintain the application state .

  6. 推导出了系统磁化强度的计算公式,并计算了软磁层内交换作用、层间交换作用、单离子各向异性作用和外磁场对系统磁化行为的影响。

    After formulating the expressions to calculate the magnetization of the system , we study the temperature-dependent magnetizations under different intralayer exchange interaction , the interlayer exchange interaction , single-ion anisotropy and the external magnetic field .

  7. 在模块化生产网络中,具备高度自治性的企业依靠标准化的协议来传递知识,这种知识就是所谓的编码知识,协议的标准化保证了编码知识的交换,甚至在全球范围内交换。

    In the modular production network the highly autonomous companies impart knowledge by standardized protocols . Such knowledge is termed as encoded knowledge , which the standardized protocols guarantee its exchange even at the global level .

  8. 采用Java非阻塞I/O方式,一个线程可同时响应多个连接,能解决网络数据传输速度与PC机内数据交换速度不匹配。

    If the system adopted Java non-blocking I / O , one thread can process multiple connections at a time by Java non-blocking I / O APIs , which can solve the problem of the mismatch between the network speed and the speed in PC.

  9. 然后,确保指定的tmpfs上限稍小于所有这些高峰使用时间内空闲交换分区和空闲RAM的总和。

    Then , make sure that you specify a tmpfs upper-bound that 's slightly less than the sum of all free swap and free RAM during these peak usage times .

  10. 可穿戴设备和智能手机的硬件和软件将支持一种叫做近场通讯(即NFC)的技术,设备通过这种技术可以在很短的距离内无线交换信息。

    The wearable device and the smartphones will include hardware and software that support a technology called near-field communication , or NFC , which allows devices to exchange information wirelessly over very short distances .

  11. 实验设计是在受试者内随机交换。

    The design was randomized crossover , within-subject .

  12. 采用示踪法测定催化剂包内离子交换树脂催化剂颗粒的有效润湿率。

    Liquid-solid contacting efficiency of the catalyst of ion-exchange resin in the catalyst capsule is measured by the tracer method .

  13. 拍卖系统在交易日中,买入和卖出信息不间断地由成员刊登在交易所内的交换系统。

    An exchange system in which bids and offers are continuously posted on the exchange during the trading day by its members .

  14. 聚吡咯膜的过氧化首先始于膜内阴离子交换性能的降低,随后阳离子交换性能也逐渐降低。

    Moreover , anion exchange capacity of the film decreased firstly , and then cation exchange capacity also decreased during its overoxidation .

  15. 介质内离子交换相和残余相上的吸附则显示为缓慢的吸附过程。

    Kinetics with respect to exchangeable and residual portions in tuff and fuffaceous sand confirms that some slow processes are controlling radionuclide sorption .

  16. 由此可以认为:沟槽的抑制作用抵消了沟槽峰部的增强效果,使得近壁区内动量交换水平减弱,从而,减阻沟槽面的雷诺切应力在总体上表现为减小。

    As a conclusion , the drag reduction grooved surface weakens the near-wall momentum exchange , and decreases the overall turbulent Reynolds shear stress above it .

  17. 基于作物幼苗期对气温与土壤温度的要求,设计了一种新型地下蓄热系统,对影响换热管道内热量交换的主要因素&空气流速进行测试。

    According to the air and soil temperature requirement of crops at seedling stage , a new underground heat storage system to be used in greenhouse was designed .

  18. 论文的最终成果由两部分内容组成:1.丝光棉企业生产供应链内数据交换格式。

    The final result of this subjectincludes2parts : 1 . data exchange standard for mercerized cotton industry supply chain , which can be applied in different enterprises for data exchange . 2 .

  19. 如果没有,电话就转到公司内的电话交换系统(即PBX,用户电话交换机)。

    If not , the call went to the company 's in-house telephone switching system , or PBX ( private branch exchange ) .

  20. 将多重内反射富里叶交换红外光谱(FTIR-MIR)原位测量技术,首次用于原位研究聚合物/金属界面水分子的动态行为。

    A new technique was developed bassed on Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in the multiple internal reflection mode ( FTIR-MIR ) for measuring in situ water at the polymeric coating / metal interface .

  21. 本文主要研究了缺N和完全营养液处理对水稻幼苗第6完全展开叶20d内的气体交换特性、光合色素含量、可溶性蛋白、Rubisco蛋白含量、叶绿素荧光参数和抗氧化酶系统的变化。

    Gas exchange , chlorophyll ( Chl ) fluorescence , photosynthetic pigments , soluble proteins , Rubisco and antioxidant systems were characterized from the fully expanded 6th leaves in rice seedlings grown with either complete ( CK ) or nitrogen-deficient nutrient ( N-deficiency ) solutions during a 20-chase period .

  22. 企业内上下级交换的维度研究

    Research on the Dimensionality of Leader - Member Exchange in Enterprises

  23. 内螺纹热交换管生产工艺技术

    The Production Technique of Internal Screw Thread Heat Exchange Pipes

  24. 他们就发展双边关系和加强二十国集团框架内交流合作交换了意见。

    They exchanged views on bilateral ties and cooperation within the G-20 framework .

  25. 集团医院内电子病历交换模式研究&电子商务标准在医疗行业的应用

    Exchange Pattern of EMR Research in Group Hospital & Using E-commerce Criterion in Medical Treatment Field

  26. 本研究是试图从一个全新的角度来对企业内上下级交换的维度进行实证研究。

    This thesis tries to operate a positive research on LMX in enterprises from a new approach .

  27. 在遗传算法模型中采用了向下、向上外推和非一致杂交算子等交叉技术,并结合内插、交换等多种技术形成综合交叉方式。

    The genetic algorithm model adopts some cross methods such as downwards extrapolate , upwards extrapolate and nonuniform cross operator .

  28. 在竖井送排式通风时,排风口和送风口之间可能产生短道流动,这种短道流动会阻碍隧道内的空气交换。

    When the sending and exhausting shaft is ventilated , short duct flow may occurred between outlet and inlet , which will baffle air exchange in highway tunnel .

  29. 一方面,通商贸易使许多城镇在参与经济区域内的各种交换活动中发展壮大起来,并成为区域的经济中心和经济发展的重要支点。

    On the one hand , the foreign trade made many towns become bigger in the process of economic exchanging activities , and become the local economic centers and the important economy bases .

  30. 在这里,展示空间所指为物质层面的,以此为载体,展示信息进行编码、抽象和传播,也就是在一个展示系统内产生和交换。

    At here , what show space mean on material aspect , regard as carriers , Exhibition information is coded , abstract and spreads , produce and exchange in a system of showing .