
  • 网络business assets;Operating asset
  1. 学院派经济学家们宣称,债务负担增加将鼓励经理们更卖力地经营资产。

    Academic economists claimed that the increased burden of debt would encourage managers to sweat the assets more vigorously .

  2. 品牌是形成企业价值的重要经营资产,使企业谋求差异化和获得竞争力的源泉。

    Brand is an important management property for the formation of enterprise value ; it causes the enterprise to seek the difference and to obtain the source of competitive power .

  3. 对不良资产对外转让、涉外重组,通过国际招标出售,组建中外合作经营资产管理公司和组建中外合资投资基金公司、不良资产证券化等处置方式进行了详细论述。

    Such as external transfer and regroup of non-performing assets , joint Asset Management Corporation through international bidding and joint Fund Management Corporation , asset securitization and etc are discussed .

  4. 但作为知识载体的员工是一种高度不确定的经营资产,他的主观特性加大了企业管理的复杂度和难度。

    But , with the employees as a highly flexible asset with knowledge , the subjective features of the employees add to the complexity and difficulty for the enterprise management .

  5. 移民带资入城和住宅经营资产合一的城镇初始聚集方式,不仅加速了人口城市化进程,还改变了城镇生产要素配置的博弈力量对比。

    The initial accumulation way which immigrant enters the city earring capital , and dwelling compounds the function of productive assets , not merely accelerates urbanization of population , and changes the power distribution in allocation game of production factors .

  6. 根据中国的相关规定,作为固定电话运营商,中国电信和规模较小的中国网通(ChinaNetcom)不得经营移动资产。

    Regulations forbid fixed-line operators , such as China Telecom and the smaller China Netcom , from operating mobile assets .

  7. 国家要求广播电视实行制播分离,让国内民营资本进入传播文化业,在此背景下,XX市电视台将其经营性资产剥离与该市一家民营企业成立新视野传媒产业公司。

    The government urges broadcasting industry take the root of segregation of production and communication to attract private capital entering into media industry . The new vision is born on this background and it is a combination of operational asset of XX TV station and private capital .

  8. 论非经营性资产转经营性资产的管理

    Discussion about the management on non-operated assets transferring to operated assets

  9. 特许经营权资产价值的形成及评估方法探讨

    The Value Composition of Business Concession Assets and Valuation Approaches

  10. 谈科研单位经营性资产管理

    A Study on Managerial Assets Administration of Science Research Departments

  11. 公共部门非经营性资产绩效评价研究

    Research on the Performance Evaluation of Non-operation Asset in the Public Sector

  12. 高校经营性资产授权经营的探讨

    A Probe into the Authorized Management of Operational Capitals of Higher Institutions

  13. 外部融资与经营净资产之间存在一定相关性。

    External financing has some correlations with net operating assets .

  14. 水利企业国有经营性资产监督管理探讨

    Supervision of state-owned productive assets of water resources enterprises

  15. 城市经营的资产负债纬度

    On Urban Management from the Angle of Assets

  16. 高速公路特许经营期资产价值评估理论及其方法研究

    The Research on Theory & Method of Highway Asset Valuation in the Concessionary Time

  17. 首先它是经营性资产。

    First , it is the operating assets .

  18. 对于其他经营租赁资产,应当采用系统合理的方法进行摊销。

    Other leased assets should be amortized by using a systematic and reasonable method .

  19. 浅论企业资产经营论资产经营的管理导向

    Discussion on the Assets Operation of Enterprise

  20. 经营性资产运作不规范;

    Irregular operation of business assets ;

  21. “十五”期间,广钢集团生产经营和资产运营取得长足发展。

    During the Tenth Five-year Plan period , GISE achieved substantial progress in production and assets operation .

  22. 学校设立经营性资产管理委员会直接对高校资产公司行使股东权并实施监管。

    Schools set up assets management committee which exercise the shareholder rights and implement supervision to the asset company .

  23. 部分跨国企业(尤其是那些经营无形资产的企业)正是采用这类做法把利润转到低税收地区的。

    This is how some multinational groups especially those dealing in intangibles can locate their profits in low-tax jurisdictions .

  24. ISO900质量管理体系在高校经营性资产运行风险控制上的应用

    Research on Application of ISO9000 Quality Management System under the Operating Risk Control of Profit-making Assets in College and University

  25. 政府部门和其他国家机关不得直接经营国有资产,但法律、法规另有规定的除外。

    The government departments and other state organizations shall not operate the state-owned assets directly unless the laws and regulations stipulate otherwise .

  26. 同时,经营城市资产,促进城市发展,也成为摆在每个城市政府面前的重要而又迫切的任务。

    At the same time , management of urban property and enhancement of development are important and urgent tasks of the municipal government .

  27. 商业银行是以追逐利润为目的、以经营金融资产和负债为对象的综合性多功能的金融企业。

    Commercial bank is such a financial enterprise which its main goal is to pursuit of profit via operating financial assets and liability .

  28. 高校经营性资产管理体制改革的首要任务就是将经营性资产从学校剥离,把经营性资产单独组建高校资产公司。

    The primary task of the reform is business assets which will be stripped from the school and to form the university asset company .

  29. 如果企业停止经营,资产将出售,负债需清偿,剩余现金在合伙人之间分配。

    If the business is to be discontinued , the assets will be sold , the liabilities paid , and the remaining cash distributed to the partners .

  30. 第四,本文将国有大中型企业剥离和处置非经营性资产结合在一起研究,这是一种新的尝试。

    In fourth , the state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises peeling and disposal of asset of blame management sex together research , which is a new try .