
  1. 中国有信心、有能力、有把握打赢这场疫情防控阻击战。

    The Chinese people have the confidence and capability1 to win the battle against the epidemic2 .

  2. MNI中国企业信心指数(MNIChinaBusinessIndicator)录得自去年12月以来的首次环比增长,从4月份的48.8升至本月的49.7。

    The MNI China Business Indicator registered its first month-to-month gain since December , rising from 48.8 in April to 49.7 this month .

  3. 于庆泰表示,中国有信心完成从2005年到2010年单位GDP能耗降低20%的目标。

    The country is on track to meet a target to reduce energy consumption per unit of its gross domestic product by 20 per cent by 2010 over 2005 levels , said Mr Yu .

  4. 3月份,MNI中国企业信心指数(MNIChinaBusinessIndicator)读数为49.9,稳定在2月份的水平。这也是该指数连续第二个月低于50。50是该指数区分乐观和悲观的荣枯线。

    The MNI China business sentiment index has come in at 49.9 , steady on February 's level and the second straight month it has been below the 50 mark that separates optimism from pessimism .

  5. 中国的信心清晰可见,但其忧虑也很明显。

    Chinese confidence was palpable . But so was anxiety .

  6. 其一,崛起的中国更有信心推动自己的领土主张。

      First , a risen China is more confident about pressing its claims .

  7. 而且,人们普遍对中国充满信心,当然也有可能证明是错误的。

    And , of course , the widespread confidence in China might yet prove misplaced .

  8. 对中国抱有信心最好的理由是,中国的最高决策者并不自满。*

    The best reason for confidence is that top policy makers lack such complacency . *

  9. 中国有信心哥本哈根会议会最终达成一致吗?

    Is China confident that an agreement will ultimately be reached at the Copenhagen Conference ?

  10. 尼尔森发布的中国消费者信心指数报告显示,2018年第二季度中国消费增长势头依然强劲。

    Nielson 's China Consumer Confidence Index , consumption remained strong through the Q2 of 2018 .

  11. 3月份中国企业信心指数保持平稳,不过总体上依然低迷。

    Business sentiment in China held steady in March , but still remains downbeat on the whole .

  12. 通缩压力以及劳动力和监管成本的上升,正对中国企业信心造成影响。

    Business sentiment in China is suffering , buffeted by deflationary pressures and rising labour and regulation costs .

  13. 中国有信心可以成为世界的创新中心,而不是世界的生产工厂。

    China has the ambition to become the world 's innovation centre rather than the world 's factory .

  14. 但我们仍对中国充满信心,因为她是当今为数不多的几个能够保持强劲增长势头的国家之一。

    But we continue to have confidence in China as one of the few economies enjoying robust growth today .

  15. 根据一项每月开展的调查,3月中国消费者信心有所改善,达到自去年7月以来的最高点。

    Chinese consumer sentiment improved this month , putting it at its highest point since last July according to a monthly survey .

  16. 根据一项受到密切关注的月度调查,本月中国消费者信心再次下滑,降至去年11月以来最低点。

    Chinese consumer sentiment has dipped again this month , to its lowest level since November according to a closely-watched monthly survey .

  17. 当中国有信心允许人民币升值时,我们就将踏上减轻全球失衡之路。

    When it has the confidence to allow the renminbi to rise , we will be on the path to reduced global imbalances .

  18. 据考察中国企业信心的一项最新调查,在中国这个全球第二大经济体,持悲观态度的企业数量超过了持乐观态度的企业。

    Pessimists outnumber optimists in businesses across the world 's second largest economy , according to the latest survey examining sentiment in Chinese companies .

  19. 中国有信心、有能力、也有条件不断克服困难,实现今年经济社会发展的主要预期目标。

    We have all the confidence , ability and resources to overcome the difficulties and realize the major goals of China 's economic and social development in 2014 .

  20. 中国有信心用自己的行动和世界各国一道证明,国强并不必然要称霸。

    China has the confidence to prove , with its own actions and by working with other countries , that a country growing stronger does not inevitably seek hegemony .

  21. 可想而知,最近的局势削弱了投资者对中国的信心,但投资者不应因为焦虑而看不到这个更重要的事实:中国正在进行重大的改革。

    Recent events have understandably dented confidence in China , but investors should not let their anxieties blind them to the bigger picture : important changes are under way .

  22. 金砖四国巴西、俄罗斯、印度与中国的信心保持坚挺,此外尽管欧元区困难重重,欧洲企业也感到有能力适应未来变化。

    Confidence in BRIC countries Brazil , Russia , India and China has remained firm and despite the troubles of the eurozone , European companies also feel resilient about the future .

  23. 今天,虽然全球经济形势还有待改善,但是我们对中国充满信心、对四川充满信心、对在场的各位充满信心、对我们的未来充满信心!

    Although the global economic situation has yet to be improved at this moment , we also feel confident to China , to Sichuan and to the members of all of you and to the future !

  24. 美联报道,北京一家媒体调查公司AllMediaCount的调查显示,事件使公众对中国奶业的信心遭受重创。

    The incident has devastated public trust in Chinese dairies , according to a survey conducted by Beijing-based media research firm All Media Count , AP said .

  25. 西门子公司对在中国投资充满信心

    The Siemens company is full of confidence about investing in China

  26. 在丢失二局之后,中国似乎丢失信心。

    After losing two sets , China seemed to lose their confident .

  27. 所以,我对中国足球有信心,我相信我的眼光。

    So , I believe what I saw about the Chinese football .

  28. 中国媒介业信心指数报告&中国媒介经济景气度调查报告之一

    China Media Industry Climate Index Report (ⅰ): China Media Industry Confidence Index

  29. 这种变化并不意味着投资者对中国重拾信心。

    The move is not a reflection of new-found confidence in China .

  30. 这并不意味着他们已经对中国市场失去信心。

    But this does not mean they have lost confidence in the Chinese market .