
zhōnɡ ɡuó tónɡ ménɡ huì
  • Tongmenghui;the United League of China
  1. 它是孙中山确立其革命领袖地位的关键步骤,是中国同盟会成立的重要环节,也是孙中山革命主张在留东学界的首次公开宣讲。

    It was a key step that Sun Yat-sen established his status of revolutionary leadership .

  2. 盟友与对手之间:梁启超与中国同盟会关系述论

    Allies and opponents : A Review of the Relationship between Liang Qi-chao and the Chinese Alliance

  3. 1905年,孙中山在日本东京成立中国同盟会,并颁布有政纲和入会条件、手续等内容,初步具备了现代意义上的政党特征。

    In 1905 , Sun Yat-sen set up Chinese Alliance in Tokyo , Japan , and promulgate of a political platform and membership conditions , procedures and other content , it preliminary with a modern sense of the characteristics of political parties .