
pàn guó
  • treason;commit treason;betray one's country;turn traitor to one's country
叛国 [pàn guó]
  • [betray one's country] 背叛祖国

  • 叛国罪

叛国[pàn guó]
  1. 背叛,出卖:给敌方提供帮助或情报;通敌叛国。

    Betray : to give aid or information to an enemy of ; commit treason against .

  2. 他因叛国罪被处死。

    He was executed for treason .

  3. 在被宣判犯有叛乱罪和叛国罪后,他们昨天被枪决了。

    They were shot yesterday after being convicted of mutiny and high treason .

  4. 他因怂恿他人叛国而受到传讯。

    He was arraigned for criminally abetting a traitor .

  5. 他们因密谋叛国被送上法庭。

    They were brought to trial for treasonable conspiracy .

  6. 新法律将规定对公职腐败适用与叛国罪相同的量刑标准。

    The new law will put official corruption on the same legal footing as treason .

  7. 将军们得把叛国者全部铲除。

    The generals have to root out traitors

  8. 13人被控犯有叛国罪——一种可处死刑的罪行。

    Thirteen people have been charged with treason — an offence which can carry the death penalty

  9. 这是一次判断失误,但不是叛国。我认为说叛国太过了。

    It 's bad judgment , but it 's not treason . I think treason is too strong a word .

  10. 他们控告他犯了叛国罪。

    They charged treason against him .

  11. 他宁愿一死,也不肯叛国。

    He would die before betraying his country .

  12. 她被控叛国罪

    She was arraigned for high treason .

  13. 在肯尼迪抵达达拉斯之前的几天,印着他的肖像、写有通缉叛国者(WantedforTreason)的传单在城里随处可见。

    Days before he arrived , Wanted for Treason leaflets featuring him appeared around town .

  14. 在肯尼迪抵达达拉斯之前的几天,印着他的肖像、写有“通缉叛国者”(WantedforTreason)的传单在城里随处可见。

    Days before he arrived , " Wanted for Treason " leaflets featuring him appeared around town .

  15. 格勒登认为美国中央情报局(CentralIntelligenceAgency)参与了刺杀肯尼迪的行动。他写过六本书,包括上榜《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)图书畅销榜的《叛国罪》(HighTreason)。

    Mr. Groden , who believes the Central Intelligence Agency was involved in Kennedy 's assassination , has written six books , including a New York Times bestseller called ' High Treason . '

  16. 据《纽约时报》本周二报道,美国日前结束伊拉克战争,并以叛国罪起诉总统乔治•W•布什。

    New York Times reports end to Iraq war The United States has ended the war in Iraq and indicted President George W. Bush on treason charges , The New York Times reported Tuesday .

  17. “塔兰特县公开携枪”领导人科里·瓦特金斯(KoryWatkins)随后又上传了一段视频,声称和那些玩忽职守的议员对抗是“为了保护宪法。我来提醒你们一下:和宪法背道而驰是叛国。叛国是要处死刑的。”

    The leader of Open Carry Tarrant County , Kory Watkins , then posted another video in which he claimed that the resistant lawmakers were forgetting their duty was " to protect the Constitution . And let me remind you : Going against the Constitution is treason . And treason is punishable by death . "

  18. 我被派来逮捕那只通敌叛国的猫。

    I was ordered to arrest the cat for high treason .

  19. 在这案子里,是受联邦制裁的叛国罪。

    And in this case it 's a federal rap treason .

  20. 梅姆坎,你看上去不像叛国者。

    You do not appear to be a traitor , memucan .

  21. 否则,凯撒就成叛国者了。

    If he does not , Caesar is declared a traitor .

  22. 他们这样做近乎叛国。

    They were grazing the shins of treason by doing so .

  23. 为什么党组织会认为我是个叛国者?

    Then why does the party think I 'm a traitor ?

  24. 不管我是谁,我不是叛国者。

    Whatever else I am , I 'm not a traitor .

  25. 只有疯子才把实话当作叛国!

    Only a mad man hears the truth as a treason !

  26. 你因为叛国罪被逮捕了。

    You 're under arrest for high treason to the crown .

  27. 你的叛国之罪或许会被赦免。

    Your status as a traitor might improve should you choose .

  28. 他以六项叛国罪被起诉。

    He 's been indicted on six counts of high treason .

  29. 1540年,他又因叛国罪进了监狱。

    By 1540 , he was back in prison for treason .

  30. 我会让你尝试叛国和处决。

    And I 'll have you tried for treason , and executed .