首页 / 词典 / good

  • betray;rebel against
  • 违背自己所属方面的利益投到敌对方面去:背~。~国。~逃。~徒。~逆。~变。


(背叛) betray; rebel against:

  • 反叛

    revolt; rebel;

  • 众叛亲离。

    The masses are in rebellion and one's friends are deserting.

  1. 他在20世纪70年代后期叛出了该党。

    He defected from the party in the late 1970s .

  2. ISIS是正统的穆斯林,因此他们认为其他类型的穆斯林教都是叛教者,包括所有什叶派教徒。

    ISIS are Sunni Muslims and therefore consider all other types of Muslims to be apostate including all Shiites .

  3. 而新闻国际却花了数年时间将克莱夫古德曼(clivegoodman)与穆尔凯尔一同入狱的前记者塑造成唯一的叛节者。

    News International instead spent years portraying Clive Goodman , a former reporter who was jailed with Mr mulcaire , as a lone renegade .

  4. ISIS的最终目的是想侵占伊斯坦布尔和华盛顿(见第9.点),但是他们首先要做的是歼灭叛教者。

    While ISIS wants ultimately to invade Istanbul and Washington DC ( see 9 above ) they want first to eliminate apostasy in their back yard .

  5. ISIS不允许他们的追随者选举投票,因此,任何一个生活在需要投票选举的民主国家的穆斯林教徒都是叛教者,就像为政府卖命的穆斯林教徒(包括所有穆斯林国家的首脑)一样。

    ISIS do not permit their followers to vote in elections - so any Muslim living in any democracy who has voted is apostate as is any Muslim who has run for office ( this includes all Muslim heads of state ) .

  6. 这是一个故事,一片忠诚叛教和迫害。

    It is a story of faithfulness amid apostasy and persecution .

  7. 他一点招呼都不打便叛了国,和敌人进行了联系。

    He had treasonably contacted the enemy without saying a word .

  8. 一叛咎人,再之咎已。

    If someone betrays once , it is his fault ;

  9. 张爱玲小说中的叛父、审父意识

    On The Consciousness of Betraying and Investigating In Zhang Ailing 's Novels

  10. 你所做的,托尼,是可以被叛死刑的。

    What you did , tony , is punishable by the death penalty .

  11. 在那时候,叛教委被处以死刑。

    In those days apostasy was punishable by death .

  12. 这有助于他批叛地看待那个社会。

    This helped him to view that society critically .

  13. 他们不是单纯的知识使自身从叛教和异端。

    They are not being taught to keep themselves pure from apostasy and heresy .

  14. 我叛向苏维埃联盟了。

    I 'm defecting to the Soviet union .

  15. 他专心听了整个审叛的每句话。

    He followed every word of the trial .

  16. 现今,他们要做的不只是对抗异教徒和叛教者。

    They are now required to do more than just fight infidels and apostates .

  17. 叛教来自上帝和他的法律不能成为关键的智慧。

    For apostasy from God and His law cannot be the key to wisdom .

  18. 男人被叛有罪并受到处罚。

    The man was found guilty and fined .

  19. 对他叛教的唯一惩罚。

    His only punishment for his apostasy .

  20. 其余的人很快就会产生叛心。

    The rest will soon breed mutiny .

  21. 他是个叛教的天主教徒。

    He was an apostate catholic .

  22. 原来是她当和尚的叔叔,发现了她叛教的事。

    It is her uncle , the Bonze , who has found out about her conversion .

  23. 如因齐世界违叛了你。

    If the world betrayed you .

  24. 一个不愿奋起力争、叛种族的黑人?加大反兴奋剂的斗争力度

    A racial sellout unwilling to stand up for himself ? Intensification of the fight against doping

  25. 地狱艺术家&凯茜·埃克的叛客小说与恐怖主义创作策略

    Artist of the Hell : Kathy Acker 's " Punk " Fiction and " Terrorist " Strategy

  26. 在幕末激荡的历史时期,许多藩士冒着“叛藩叛国”罪的危险而脱藩。

    In the violent period of Bakumatsu , many samurai ran the risk of treason to quit feudatory .

  27. 后来鲧神话被历史化,鲧也变成了一个叛臣。

    Later the myth of Gun was turned into a history story , and Gun became a treachery .

  28. 我们在街角大声疾呼:如果这是叛国,那就让我们叛个痛快吧。

    If this be treason , we yelled on street corners , let us make the most of it .

  29. 因此,在对译本批叛性的理解之后,文章也会相应的给出自己的见解。

    Therefore , after the critical understanding of those translations , the paper also gives new understanding of its own .

  30. 时间是苛刻的并且这位起来的叛教者学派犹太教有然后障碍他们的份额克服。

    Times were harsh and this rising renegade sect of Judaism had more then their share of obstacles to overcome .