
pàn biàn
  • defect;turn traitor;betray one's country, party, etc;turn renegade;muting
叛变 [pàn biàn]
  • [turn traitor] 背叛自己的阶级或集团而采取敌对行动或投到敌对的一方去

  • 叛变投敌

叛变[pàn biàn]
  1. 正因为他们的动机与立场各有不同,有的在斗争开始时就要动摇叛变的,有的会在中途消极或退出战线的,有的愿意奋斗到底的。

    Precisely because their motives and their standpoints differ , some will vacillate or turn traitor at the very start of the struggle , some will become indifferent or withdraw from the fight midway , and some will determinedly fight to the end .

  2. 到处都是可耻的叛变的气息。

    The stench of treachery hung in the air .

  3. 她否认自己叛变了。

    She denied that she had turned traitor .

  4. 此举被视为是对在本月初一场军营叛变中表现忠心不贰的军队的奖赏。

    This is seen as a reward for the army 's loyalty during a barracks revolt earlier this month .

  5. 叛变的暴徒聚在市立公园的门口。

    The insurgent mob assembled at the gate of the city park .

  6. 叛变的谣言四起

    Rumors of a revolt were afloat .

  7. n.不平者;不满者叛变起于一些向来对政策不满的人。

    malcontent The rebellion was started by some malcontents who had been dissatisfied with the policy .

  8. 叛变的美国情报机构合同工爱德华•斯诺登(EdwardSnowden)让我们得以了解到,Verizon曾做过非常类似的事。

    Thanks to Edward Snowden , the US intelligence contractor gone rogue , we know that Verizon did something quite similar .

  9. 在瑞银(UBS)美国投行部门惨遭一连串叛变之后,瑞银高管向资深银行家们保证,该行将提高薪酬以吸引和留住高级职员。

    UBS executives have reassured senior bankers that it will raise pay to attract and retain top staff after suffering a spate of defections from its US investment bank .

  10. 节点工作期间可能遇到外部恶意攻击或者各种内部错误,造成节点系统的故障或叛变,影响WSN的可用性。

    The node which encounters malicious external attack , internal fault , accidents during the work , may run disorders or be " mutiny ", and affect the availability of the WSN .

  11. 1996年2月发生叛变,至少40人丧命,Conte幸运地生存下来。

    He survived a February 1996 army mutiny protesting pay in which at least 40 people were killed .

  12. 该上尉被控煽动军官叛变。

    The captain was accused of inciting other officers to mutiny .

  13. 他呼吁俄国人民加入叛变。

    He called on the Russian people to join him in revolt .

  14. 你们就别想叛变了。

    You 'll forget the meaning of the word " mutiny " .

  15. 我认为永代的叛变都是因为李冬华。

    I think young-dal went sour because of Lee dong-hwa .

  16. 开普的叛变几乎使他发疯。

    He was almost ecstatically exasperated by Kemp 's treachery .

  17. 有一名叛变者透露了敌方舰队的部署。

    A defector revealed the disposition of the enemy fleet .

  18. 极右派在大选前夕叛变。

    The extreme right wing mutinied just before the election .

  19. “我没事,我没叛变”的暗号是这个

    Our signal for " a-okay , I 'm with you . "

  20. 在询问过程中叛变者供出了两名双重间谍。

    While being debriefed the defector named two double agents .

  21. 我们的一名特工已叛变投敌。

    One of our spies has defected to the enemy .

  22. 以这个名义,他收集了搞叛变和颠覆活动的阴谋计划的情报。

    In this guise he gathered information about mutinous and subversive designs .

  23. 三个水手正在船上煽动叛变。

    Three sailors were fomenting a mutiny on the ship .

  24. 他们用他来审问有嫌疑的叛变特工。

    They used him to interrogate suspected double agents in the company .

  25. 是从“组织”里某个叛变的特工那里

    An agent who 's gone rogue from Division .

  26. 他会号召更多星系叛变。

    Rally more systems to his cause he will .

  27. 向忠发被捕后是否叛变?

    If or not Xiang Zhongfa betrayed after arresting ?

  28. 目前这一时刻对于叛变特别有利。

    The present moment was peculiarly propitious for rebellion .

  29. 我想马上我这里就会有叛变了。

    I 'm looking at a potential mutiny here .

  30. 我们认为他打算加入到在巴德兰兹的叛变者的队伍。

    We think he intends to join the rebels in a badland stronghold .