
  1. 中国外贸依存度研究

    A Research on China 's Degree of Dependence on Foreign Trade

  2. 中国外贸依存度已达到了70%。

    70 % of Chinese GDP depending on foreign trade .

  3. 中国外贸依存度的实证分析(1985年-2004年)

    An Empirical Analysis of China Trade Interdependence ( 1985-2004 );

  4. 对中国外贸依存度的分析与思考

    Thinking on Dependence of China 's International Trade

  5. 中国外贸依存度分析&兼论汇率对外贸依存度的影响

    On the Degree of Dependence on China 's Forign Trade & Under the Influence of Exchange Rate

  6. 对中国外贸依存度的准确把握关系中国经济发展战略和对外贸易政策的制订与实施。

    Accurately grasping the ratio of dependence on China 's foreign trade concerns the formulation and implementation of Chinese economic development strategies and foreign trade policies .

  7. 中国外贸依存度的迅速提高是多种原因共同作用的结果,较高的外贸依存度对中国经济产生了正反两方面的影响。

    Several elements result in rapid increasing of Chinese foreign trade dependence degree , and the high trade dependence degree will influence Chinese economy actively or negatively .

  8. 在1978年,中国外贸依存度仅为4.85%,到了2004年,外贸依存度迅速增长为69.8%。在短短的26年中,外贸依存度增加了13.4倍。

    In 1978 , Chinese degree of dependence upon foreign trade was only 48.5 % , but it has increased to 69.8 % in 2004 . In the short 26 years , the degree of dependence upon foreign trade has increased by 13.4 times .

  9. 如今,中国的外贸依存度达到70%。

    Nowadays , 70 per cent of the Chinese economy is dependent on foreign countries .

  10. 2004年中国名义外贸依存度上升至70%。

    In 2004 , the nominal degree of dependence upon foreign trade of China reached 70 % .

  11. 出口导向战略的实施和与之配套的优惠政策的过度推行导致中国目前的外贸依存度太高,进出口总额占GDP的比率从2002年的42.7%上升到2006年的近70%。

    The heavy dependence upon foreign trade in China is due to the excessive implementation of the strategy of export-oriented and its accompanying policies . The proportion of the total amount of export vs. import in GDP grows from 42.7 percent in 2002 to nearly 70 percent in 2006 .

  12. 研究结果表明:(1)中国当前的外贸依存度并不象一些媒体所称的那样高,但快速增长的趋势需要特别关注;

    Our results show : ( 1 ) the fast growth should be noted much , though China 's trade dependence is not very high up to now ;

  13. 一般情况下在国际会议上关于两个问题中国会被指责:中国经济外贸依存度太大而国内消费微弱;

    Normally at international meetings China is accused of two things : its economy is too dependent on exports , while domestic spending is too feeble ;