
  1. 不过,这些数据受到中国春节日期的影响,这意味着去年1月中国经济运行少了一周时间。

    However , the figures were distorted by the timing of Chinese New Year holidays , which meant the economy operated for one week less last January .

  2. 该人士透露,巴菲特抵达中国的日期很可能在这个月月底,届时他将前往深圳的比亚迪总部,并会参观其他三个城市的比亚迪工厂。

    The source said Buffett is expected to visit BYD 's headquarters in Shenzhen City and factories in three other cities after arrive in China by the end of this Sept.

  3. 随着中国加入WTO日期的逐渐临近,中欧纺织品贸易也面临着众多的机遇与挑战。

    As the coming of the date for China to join WTO , the textile trade of EU-China will face more opportunities and challenges .

  4. 迷你iPad将在11月2日在香港推出,而登陆中国大陆的日期还没有确定。

    The iPad mini will be launched in Hong Kong on November 2 , while no debut date has been set for the Chinese mainland .

  5. 随着中国加入世贸组织日期的临近,中国家具企业将面临严峻的挑战。

    With China 's entry into the WTO at hand China 's furniture enterprises will be faced with grim challenges .

  6. 即将上映的3D动画电影《愤怒的小鸟》近日宣布了其在中国大陆的上映日期。

    Upcoming 3D animation ' The Angry Birds ' has unveiled its release date for the Chinese mainland .

  7. 喜力董事长和首席执行官让-弗朗索瓦范博克斯米尔(JeanvanBoxmeer)表示:“第一季度业绩良好,受到越南和中国新年和复活节日期较早的有力支持。”

    Jean van Boxmeer , chairman and chief executive , said : " This has been a good first quarter supported by a strong Vietnamese and Chinese new year period and the earlier timing of Easter . "

  8. 据中国传统文化,日期是循环的,也就是说,日期的循环是周而复始的。

    In traditional China , dating methods were cyclical means something that is repeated time after time according to a pattern .

  9. 他们计划于4月19日在北京与广大媒体见面,并在该见面会上宣布这部超级英雄电影在中国上映的具体日期。

    They are scheduled to meet with media in Beijing on April 19 and unveil the release date of the superhero movie in China at the conference .

  10. 一家报纸说,附近一家宜家家居商场的逃生出口是观察航母出航的极佳位置,但中国海军对于出航日期保持沉默。

    One newspaper said a fire escape on a nearby IKEA store was a good vantage point , but the Chinese navy kept quiet about when the date would be .

  11. 中国和美国、欧盟的有关WTO的协议签订以后,中国加入WTO的日期也日益临近。

    After the China 's agreement on WTO with America and European Union , the date of China 's entry of WTO is more and more near .