
  • 网络china red data book of endangered animals
  1. 中国濒危动物红皮书将其列为易危种。

    It is listed as a vulnerable species in China Red Data Book of Endangered Animals .

  2. 国家二级保护鸟类有9种,《中国濒危动物红皮书》收录1种。

    There are 9 category ⅱ nationally protected species , 1 species is listed in China red data book of endangered animals .

  3. 结合文献记录,井冈山自然保护区共有蛇类33种,隶属于3科21属,其中有9种被列入《中国濒危动物红皮书》。

    A total of 33 species reptiles were recorded , belonging to three families and twenty-one genuses , among which nine species were listed in 《 China Red Data Book of Endangered Animals 》 .

  4. 国家重点保护野生动物56种,中国濒危动物红皮书物种39种,国际贸易公约濒危野生动物61种。

    56 species of wild animals are listed as the national key protection , 39 species are listed as the China red list of endangered animals , 61 species are ranked as the threatened wildlife by CITES .

  5. 《中国濒危动物红皮书》依据我国动物所面临的濒危现状,对我国濒危动物的濒危等级划分、种群现状、致危因素和保护措施等进行了描述说明,首批收录了535种濒危动物。

    The " China Red Data Book of Endangered Animals " lists 535 endangered species in China according to their conservation status , as well as describing their degree of threat , population size , threatening factors and approaches to conservation .

  6. 根据《中国濒危动物红皮书》,在四川省有分布的珍稀濒危鸟类有60种,隶属于11目19科49属,占全国珍稀濒危鸟类(183种)的32.79%。

    According to China Red Data Book of Endangered Animals , there are 60 rare and endangered bird species in Sichuan Province , which belong to 49 genera , 19 families and 11 orders , accounting for 32.79 % of those of our country ( 183 species ) .

  7. 其中发现广东省翼手类新记录1种贵州菊头蝠,该种又是中国特有种,另一种为中国濒危动物红皮书列入种类扁颅蝠。

    One species of them , Rhinolophus rex , is a new recorded bat in Guangdong , and a Chinese special species too .