
  • 网络The China Review;The China Critic
  1. 在中国评论界,此译本也受到批评家的质疑。

    And the translation was also strongly questioned by the Chinese critics .

  2. 一位中国评论人士表示,欧洲更像是一座过去的建筑,而不是未来的大厦。

    Europe is more of an edifice of the past than the future , said one Chinese commentator .

  3. 一些中国评论人士批评了这种专注过去的所谓“国学热。”

    Some Chinese commentators have criticized this focus on the past , known as " national studies fever . "

  4. 一些中国评论人士认为,反对外国投资是经济成熟的迹象,但这是短视的观点。

    Some Chinese commentators argue opposition to foreign investment is a sign of economic maturity but this is short sighted .

  5. 一些中国评论人士批评了这种专注过去的所谓“国学热。”但是贝尔认为,一些传统的东西可以和现代中国构建和谐社会的目标较好地结合起来。

    Some Chinese commentators have criticized this focus on the past , known as " national studies fever . " But Bell says parts of the tradition mesh well with the modern Chinese goal of building a harmonious society .

  6. 然而,英国风能协会(britishwindenergyassociation)经济和市场部门负责人戈登艾吉博士(dr.gordonedge)称,该报告对英国不公平:“我认为,该报告对中国的评论比英国多。”

    However , Dr Gordon edge , director of economics and markets at the British Wind Energy Association , said the report was unfair on the UK : " I think this report says more about China than it does about the UK . "

  7. 早期请求中国团队评论的电子邮件也没有回复。

    Initial email requests for comment by the Chinese team were not returned .

  8. 千呼万唤始出来&中国音乐评论协会学术研讨会述评

    Just Arrived after Urged Repeatedly - Commentary of Chinese Musical Critic Association Symposium

  9. 学术争鸣百花齐放&2009中国音乐评论高层论坛会议述评

    A Conference Review on the High-level Forum of Chinese Musical Commentary in 2009

  10. 《中国经济评论》:是否还有其他的计算房价增长的方法?

    《 China Economic Review 》: Are there any other alternatives to price growth calculation ?

  11. 对于中国文学评论界来说,认识和借鉴海外汉学研究成果,可以使我们在异质文化的启发下形成新的视点,以便发现新的研究空间。

    For Chinese literature critics , learn from Sinology can make us form new research perspectives and new spaces for research .

  12. 《中国经济评论》:除了由于中国不同地域房价差异巨大外,还有其他数据收集上的困难么?

    《 China Economic Review 》: Apart from the size of the mainland property market , what are the other problems with collecting correct data ?

  13. 近几周来,中国各类评论人士均对房地产泡沫表示了担忧,其中包括几位知名的房地产开发商。

    Concerns over property bubbles have been voiced by a wide range of commentators in China in recent weeks , including prominent real estate developers .

  14. 凤凰卫视旗下的《时事开讲》栏目开播至今,已经走过十余年了,它开创了中国新闻评论类电视谈话节目的先河。

    In this paper the author will take the first talk show program on news analysis " current events analysis " as the case for analysis .

  15. 面对这些可喜变化的同时,我们也不能忽视中国建筑评论在理论和哲学思维上的先天不足,以及现代建筑市场和建筑教育中过于功利的思想状态。

    We must pay attention to the lack of theory direction and weakness on thinking philosophy , and the utility in the architectural market and education .

  16. 这条微博瞬间引发数万中国网友评论,不少篮球迷试图跟科比解释这个流行语的含义。

    The post immediately drew tens of thousands of comments from Chinese Web users , with some basketball fans trying to explain the catchphrase to the NBA star 。

  17. 揭示其评论对中国新闻评论发展的意义和给当今评论界带来的借鉴与启示。

    The dissertation reveals the significance of his comments to the development of the comment in China , and shows the reference and inspiration effect on the contemporary reviews .

  18. 春晚浓重的意识形态信息及对军队的公开赞颂致使一些中国人评论称,今年的节目甚至比往常更具宣传意味。

    The gala 's heavy ideological messaging and overt glorification of the military led some Chinese to remark that this year 's offering was even more propagandistic than usual .

  19. 中国建筑评论的发展,总是伴随着焦点事件而进入人们的视线,这和中国大规模的建筑活动的神经是紧密相连的。

    With a series of focus affairs taking place on architectural field in China , the Chinese architectural criticism comes into being , and it has a tight relationship with the practice of architectural creation .

  20. 但在广电总局下达禁令之前,节目中很多的问题都围绕着男士的财富状况以及家庭背景,嘉宾们也因此被中国媒体评论人以及网民们冠以拜金主义者的称号。

    However , as many questions before the SARFT ban were about a man ` s wealth and family background , contestants have been regularly dubbed " materialist gold diggers " by Chinese media commentators and netizens .

  21. 最后,介绍了《中国公共行政评论》(CPAR)及其投稿要求。

    Last , this article introduces CHINESE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REVIEW and its requirements for submission .

  22. 象喻:中国传统诗歌评论的利器

    Vivid Figuration : a Sharp Sword Used in Poetry Criticism of China

  23. 建立中国园林景观评论学的构想

    On Establishing Criticism Course for Chinese Landscape Architecture

  24. 中国网友的评论从调侃到关于一些议题的严肃讨论,包罗万象。

    Chinese comments on his page range from joking expressions to seemingly serious discussions on certain topics .

  25. 面对中国,西方评论界与华尔街相差不大,总是倾向于在恐惧与贪婪这两个极端之间摇摆。

    Not unlike Wall Street , Western commentary on China tends to oscillate between extremes of fear and greed .

  26. 另一位中国内部人士评论说,我认为80%的数字没有夸大。

    I don 't think that the 80 per cent figure is overstated , " another Chinese insider commented .

  27. 中国当代建筑评论的开展及传播研究查尔斯·詹克斯的宇源建筑理论评析

    Research on the Practice and Communication of Contemporary Architecture Criticism in China ; Comments on the Theory of Cosmogenic Architecture by Charles Jencks

  28. 博学不过是将许多学问或事实填塞进去,而鉴别力则是美术的判别问题,中国人于评论一个文人时,必拿他的学行和识见分开来讲。

    In speaking of a scholar , the Chinese generally distinguish between a man 's scholarship , conduct , and taste or discernment .

  29. 而要解决这些问题,关键的一点是中国新闻奖评论类奖项的评选要做到与时俱进。

    To solve these problems , the key point is the Chinese news prize commentary class award item evaluation must achieve keeps pace with the times .

  30. 中国园林景观评论学研究的是在中国文化及其时代背景之下的园林景观评论理论,对中国园林景观设计的思维方式、评判标准等提供理论指导。

    Chinese gardening landscape reviewing researches into the theories of gardening landscape reviews of China and provides the direction for thinking way and criterion of gardening landscape .