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  1. 第三章论述了《盐铁论》中御史大夫和文学贤良的经济伦理思想的得失,以及这两种经济伦理思想对两汉和整个传统社会的历史影响。

    The chapter three discusses the pros and cons of economy ethics from the two seconds above and their influences on history at that tine and the following traditional society .

  2. 第三章分析中年写作观念,认为此观念的精神支柱,外表上是罗兰·巴尔特有关秋天状态的后现代式隐喻,内核则是在文化传统濡染中形成的士大夫情结&怀旧。

    Barthes ' postmodern metaphor of autumnal state , whereas it is essentially a kind of nostalgic complex of scholar-bureaucrats that comes into being from their long immersion in traditional culture .

  3. 名士和隐士之啸享誉一时,啸成为社会时尚,普遍地参与到社会文化、名士风度和魏晋精神文化的建构中,士大夫把魏晋之啸推向历史的高峰。

    Then prominent celebrities and hermits were famed for xiao and made it a social fashion and engage in the establishment of social culture , noble bearing and Wei-Jin spiritual culture . The officials and noblemen made xiao reach its historical peak .

  4. 东汉中后期士大夫对皇权的制衡,对当时政治产生了重要影响,同时也从一个侧面反映了东汉后期的政治特征以及士大夫阶层在形成和发展前期的一些特点。

    Such a phenomenon had great influence on the political situation at that time and reflected the political characteristics of the late years of the Eastern Han Dynasty and some features of the early period of the formation and development of literati and officialdom stratum .

  5. 治疗过程中,病人和大夫配合得很好。

    The patient cooperated very well with the doctors during the treatment .

  6. 民本主义思想是中国历史重要的文化和精神遗产,是几千年封建社会中君主和士大夫阶层的统治之道。

    Populism is a important cultural heritage in the Chinese history , the way in which emperors and scholar-officials ruled over the country in the past thousands of years .

  7. 在儒学与皇权政治的结合过程中,两汉士大夫在政治取向、学术风格等方面都分别呈现出明显的共性和个性。

    In the process of Confucianism combining with politics of imperial authority , the scholar-bureaucrat in two Han Dynasties show a clear common and individual personality in political orientation , academic style , and other aspects .

  8. 把于荫霖与同时代背景中的其他重要人物倭仁、徐桐,张之洞相比较,通过他们的异同来说明在社会转型中,士大夫的变与不变。

    Other VIP 's Wo benevolence , Xu Tong in shady continuous heavy rain and contemporary background , the hole of one is compared with , prove in the society make the transition through their similarities and differences , the becoming and not changing of court official .