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huí shī
  • return in triumph;order the troop back tossing back
回师 [huí shī]
  • [order the troop back toswing back] 军队返回;班师

  • 回师歼灭南逃之敌

  • 得胜回师

回师[huí shī]
  1. 出敌不意,红军回师遵义。

    The Red Army swung back to zunyi ; taking the enemy by surprise .

  2. 魏军不得不回师救梁。

    The Wei forces had to withdraw to defend their capital .

  3. 欢迎你这么做,安伯大人.等我收拾完兰尼斯特家我会立刻回师北上,

    You are welcome to do so , Lord Umber . And when I am done with the Lannisters I will march back North ,

  4. 东北野战军在攻占锦州后,就立即向东北方面回师,从黑山、大虎山南北两翼合围廖耀湘兵团。

    After taking Chinchow , the People 's Liberation Army immediately swung back to the northeast and closed in on Liao 's army from the north and south of Heishan and Tahushan .

  5. 在“支”形地域上,敌人虽然以利相诱,我们也不要出击,而应该率军假装退却,诱使敌人出击一半时再回师反击,这样就有利。

    In a position of this sort , even though the enemy should offer us an attractive bait , it will be advisable not to stir forth , but rather to retreat , thus enticing the enemy in his turn ; then , when part of his army has come out , we may deliver our attack with advantage .