
huí bào lǜ
  • rate of return
  1. 财务(Finance)关注成本驱动、合同管理、价值链的费用、回报率、维护费用。

    Finance looks at cost drivers , contract management , cost of the value chain , rate of return , and costs of maintenance .

  2. ROI计算对在一项或多项资产中进行投资的建议决策的回报率进行度量。

    ROI calculations measure the rate of return on your proposed decision to make an investment in one or more assets .

  3. 需要时日投资者才能最终得到较高的回报率。

    It will take time for the higher rates to feed through to investors .

  4. 这些投资可能会有很高的回报率。

    High rates of return can be earned on these investments .

  5. 投资组合性能评价(PerformanceEvaluationofPortfolio)的关键是对投资组合的期望回报率以及风险进行准确的评价与分析。

    Exactly evaluating and analyzing the expected return and risk is the key of performance evaluation of portfolio .

  6. 据对冲基金研究公司(hedgefundresearch)的初步月末数据显示,8月份对冲基金平均回报率为0.17%。

    The average hedge fund returned 0.17 per cent in August , according to preliminary month-end numbers from hedge fund research .

  7. 如果Facebook要给出这样的回报率,需要实现怎样的净利润和营收?

    What earnings and revenues does Facebook need to produce those 10 % returns ?

  8. 文章从利润率和资金周转率两个方面解释了RFID对资金回报率的影响。

    So in this essay , RFID 's impactions on profit and return on investment are discussed .

  9. 自2000年以来,中国内地IPO始终保持着高水平的单日平均回报率。

    Since the start of the decade , Chinese IPOs have consistently produced high average one-day returns .

  10. 但CTA旨在实现两位数的回报率,因此必须瞄准更高的风险水平。

    But CTAs are shooting for double-digit returns and must target a higher level of risk .

  11. 运用EVA提升企业价值的基本方式应以投资资本回报率及增长率而定。

    The basic measures to increase enterprises ' value through using EVA should be defined by the return ratio of the investment .

  12. 传统的做法是将地方政府债券收益率当作无风险回报率,其beta值为零。

    The convention is to use the yield on local government debt as the risk-free rate , which has a beta of zero .

  13. 这使得提高利润率成为银行业提高股本回报率(ROE)的主要机会。

    That leaves better margins as banks ' main chance of raising return on equity .

  14. 传统的IT需要通过提前计算好投资回报率(ROI)的分析来决定投资和部署什么。

    Traditional IT requires upfront return on investment ( ROI ) analysis to decide what to invest in and deploy .

  15. “项目的末尾”的确是这个解决方案预期生命的最后阶段,r代表贴现率,或者这个项目的要求回报率。

    Where the " end of the project " is really the lifespan of the solution and r is the discount rate , or required rate of return , of the project .

  16. 取得正的投资回报率(ROE)很重要,尽管这并非唯一考量。

    Positive return on investment ( ROI ) is important , though not the only consideration .

  17. ACE是一项回报率巨大的风险投资,希斯考克把这场晨会称为ACE的“诺曼底之日”。

    In theory the ACE was still a venture of immense national importance , and Hiscocks had called this its ' D-Day ' .

  18. 研究发现,中国股市过度超额初始回报率的本质是对二级市场的高估,它与国外的IPO价值低估有着本质区别。

    It turns out that the overpricing of secondary market is strongly associated with the excess initial return , which is different from the Western countries essentially .

  19. 一个J曲线动力学模型每个投资者都拥有一条无差异曲线来表示他对于预期回报率和标准差的偏好。

    A DYNAMIC MODEL THAT CAN SHOW " J " EFFECT Every investor has a family of indifference curves to represent his preferences for risk and return .

  20. 对于那些想把Facebook加为好友的人,有一个好消息:剔除营业收入低于5000万美元的IPO公司,新上市公司的回报率与同等规模的现有上市公司相当。

    There is some good news for those who want to friend Facebook : exclude IPOs with turnover below $ 50m and new flotations pace similarly-sized existing listings .

  21. 麦格理分析师rachelli表示,中国内地最大券商中信证券(citicsecurities)今年上半年的股本回报率仅为5.3%。

    CITIC Securities , the largest mainland broker , reported first-half return on equity of only 5.3 per cent , according to Rachel Li , a Macquarie analyst .

  22. 如果摩根大通10年前取得如此惨淡的回报率,投资者会狠狠抨击该银行的首席执行官杰米戴蒙(JamieDimon)。

    A decade ago , investors would have slammed JPM 's chief executive Jamie Dimon for such a dismal return .

  23. 有人认为,股市正重返繁荣时期,他们或许应该考虑一下股本回报率(ROE)。

    Those who think equity markets are heading back to the glory days might want to ponder returns on equity .

  24. 同时,其中10家公司的资产收益率(ROA)上升,另5家公司资产回报率下降。

    The return on assets rose for 10 companies but fell for five others .

  25. 莫德里克曾购买美国中小企业商贷机构CIT大笔债务,后来CIT走出了破产保护申请(Chapter11)的阴影,为该基金带来200%的回报率。

    Mudrick bought a large stake in cit ( CIT ) debt , which rallied from Chapter 11 and generated a 200 % return for the fund .

  26. 所用的数据挖掘软件在一定程度上是基于SEC开发的一种模型,该模型用于筛查对冲基金回报率,以探测马多夫(Madoff)式欺诈的迹象。

    The data mining software is partly based on a model the SEC developed to trawl through hedge fund returns for signs of Madoff-style chicanery .

  27. 因此,如何在风险分担的基础上确保回购基价调整的准确性以及合理的投资回报率是BT项目顺利进行的关键问题。

    Therefore , how to ensure the accuracy of the buyback base price on risk-sharing basis and a reasonable return on investment is the key to success of BT project issues .

  28. 允许渐进式实现和资产迁移&这将支持开发这种体系结构的一个最关键的方面:获得更大的投资回报率(ROI)的能力。

    Allow for incremental implementations and migration of assets-this will enable one of the most critical aspects of developing the architecture : the ability to produce incremental ROI .

  29. 非盈利性组织Catalyst去年对财富500强(Fortune500)企业所做的研究显示,董事会中拥有三名或者更多的女性,其股东权益回报率、利润率以及投资资本回报率极有可能高于平均水平。

    A study of the US Fortune 500 last year by Catalyst , the non-profit group , suggests that having three or more women on the board correlates strongly with above - average return on shareholder equity , sales and invested capital .

  30. 排序和选择项目的过程应该根据组织的财政目标,比如收益率、投资回报率(ROI),预算成本以及税收增长。

    The process for prioritizing and selecting projects should go beyond financial objectives , such as profitability , return on investment ( ROI ), budgeted costs , and revenue growth .