
zhōnɡ yānɡ diàn shì tái
  • CCTV;China Central Television;China Television Co., Ltd.
  1. 在灾难报道中彰显人文关怀&中央电视台汶川地震报道解析

    Disaster reports demonstrating Humane Care & " Reports of Wenchuan Earthquake " China Central Television

  2. 中央电视台知名主持人白岩松也为运动员辩护,同时对赛制提出批评。

    Bai Yansong , a prominent news anchor on state-run China Central Television , also defended the athletes while criticizing the system . '

  3. 莱辛科对中央电视台相当熟悉。他在那儿工作了25年。

    Lesinko is quite familiar with Central Television . He worked there for 25 years

  4. 朝鲜中央电视台报道,该国已于周三清晨成功试射一枚最新研发的洲际弹道导弹。

    The Democratic People 's Republic of Korea ( DPRK ) successfully test fired a newly developed Intercontinental Ballistic Missile early Wednesday morning , the country 's Korean Central Television reported .

  5. 本土品牌VS国际品牌博弈中央电视台

    Native Brand VS International B (?) d Struggle in CCTV

  6. 中央电视台(CCTV)新主楼的结构设计及关键技术

    Key Techniques for Structural Design of the New CCTV Tower of China Central Television

  7. 去年,中央电视台年度3.15晚会曾把苹果公司(Apple)作为攻击目标,指控这家美国公司为中国消费者提供的质保服务不及其在国际上提供的质保服务。

    This annual CCTV programme last March targeted Apple , accusing the US company of offering Chinese consumers warranties that were not comparable to those available internationally .

  8. 国有电视台中央电视台(CCTV)说,爆炸影响面积达17000平方米。

    China Central Television , the government broadcaster , said the blast affected an area of 17,000 square meters .

  9. 垄断nba赛事国内转播权的中央电视台并没有受到“林来疯”感染。

    China Central Television ( CCTV ) , the national monopoly that broadcasts NBA games , has not joined in linsanity .

  10. 加拿大驻重庆领事馆作为支持单位之一参与云南团省委和中央电视台组织的CCTV英语演讲比赛。

    Canadian Consulate in Chongqing supported CCTV English Speaking Competition organized by Yunnan Youth League Committee and China Central Television Station .

  11. 至少在周三晚间中国中央电视台(ChinaCentralTelevision)播放的采访视频中,地产大亨、微博名人潘石屹在回答问题时就显得有些费力。

    Evidence of just how jittery at least one of them is arrived on Wednesday night , when state-run China Central Television broadcast footage of real estate mogul and microblogging megastar Pan Shiyi struggling to answers questions in an interview .

  12. Hukou(户口)的中文意思是户籍登记,该词已被新华社和中国中央电视台所广泛采用。

    Hukou means household registration in Chinese and has been widely used by Xinhua news agency and China Central Television .

  13. 中国中央电视台(CCTV)又一次将进口汽车定价问题置于显微镜下,但至少有一家外资汽车生产商为自己的定价策略辩护。

    China Central Television is once again putting the cost of imported cars under a microscope , but at least one brand is standing by its pricing .

  14. 在中国中央电视台(CCTV)播出的一段视频中,人们可以看到木板内饰的法庭,墙壁是深褐色的,木椅是深色的,天花板很高。

    A short video by CCTV , the main state broadcaster , showed a wood-panelled courtroom with dark brown walls , dark wooden seats and very high ceilings .

  15. 但是,官方的中国中央电视台(CCTV)指控星巴克在华暴利坑人,咖啡价格比美国高出大约三分之一。

    But China Central Television , the official state broadcaster , has accused it of swindling consumers by charging about a third more than it does in the US .

  16. 中国官方媒体对苹果的攻击始于今年3月中旬。当时,中国中央电视台(CCTV)的一档黄金新闻节目指责苹果的售后服务政策歧视中国顾客。

    The Chinese media attacks began in mid-March , when a flagship news show on China Central Television accused Apple of discriminating against Chinese customers with its after-sales service .

  17. 中国中央电视台(cctv)现场直播了那场赛事,在加拿大主导的冰壶界,这也激起了一些人对于中国冰壶运动市场潜力的念想。

    The event was shown live on Chinese Central Television , sparking dreams among some in the canada-dominated curling community about the potential of the China market for the sport .

  18. 从中央电视台获得第一张ISO质量管理体系标准认证证书以来,山西电视台、厦门电视台、黑龙江电视台等各个电视台都在开始尝试将质量管理体系纳入电视媒介管理之中。

    Since CCTV got the fist certification of ISO quality management systems , many TV station such as Shanxi , Xiamen , Heilongjiang TV station are trying to add quality management systems to media management .

  19. 但是面对中央电视台一位记者有关微博有影响力用户(又称“大V”用户,字母“V”代表其账户已经过实名认证)社会职责的提问时,潘石屹突然出现口吃。

    Facing a CCTV reporter 's question about the social responsibilities of influential Weibo users - known as ' Big V 's ' because a letter ' v ' marks their accounts as verified -- Mr. Pan developed a sudden stutter .

  20. 虽然这起致命道路交通事故发生在今年1月,但特斯拉一直没有发布声明——直到中国官方的中央电视台(CCTV)上周三的一则报道令人关注这起司法案件。

    Though the fatal crash occurred in January , Tesla did not release a statement until a report from China 's official state broadcaster CCTV last Wednesday cast a spotlight on the court case .

  21. 中国媒体在报道消费品问题上也越来越大胆:国有电视网络中国中央电视台(cctv)最受欢迎的新闻节目,是调查消费品丑闻的《每周质量报告》。

    Chinese media are increasingly aggressive in covering consumer product issues : the most popular news programme on CCTV , the state-run television network , is quality report , a weekly investigation of consumer scandals .

  22. 根据中国媒体的连续报道,去年12月,学生们就抱怨出现皮炎、鼻子出血等身体不适症状,空气中也有异味,连国有的中央电视台(CCTV)也在上周末对此作出报道。

    By December , students were complaining of rashes , nosebleeds and strange smells , according to a series of reports in Chinese media , culminating with a report by state-owned broadcaster CCTV this weekend .

  23. 根据2017年中国中央电视台的报道,J-20能够装载多种型号的空对空导弹。

    According to a 2017 report from China Central Television Station , the J-20 is capable of carrying multiple types of air-to-air missiles .

  24. 中央电视台记者MattStuttard让我们更关注中国中部湖北省所面临的问题,还有当地居民如何对待这个问题。

    CCTV reporter Matt Stuttard brings us more on the problems faced by central China 's Hubei Province-and how residents there are coping .

  25. 对于同样的开幕式场景及其文化展示,中国中央电视台与美国NBC电视台的开幕式解说词的语言风格却截然不同。

    However , to the same scenes and culture show , the language styles of commentaries of China Central Television ( CCTV ) and National Broadcasting Company ( NBC ) were totally different .

  26. 在距离大约一个街区不到点的地方,是中央电视台(cctv)总部和马来西亚华裔大亨郭鹤年的嘉里集团(kerrygroup)旗下房产分公司建造的北京最高楼。

    Just about a block apart are the new headquarters for Chinese state television ( CCTV ) and the tallest building in Beijing , being built by the property arm of the Kerry Group , headed by the Chinese-Malaysian tycoon , Robert Kuok .

  27. 李青在中国中央电视台(CCTV)的新闻节目中称:在互联网接入这个市场上,中国电信和中国联通合在一起占有三分之二以上的市场份额。

    In the market for internet access , China Telecom and China Unicom combined account for more than two-thirds of the market , Ms Li said on a news programme on China Central Television , the national broadcaster .

  28. 中央电视台(cctv)在播出的节目中表示,为了保证乳制品的安全,有关部门已将问题奶粉下架、封存、召回、销毁。

    " In order to ensure the safety of the milk products , the relevant government departments have pulled them from shelves , sealed them , recalled them and destroyed them , " CCTV said in its broadcast .

  29. 回首这十年来的历程,中央电视台科教频道(CCTV-10)忍受过寂寞,也经历过辉煌。

    Looking back on the course of this decade , CCTV-10 endured loneliness , but also experienced brilliant .

  30. 当前我国电视公益广告状况分析&以中央电视台综合频道(CCTV-1)为例

    An analysis of the current public advertisements in China with the Comprehensive Channel of CCTV as a case study