
  • 网络chinese style furniture;chinese furniture
  1. 明式家具装饰图案对现代中式家具设计的启示

    Enlightenment of Ming-Style Furniture Decoration Patterns on Modern Chinese Style Furniture Design

  2. 现代中式家具的创新研发工作是我国家具业健康可持续发展的重要现实课题。

    Modern Chinese style furniture research and development is important for sustainable development of Chinese furniture industry , which is growing fast .

  3. 现代中式家具的开发研究

    Research for development of the modern Chinese - style furniture

  4. 温莎椅对新中式家具设计创新的启示温莎耐洗光亮棉衣料

    Inspiration of the Windsor Chair for Innovation on New Chinese Furniture Design

  5. 论类型学方法在新中式家具设计中的运用

    Application of Typology Method in New Chinese Style Furniture Design

  6. 中式家具在现代室内设计中的时尚混搭

    Chinese-style Furniture Mix and Match in Modern Interior Design

  7. 中式家具装饰图案与造型数据库的创建与应用

    The Design and Application of Chinese Style Furniture Ornament and Structure 's Database

  8. 新中式家具的要义探讨

    The Exploration of the Meaning of New Chinese Furniture

  9. 现代中式家具的开发是一个系统而长期的工程,它需要方方面面的共同努力,本文从如何提高认识,转变消费观念;

    Developing modern Chinese-style furniture is a systematical project .

  10. 传承与创新&浅析现代中式家具中陶瓷的运用

    Inheritance and Innovation , Analysis of Modern Chinese-Style Furniture in the Use of Ceramic

  11. 新中式家具创新设计方法

    Methods of New Chinese-style Furniture Design Innovation

  12. 浅谈现代中式家具装饰

    Discussion of Modern Chinese Style Furniture Decoration

  13. 现代中式家具发展态势探讨

    Development Trend of Modern Chinese-Style Furniture

  14. 传统中式家具中的人文主义精神

    Cultural Spirit of Traditional Chinese Furniture

  15. 特别指出了现代中式家具在消费与开发观念方面存在的误区;

    It stresses that there are some improper ideas in the consuming and developing the product .

  16. 喜欢中式家具的人不少,而能像陆岩这样将中式理念与现代家居结合得如此妥帖甚至顽皮的人却并不多。

    Keen on traditional Chinese furniture , he perfectly combines the classical Chinese style with modern furniture .

  17. 其次,大量详实的资料数据结合便捷的数据库管理技术为中式家具研究提供新的思路和方法。

    Second , detailed data connect with convenient database management system provide a new method to furniture study .

  18. 有助于顺应设计潮流,开发设计新品,也希望为现代中式家具的开发与研制提供些许启示。

    It is benefit to develop new design product and provide revelations for modern furniture with Chinese style .

  19. 榆木是现时制造中式家具的热门材料,因其木身够笔直,木轮亦漂亮。

    Perfectly straight and having beautiful grain , elm wood is widely used in the production of Chinese furniture nowadays .

  20. 其目的是为了更好的将这些中国元素及其所代表的语义信息应用到新中式家具的创新设计中。

    The objective was to apply these Chinese elements during the innovation design of new Chinese style furniture . 3 .

  21. 由于该数据库的建立是中式家具研究的基础和实现其现代化的突破口,应用前景十分广阔。

    Because the Chinese style furniture database is the first step of classical Chinese furniture study and realize the modernization of furniture .

  22. 传统家具的造型元素、设计符号、结构设计等是现代中式家具创新设计的基础与灵感来源。

    Its modeling elements , design symbols and structural design mark the basis and inspiration source of creative design in modern furniture .

  23. 中式家具与餐厅里引入了西式格调的明朗简洁,更显的妩媚可人。

    What western-style style introduced in Chinese style furniture and dining-room is Anacreontic and concise , more the charm that show but person .

  24. 研究它,具有深刻借鉴意义,这对于发展现代中式家具有着重要的应用前景。

    It has the profound significance by researching on it , which has important application prospect for the development of modern Chinese style furniture .

  25. 最近,我外出搜寻价格合理的中式家具,正好路过一些出售饰品的小店。

    On a recent trip for reasonably priced Chinese furniture , I had to pass by some small stalls selling trinkets and small ornaments .

  26. 4卧室窗边的景色依然不错,中式家具摆设让人感受到一份传统的漂亮。

    The scenery of edge of4 bedrooms window still pretty good , decoration of Chinese style furniture lets a person experience a traditional fairness .

  27. 除了入榫外,制作这组书架亦运用了传统中式家具的塑色工序。

    Besides the tenon craftsmanship , these bookcases have also gone through the process of " staining " in the production of traditional Chinese furniture .

  28. 新中式家具的功能设计创新应体现现代人生活方式的使用功能,将人体工学等现代研究成果应用于设计。

    New feature of Chinese furniture design innovation should reflect the modern lifestyle of the use function , the ergonomic design of modern research results .

  29. 新中式家具逐渐成为家具业关注的焦点,其创新与设计研究也成为一个重要的研究课题。

    New Chinese Furniture is gradually becoming the focus of the furniture industry , and its innovation and design is also becoming an important subject of research .

  30. 最后对整个研究做出总结,对中式家具雕刻装饰图案的未来发展进行了展望。

    Finally , it summarized the whole research , and carried on an outlook the future development of the future of decorates pattern to Chinese furniture carvings .