
zhōnɡ jiān pài
  • middle elements;middle-of-the-roaders
  • middle;middle-of-the-roader
中间派 [zhōng jiān pài]
  • (1) [middle]∶动摇于两种对立势力之间的派别

  • (2) [middle-of-the-roader]∶走中间道路的人,采取或提倡介乎两个极端之间的行动路线的人

  1. 中间派反对扣帽子是真实的。

    The middle elements are sincere in their opposition to labelling .

  2. 右派一捣乱,中间派就搞糊涂了。

    Once the Rightists went at it , the middle elements got confused .

  3. 这些人中,有两位是左派,有两位是中间派。

    Two of the men were leftists and two were centrists .

  4. 他所传达的信息针对的是以色列政局中尚未表态的中间派。

    His message was aimed at the undecided middle ground of Israeli politics

  5. 我相信在即将来临的选举中,他最有可能重新争取到中间派的选票。

    I believe that he would be the best possibility to recapture the centre vote in the forthcoming election .

  6. 奥巴马生性务实,但与1994年遭遇类似挫败的比尔克林顿(billclinton)不同,奥巴马并非天生的中间派。

    Mr Obama has a pragmatic streak , but unlike Bill Clinton , who faced a similar setback in 1994 , he is no instinctive centrist .

  7. 该研究的结果由汉密尔顿项目(HamiltonProject)发布,这是一个中间派的研究小组,由华尔街资助,致力于针对美国的种种难题,寻找能够同时团结左右两派的第三类途径对策。

    It is published by the Hamilton Project , a centrist research group operating with Wall Street funding and seeking to find third-way-style solutions to America 's problems that can unite left and right .

  8. 或者看看中间派领袖白鲁(FrançoisBayrou)的看法,他出版了一本尖刻的名为《权力的滥用》的书,开始了竞选运动。

    Or take Fran ç ois Bayrou , a centrist leader , who kicked off his campaign by publishing a vitriolic book entitled " Abuse of Power " .

  9. 另一种貌似更有道理的观点是,奥巴马在外交政策方面实际上是一个现实主义者,他的观点与布伦特斯考克罗夫特(BrentScowcroft)和科林鲍威尔(ColinPowell)等共和党中间派非常相似。

    A more plausible view is that Mr Obama is , in fact , a foreign policy realist whose views are rather similar to those of Republican centrists such as Brent Scowcroft and Colin Powell .

  10. 不过让这一理论变得复杂的是,ump令人不安地混合了各种政治传统戴高乐主义者、中间派人士、自由派和一股更为强硬、更加民粹化的右翼。

    But this theory is complicated by the fact that the UMP is an uneasy mix of political traditions Gaullist , centrist , liberal and a harder , more populist right wing .

  11. 这告诉我们,卡梅伦是一位继承哈罗德麦克米伦(HaroldMacMillan)之中间派衣钵的保守党人,而不是像玛格丽特撒切尔(MargaretThatcher)那样的激进分子。一位同事称他在大多数事情上都持温和意见。

    What this tells us about Mr Cameron is that he is a Conservative in the centrist tradition of Harold MacMillan rather than a radical such as Margaret Thatcher . A moderate in most things is how one colleague describes him .

  12. 接替她的临时总统、中间派的米歇尔.特梅尔(MichelTemer)迅速对空难受害者表示哀悼。在这次空难中,失事飞机是由玻利维亚包机航空公司Lamia运营的英国宇航146型(BAe146)支线客机,飞机坠落在了一片多山地带。

    Her replacement as president , the centrist Michel Temer , rushed to give his condolences to the victims of the crash , in which a British Aerospace 146 short-haul aircraft , operated by Lamia , a Bolivian charter airline , came down in mountainous terrain .

  13. 财政刺激方案也是一种中间派举措。

    The fiscal stimulus , too , was a centrist initiative .

  14. 这也是一些中间派希望票数接近的原因。

    That is why some neutrals hoped for a close result .

  15. 中间派政党希望能在下次大选中获胜。

    The centre parties are hoping to win the next election .

  16. 马克龙是中间派候选人,他是社会自由派。

    Macron is a centrist candidate who 's socially liberal .

  17. 右翼代表内塔尼亚胡和中间派代表甘茨于上个月签署了一项联合协议。

    Right-wing Netanyahu and centrist Gantz signed the unity deal last month .

  18. 他表示将自行建立一个新的中间派。

    He said he would leave to form a new centrist movement .

  19. 同样感觉被背叛的中间派关注并等待着11月的到来。

    The centre watches , also feeling betrayed , and waits for November .

  20. 他既不是鸽派,也不是鹰派,而是中间派。

    He is neither a dove nor a hawk , but betwixt and between .

  21. 拍提也这么想的,但是他是中间派,给两边干活。

    Patti thought so too , but he played both sides against the middle .

  22. 因为中间派也批评我们,但他们是好心的批评。

    For these middle elements also criticized us , but their criticisms were well-intentioned .

  23. 中间派憎恶这种乱糟糟的局面。

    The centre hates that kind of foul-up .

  24. 华府的专家学者认为,戈尔和小布什都是中间派,无论谁执政,出台的方针政策都会差不多。

    Beltway pundits believed Al Gore and George W.Bush were centrists who would govern similarly .

  25. 有社会上的左派、中间派和右派。

    And outside the Party , by the Left , the middle and the Right .

  26. 右派看见中间派批评我们,就来捣乱了。

    When the Rightists saw them criticizing us , they came out and made trouble .

  27. 她把自己重塑成一个完美的中间派议员,总是附议那些著名保守派人士的议案。

    She has remodelled herself as an impeccably centrist senator , co-sponsoring bills with prominent conservatives .

  28. 中间派,也就是生活富足的人永远占多数。

    There will be a permanent majority of the Centre , of people leading prosperous lives .

  29. 卡普里莱斯在中间派第一正义党内处于主要领导地位。

    Mr Capriles , of the centrist Justice First party , now leads the primary field .

  30. 要把中间派一步一步地争取过来,这样,我们就占优势了。

    Win over the middle section step by step and we will get the upper hand .