
zhōnɡ děnɡ shī fàn xué xiào
  • secondary normal school
  1. 中等师范学校大专生人际关系状况的调查

    A Survey on the Human Relationships among the Students of Secondary Normal School

  2. 转型期中等师范学校学生心理健康状况及对策

    The Students ' Psychological Health Condition and the Solution in the Secondary Normal School under the Changing-Type Time

  3. 中等师范学校师生关系的研究

    Study on Relationship between Students and Teachers of Middle Normal School

  4. 升格后山西中等师范学校发展问题研究

    Research on Development of Upgraded Normal School of Shan Xi Province

  5. 课前说话是中等师范学校口语训练的一种方式。

    Pre-class talk is a manner of spoken Chinese-training in Normal School .

  6. 浅议中等师范学校图书馆的读者服务工作

    On Secondary Normal School Library 's Service for Readers

  7. 中等师范学校教育结构调整对策研究

    The Strategy Research on the Structure of Education Adapt in Normal School in China

  8. 研究结论:①转型期中等师范学校教师的心理健康水平不高。

    Normal School during the transition , such as the psychological health of teachers is not high .

  9. 从一所中等师范学校的尝试历程看参与式教学的实施

    See the Reformation from a Trial That Put the Participating Type Teaching into Practice in a Normal School

  10. 曲靖市中等师范学校学生心理健康的现状调查与对策研究

    The Research into the Investigation and Strategies about the Psychological Health State of the Students from Qujing Normal School

  11. 文章从几个方面阐述了当前中等师范学校图书馆员在全面提高素质方面的一些观点和看法。

    This paper expounds some opinions and views of the lib erians of secondary normal school in aspect of all-round increasing the quality recently .

  12. 中等师范学校(以下简称中师)教育结构调整是顺应我国教育改革不断深入及师范教育发展的必然趋势。

    The structural adjustment of secondary normal school education is in line with the constant deepening of Chinese education reform and teacher education development .

  13. 通过实验研究,探讨了体育教学情境中中等师范学校学生创造力训练的影响因素及其相互关系。

    The factors which influence secondary teachers ′ school students creativity in physical education class and their relationships were expounded in this study through experiments .

  14. 随着中等师范学校升格后学校的快速发展,学校对人事档案管理重要性的认识正逐步加强。

    With the quick development of higher normal schools after being upgraded , the understanding of the importance of personnel archives management is being gradually strengthened .

  15. 中等师范学校的学生将来的职业定向是农村小学教师,农村基础教育质量的优劣,取决于农村小学教师的素质水平。

    The occupation of the Normal School students will be rural elementary school teachers . And the educational qualities of rural schools are associated with the qualifying of primary teachers .

  16. 作为中等师范学校人文学科的基础学科&历史学科记述了人类社会文明发展的历程,蕴涵着丰富的内容。

    As a basic subject of humanities in secondary normal schools , the subject of history records the course of development of civilization in human society , and possesses rich contents .

  17. 对中等师范学校师德教育进行研究,是提高未来小学教师的素质和推进教育创新的需要。

    It is necessary to study on students ' ethics education as teachers in normal schools because it can improve primary school teachers ' qualities in the future and promote educational reformation .

  18. 由于中等师范学校没有开设研究性学习课程,因此在中等师范学校开展研究性学习的最直接的方法就是在学科教学中进行。

    There is no project-based learning course offered in Secondary Normal School , the direct method , therefore , to conduct project-based learning in Secondary normal School is to put it in the subject teaching .

  19. 因为新疆地区的少数民族教师的供给主要来源于新疆师范高校,2004年前培养中小学校师资大部分靠全疆的中等师范学校和高等师范学院。

    Because the supply of minorities teachers is mainly from the Xinjiang Normal University . By 2004 , the majority of primary and secondary school teachers are from middle of Xinjiang Normal and Higher Teachers Colleges .

  20. 对于肩负为国家输送合格初等教育人才重任的中等师范学校来说,培养具备较强英语专业知识和技能水平的师范学生至关重要。

    Consequently , for normal schools which shoulder the heavy responsibility of cultivating qualified primary education personnel for the state , it is an imperative task to equip students with a strong level of English knowledge and skills .

  21. 如何有效的提高小学数学教师素质就自然成了一个最为现实的问题,也是培养小学师资的中等师范学校最为关注和直接需要解决的问题。

    It is the most realistic problem that how we can effectively improve primary mathematics teachers ' comprehensive quality , and it is also the problem that our college of training primary teachers concern mostly and resolve directly .

  22. 民国政府前期(1927年至1937年)是师范教育重新走向独立的时期,从全国范围来看,中等师范学校在这一时期相较之前形势有了较好发展。

    In the Early Period of National Government ( 1927 to 1937 ) teacher education began to be independent from general secondary education , secondary normal schools has been developed compared to the situation prior during this period , Particularly in Sichuan Province .

  23. 在中等师范学校思想政治课实施研究性教学模式,是深化中等师范学校思想政治课教学改革,大力推进素质教育,培养学生创新精神和实践能力的必然要求;

    The implementation of project-based teaching model of political education course in Secondary Normal School is an inevitable demand to deepen the reform of political education course in Secondary Normal School , and to vigorously push ahead with quality-oriented education and to develop innovation spirit and practical ability of students .

  24. 中等幼儿师范学校毕业生职业生涯发展的叙事研究

    A Narrative Study on Career Development of Graduates from Preschool Normal School

  25. 这和培养幼教师资的中等幼儿师范学校的学生数学素养较低有关。

    And it has relationship with the normal kindergarten training school students ' lower math attainment .

  26. 随着师范教育体制的变革,中等幼儿师范学校纷纷由三级师范向二级师范过渡,招收培养以初中为起点的五年制大专学生。

    With reforms of the teacher education system , third-level normal schools have been transferred to secondary ones , training students graduating from junior middle schools for 5 years .

  27. 当新一轮基础教育课程改革如火如荼地展开时,中等幼儿师范学校的课程改革仍然波澜不惊。

    Reform the school mathematics curriculum in normal kindergarten training school . At the moment when curriculum revolution on the basis education goes on like wildfire , the curriculum revolution in normal kindergarten school is still in straight line .

  28. 如何在现有生源质量下降的现状中,努力提高学生的综合素质、中等幼儿师范学校的办学水平、幼儿教师的业务水平和师资力量成为了摆在我们面前的一个巨大的挑战。

    How the quality of students falling in the current situation , the efforts to improve the overall quality of students , middle school children the level of normal schools , kindergarten teachers , standards and qualified teachers in front of us become a great challenge .

  29. 河南省平顶山地区中等专业幼儿师范学校美术课程研究

    Researching on Art 's Course in Middling Speciality Preschool Normal School in Pingdingshan Area of Henan Province

  30. 中等师范是职业教育中比较重要的一部分,然而,由于录取制度的改革以及毕业生就业压力等因素的综合影响,中等师范学校生源质量在急剧下降。

    Normal School education is an important part in secondary vocational education , however , because of comprehensive factors such as the enrollment system reform and graduate employment pressure , secondary normal school students ' quality falls sharply .