
zhōng yì
  • Middle wing;wing centre section;wing center section
中翼 [zhōng yì]
  • [wing center section] 机翼的中段,主翼就连接在此段上。在大型飞机上,中翼和机身结为一个整体,并连结发动机短舱及起落架

中翼[zhōng yì]
  1. 无人机中翼与尾撑之间易损连接结构研究

    Research of the Damageable Connection Structure between UAV ′ s Mid-wing and Boom

  2. 平板结构中翼缘的负剪力滞效应

    Negative shear lag in flange of plated structure

  3. 在大鼠生长发育中翼腭神经节一氧化氮合酶阳性神经细胞的变化

    The Change of Nitric Oxide Synthase Positive Cells in the Pterygopalatine Ganglion of Rats in Development

  4. 变截面箱梁桥剪滞效应分析中翼板纵向位移函数的选择

    Choice of Functions of Flange Plate Longitudinal Displacement in Shear Lag Analysis of Box Girder with Variable Cross Section

  5. 它由机身、主翼、中翼、前翼、翼尖小翼、起落架以及发动机等部件组成。

    It consists of fuselage , canard , two main wings , wingtip-fin , landing gear and engine , etc.

  6. 除了可密封的器皿,不要忘记还有重用密封口胶袋,如鸡中翼的2磅包装袋。

    Beside of this , don 't forget to pick up a recycle zipper bag in packing size , such as Chicken wing in2lbs as well .

  7. 比较外翼、中翼和内翼3种发射导弹的计算情况,给出最严重情况的动力响应值,最后确定其动强度。

    The three kinds of situation of launching missiles concerned with outboard wing , mid wing and inner wing are compared and the value of dynamic response of the most serious situation is given . In the end , the result of dynamic strength is determined .

  8. 结论:在缺血再灌注过程中,翼腭神经节内NOS阳性神经元数目增加,可能影响到脑血管周围NOS阳性纤维的NO释放量。

    Conclusion : The number of NOS positive cell of the pterygopalatine ganglion upsurged and might affect the released quantity of nitric oxide which was produced in NOS positive nerve fibers around the cerebral artery during the period of the ischemia and reperfusion .

  9. 非定常自由流中的翼面动态压力测量

    Dynamic pressure measurements on a delta wing in unsteady free stream

  10. 空调器中多翼离心风机的噪声研究及结构优化

    Noise Research and Configuration Parameters Optimization of Multi-blade Centrifugal Fan for Air-Conditioner

  11. 稳态流动中对称翼透平的空气动力性能

    Aerodynamic performance of the wells turbine in steady air flow

  12. 多层钢框架梁柱端板连接中柱翼缘厚度探讨

    Study on thickness of column flange in beam-column end-plate connections

  13. 钢与混凝土组合梁中混凝土翼板适宜厚度的确定

    The method to calculate the concrete flange plate thickness of the composite beam

  14. 梁柱刚性连接中柱翼缘补强计算

    Calculation of the column flange backing in rigid connection

  15. 前掠翼鸭式布局中鸭翼的气动特性

    On Aerodynamic Characteristics of Canard in Canard - Forward - Swept Wing Configuration

  16. 滑流区中三角翼大攻角气动力特性的实验研究

    Experiment on Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Thin Delta Winged Body in Hypersonic Rarefied Flow

  17. 蜻蜓拍翼前飞中模型翼动态柔性变形的气动效应研究

    Theoretical Modeling Study on the Aerodynamic Effects of Dragonfly Flexible Wing in Forward Flapping Flight

  18. 鸟在树林中鼓翼而飞。

    The birds fluttered in the trees .

  19. 前掠翼气动布局中鸭翼高度影响的实验

    Experimental investigation on the effects of the height of distant canard wing of a forward-swept configuration

  20. 激波风洞中三角翼体模型的大攻角气动力测量和局部方法的应用

    Aerodynamic forces measurements of a delta winged body in shock tunnel and the application of local method

  21. 在此工作的基础上,研究了翼面扭转刚度,计算结果表明,与单机身布局相比,双机身布局中的翼面结构扭转刚度提高了4倍。

    The computational result showed that the wing torque stiffness of bi-fuselage aircraft increased 4 times comparing with that of single-fuselage .

  22. 本文认为《混凝土异形柱结构技术规程》中节点翼缘对节点抗剪影响的规定是可行的。

    The design regulation of the effect of the flange of joints in Technical Specification of Concrete Special Shaped Column Structure is feasible .

  23. 针对目前曲梁承载力方面的试验资料比较缺乏,进行了18根焊接工字形水平钢曲梁的极限承载力试验。试验梁两端简支,跨中上翼缘作用一集中荷载。

    Relatively little experimental studies are available on the ultimate strength of curved beams , 18 simple-supported welded beams subjected to a concentrated force at the mid-span are tested .

  24. 但是当苍蝇感到兴奋时,雄苍蝇禁不住在依恋中振翼,发出一阵阵敲击声,这时便引起了蝙蝠的注意。

    But when flies are feeling frisky , males can 't help but flutter their wings , emitting a burst of click sounds that the bats pick up on .

  25. 在张口与闭口,下颌前伸与后退以及下颌左、右侧运动中,翼外肌上、下头出现不同的肌电活动。

    Different activities were recorded in the superior and inferior heads of the external pterygoid muscle during the movements of elevation-depression , protrusion-retrusion , and right-left transversion of the mandible .

  26. 那时你的语言,将在我的每一个鸟巢中生翼发声,你悦耳的曲子,将怒放在我的丛林繁花中。

    Then thy words will take wing in songs from every one of my birds " nest , and thy melodies will break forth in flowers in all my forest groves .

  27. 讨论了目前存在的2种设计方法&多学科/多目标优化设计和探索式/进化式的设计方法,以及在设计中柔性翼和主动智能控制的重要性。

    Two available design methods , multidisciplinary / multiobjective optimization method and heuristic / evolutionary method , and the importance in design of flexible wing and active intelligent control are discussed .

  28. 分析表明混凝土开裂将引起连续箱梁剪力滞效应分布规律发生变化,且混凝土开裂对跨中截面翼缘有效分布宽度系数的影响较小,对中间支座截面的影响较大。

    Analysis showed that concrete cracking would change distribution law of shear lag effect , and its effect is small on the effective width coefficient of flange at mid-span , its effect is big on that at mid-supported section .

  29. PIV测量非定常自由来流中的三角翼前缘涡

    Vortex structure on a delta wing in unsteady free stream via Particle Image Velocimetry

  30. 半V型坡口的T型接头中,由于翼板与腹板的散热环境不同,翼板热影响区晶粒比腹板区精细。

    In half V-groove and T-joints the grain in flange heat-affected zone was finer than web zone due to the different thermal environments of flange and web zone .