
  • 网络Critical surface tension;dyne-cm
  1. 通过对PU材料的临界表面张力的测定,预示这种亲水性聚氨酯具有良好的生物相容性。

    In addition , the critical surface tension of PU material showed that the PU developed has good biocompatibility .

  2. 聚合物临界表面张力和折射率的关系

    Correlation between critical surface tension and refractive index of polymers

  3. 挪威云杉树脂的临界表面张力和临界Hamaker常数

    Surface properties of Norway spruce resin

  4. 通过RDX临界表面张力以及硝酸铵(AN)-乙二胺二硝酸盐(EDD)低共熔液(EA)的表面张力测定,研究了表面活性剂对AN-EDD低共熔液在RDX表面的润湿吸附性。

    The adsorption of ethylenediamine dinitratc ( EDD ) ammonium nitrate ( AN ) eutectic liquid on RDX crystal surface were studied by testing the surface energy of RDX and the surface tension strength of EDD AN eutectic liquids with various surfactant .

  5. 几种植物临界表面张力值的估测

    Study on the Method of Measure of the Critical Surface Tension of Plants

  6. 纤维临界表面张力测定技术

    Determination Technique of Critical Surface Tension for Fibres

  7. 高分子合成材料临界表面张力与表面自由能对血小板粘附的影响

    The influence of critical surface tension and surface free energy of polymers on the platelet adhesion

  8. 临界表面张力与血小板的黏附量和形态指数均有较大的正关联度;

    Both adhesion amounts and deformation index of platelet are positively correlated with critical surface tension to a higher degrees ;

  9. 本文应用单丝接触角测定仪测定了不同偶联剂处理的玻璃纤维临界表面张力。

    Monofilament contact angle meter has been used to measure the critical surface tension of glass fiber treated by different coupling agents .

  10. 使得塑料临界表面张力、粗糙度、印墨附着力得到提高,从而改善其印刷适性。

    The critical surface tension , coarse degree and the oil ink adhesive force of plastics were improved , so the print adaptability was improved .

  11. 与血小板消耗率关联最大的是临界表面张力(0.68),其次为表面张力(0.32);

    Critical surface tension had the highest relation degree ( 0.68 ) with platelet consumption , and surface tension ( 0.32 ) took the second place ;

  12. 通过测定水稻、小麦、包菜、棉花等植物临界表面张力值的实例,阐述了测定植物临界表面张力值的方法与过程。

    The method and process of measure of the critical surface tension of plant was stated and the critical surface tension of rice , wheat , cabbage , cotton and so on was measured .

  13. 结果表明:由于固体临界表面张力是描述固体表面性质的物化数据,因此它仅与表面复盖物的性质有关,而与内部的玻璃纤维的成份无关。

    Because the critical surface tension of solid is a physico-chemical parameter denotes the surface property of solid and it is only dependent on the nature of cover but independent of the internal constitution of glass fiber .

  14. 研究了作为乳化剂的可聚合两亲嵌段聚合物的嵌段组成,特别是端基结构与其水溶液的浊点、粘度、临界胶束浓度以及表面张力之间的关系。

    The connection of the block composition of polymerisable amphiphilic block polymer HTP used as emulsifier especially the end group structure and the special properties including cloud point , viscosity , CMC , and the surface tension of the aqueous solution has been investigated .

  15. 不同临界相对湿度的润湿时间;药液的表面张力与靶标的临界表面张力愈接近,药液在靶标上容易润湿铺展。

    Wetting time of different critical relative humidity ; Dilution is easier wetting and spreading on target with its ST nearer to CST of target .