
  • 网络critical distance;pull-in gap
  1. 这种能量的渗漏,对于超过某一临界距离的物体间的重力而言,有著深远的影响。

    This leakage has a profound effect on the gravitational force between objects separated by more than the critical distance .

  2. 临界距离内的应力与最大应力之比只同缺口半径有关,而与结构绝对尺寸无关。

    Inside the critical distance , the ratio of the stress to peak stress only depends on the notches ' radius .

  3. 此外,定义临界距离,并以此为分界点,分别采用K系数分配法和直接测量法对中远程和近程目标进行测距,解决了被动声纳的近程测距模糊问题。

    The difficult problem of close range ambiguity in passive sonar is overcome by defining a critical distance and by measuring targets distance using two methods , the direct measurement and a K-distribution .

  4. 系统的创新之处在于能直接给出受影响线路安全运行的临界距离Lp,解决了通信防护中一直存在的难题。

    The main creative point is that critical safety distance can be obtained by the system , it will resolve the problem which has been existing in telecommunication protection .

  5. 影响双涡合并的条件不只是初始双涡中心之间的临界距离,还可能与初始涡旋的非轴对称结构有关。线性条件下,准对称分布状态的临界距离是300km;

    The initial distance between the two vortices and the initial asymmetric distributions are found to be the two kinds of factors affecting vortices merging .

  6. 在此基础上,计算电压暂降的各特征量,将故障点法与临界距离法相结合,对电压凹陷域进行计算。

    Base on this , Calculates the characteristic value of voltage sags and Voltage sags estimation .

  7. 根据分析的结果评价了临界距离老空水下薄煤层联合开采的安全性。

    Hereby the safety of the combined mining of thin seams under the close gob water was evaluated .

  8. 临界距离法包括点法、线法、面法,本文应用点方法对3A21铝合金的两种不同型式的焊接接头疲劳强度进行了评定研究。

    The Point Method ( PM ) is applied to the fatigue assessment of3A21 aluminum alloy welded joints for two different joint geometries here .

  9. 基于应力传递思想,推导出隧道出洞口松散围岩失稳判据,得到塌方发生时进入松散围岩段的临界距离。

    Based on stress-transferring theory , the instability criterion and critical distance in loose wall rock of tunnel exit when collapse occures are derived .

  10. 在分析汽车制动过程行驶距离的基础上,计算了不同速度下各类车型的临界距离,确定了严重冲突的判定标准;

    The standard for serious conflict is given as critical distance of various vehicle with different speed by analyzing the process of automobile brake ;

  11. 管涌口位于临界距离之内则会形成贯通性集中渗漏通道,距离越近,危险越大。

    If the exit is within the critical distance , perforated collective seepage passageway will form , the more closer , the more dangerous will be .

  12. 之间存在一个临界距离,该处的第一峰值与等幅振荡的幅值相等。

    It is interesting that there is a critical distance from the plate , where the first peak is equal to the one of the equal amplitude oscillations .

  13. 将疲劳切口系数定义为临界距离法得出的平均应力与热点应力之比值。

    The fatigue notch factor is introduced as the ratio of average stress over the region of a critic distance around critic point to the hot spot stress .

  14. 定义了临界距离的概念,即在其它条件不变情况下,管涌发生并发展形成贯通性集中渗漏通道的管涌口与河岸之间的最小距离。

    The concept of ' critical distance ' is that the minimum distance between the exit of passageway mentioned above and the bank with condition of no change .

  15. 本论文要研究的问题是:首先,从双涡旋相互作用的动力学途径去研究双涡合并,以及特别是涡合并的临界距离判据问题;

    First of all , the binary vortex interaction is studied with a shallow-water model to find out the factors that can affect the mergence of two vortices .

  16. 当等效偶极子单元离观察点大于临界距离时,用偶极子模型法计算阻抗矩阵元素。

    The impedance matrix element is calculated by the dipole model method when the distance between the equivalent dipole element and the observation point is beyond a critical distance .

  17. 在深入分析城市再生水现状存在的主要问题的基础上,针对再生水利用模式选择问题,提出了再生水系统配置模式的临界距离判据。

    Based on further analysis of the main problems in urban reclaimed water systems , the critical distance is introduced as a basic criterion to make proper patterns of reclaimed water .

  18. 含粘土夹层土壤建立排盐竖孔以后,田内各点的脱盐效果与距离排盐孔的距离有关,且存在一临界距离,即有效脱盐控制半径。

    ( 3 ) Containing the clay parting soil after establishing vertical hole of drainage salt , each desalinization effect in the field is related away from the distance with the drainage salty hole , also has a critical distance , namely effective desalinization control radius .

  19. 在交通流密度较低时,随着车流密度的增大该临界距离有明显的增加,而当车流密度超过一个限值,交通事故对交通流的影响反而会削弱。

    If the traffic flow density is low , with the increasing of the traffic density , the critical distance is becoming increasing significantly . However , if the traffic density beyond the critical value , the impact of traffic accidents on traffic flow will be weaken . 3 .

  20. 狭长受限空间火灾临界可燃距离实验研究

    Experiment Study and Calculation of the Critical and Combustible Distance in A Long Narrow Confined Space

  21. 为了更全面深入地研究这问题,提出了临界压死距离和临界距离两个概念。

    For further study , two concepts of critical dead-pressed distance and critical distance are introduced .

  22. 在稳定不动点消失后映象产生的阵发时间序列中,层流相长度呈现与外控参数距临界值距离的对数依赖关系。

    In the intermittent time plot after disappearence of the stable fixed point the dura-tion of the laminar phase follows a logarithmic dependence on the distance between a control parameter value and its critical number .

  23. 本文第五章主要是通过搭建实验台,对种子在吸嘴下方的临界吸附距离进行测量,得到测量结果与以上通过理论分析以及模拟仿真所得到的结果进行比较。

    The chapter V of this article mainly put up the test-bed , measuring the distance of critical adsorption in the situation that seed is in the below of nozzle and comparing the distance with that got through the theoretical calculations .

  24. 本文从自然因素和开采因素方面,对石洞沟煤矿急斜临界角近距离薄及中厚煤层群分组联合开采巷道矿压显现进行了研究。

    This paper studies the mine pressure appearance in roadwayS for steep & dip critical-angle short-distance thin and midium-thickness seam grouped combined mining in aspects of both natural and mining factors .

  25. 基于临界带特征矢量距离的端点检测算法

    Voice Activity Detection Method Based on Selected Sub-bands Vector Distance

  26. 电力系统临界电压崩溃的距离裕度指标分析及电压稳定域的研究

    Analysis of Voltage Stability Margin Index and Study of Voltage Stability Region for Critical Voltage Collapse in Power System

  27. 实验表明:压比临界点值随冲击距离在一定范围内的增加而增高,随喷嘴偏离垂直角度增加而减低。

    The experimental results indicate that the critical pressure ratio value increases with the nozzle-to-plate distance , and decreases with the jet impinging obliquity .