
  1. 在美国及欧洲ICU临终患者,限制生命支持治疗是主要的治疗模式,但差异显著。

    In America and Europe , the limiting life support therapy becomes the main pattern , but the differences between them are remarkable .

  2. 临终患者对沟通与交流需求的调查分析与对策

    Inverstigation on the communication needs of the dying patients

  3. 特需病房临终患者实施舒适护理的体会

    Comfortable care experiences for dying patients in priority wards

  4. 运用护理程序对临终患者的护理

    Nursing care of terminal-stage patients by nursing process

  5. 目的探讨舒适护理在特需病房临终患者中的运用。

    Objective To research the application and effect of comfort care in priority ward .

  6. 非临终患者以红舌、厚黄腻苔多见。

    Red tongue proper and yellow thick tongue coating were more in the other group .

  7. 方法结合特需病房工作特点对27例临终患者按照舒适护理模式实施护理。

    Methods 27 dying patients who hospitalized in priority ward were treated with comfort care .

  8. 方法:通过临床观察、问卷调查、交谈等方式评价临终患者96例的需求。

    Method : Evaluate patients ' need by clinical observation , inquiry , interviewing over 96 cases .

  9. 结论运用护理程序对临终患者进行护理,可减少患者身心痛苦,使其正确对待死亡,坦然、舒适地渡过生命的最后时刻。

    Conclusion Nursing through nursing process can reduce sufferings of terminal stge patients , encourage them to face the coming death in a right way and spend their last minute of life calmly and comfortably .

  10. 背景:大多数后路骨盆和骶髂关节转移肿瘤患者为临终患者,其治疗目的主要是姑息治疗和减轻疼痛,提高患者生活质量。

    BACKGROUND : Most patients with posterior pelvic and sacroiliac metastasis are terminally ill . Their treatment is usually palliative and directed toward relieving pain and improving the quality of life with the least possible intervention .

  11. 结论舒适护理在特需病房临终患者中的运用提高了护理质量、服务质量,提高了患者的依从性、舒适度及满意度,充分体现了以人为本的整体护理内涵。

    ( Conclusions Patient ) satisfaction degree and nurse care quality were raised through applying comfort care for dying patients . Degrees of patient compliance , comfort and satisfaction were improved , which is the embodiment of holistic nurse style .

  12. 目的了解老年临终住院患者的生活质量(QOL)及其影响因素。

    Objective To study the quality of life ( QOL ) and the influencing factors of elderly hospitalized patients in dying end-stage .

  13. 适时翻身替代定时翻身预防临终癌症患者压疮的探讨

    Discussion on Preventing Pressure Ulcers in Terminal Cancer Patients by Replacing Regular Body-turning with Timely body-turning

  14. 102例老年临终住院患者生活质量及其影响因素分析

    Analysis on the Quality of Life and Influencing Factors in 102 Cases of Elderly Hospitalized Patients in Dying End - stage

  15. 对服用抗病毒化学药出现耐药性患者仍有疗效;也能挽救生命垂危的临终期患者,能使其恢复正常生活劳动。

    It is effective even in patients who have become resistant to some anti-virus medications , including dying AIDS patient , recovering his ( her ) health , and leading a normal life and working .

  16. 目的:观察血清白蛋白(SAL)、前蛋白(SPA)在临终老年痴呆患者中的动态变化,探讨其临床意义。

    Objective : To investigate the dynamical changes of serum albumin ( SAL ) and prealbumin ( SPA ) of elderly patients with dementia who were impending death , and discuss its clinical significance .

  17. 临终老年痴呆患者血清白蛋白、前蛋白的动态观察

    The dynamical changes of serum albumin and prealbumin during the last days of elderly patients with dementia

  18. 目的建立一个预测临终期妇科肿瘤患者生存时间的评分办法。

    Objective To construct a scoring system of predicting the survival time of terminal gynecologic cancer patients .

  19. 临终关怀中心的许多患者都患有谵妄(delirium),患病率在住院的临终患者中可高达85%。

    Many in hospice suffer from delirium , which can affect up to 85 percent of hospitalized patients at the end of life .

  20. 本研究在收集现有临终心理研究文献并对其进行综述的基础上,提出了本文所要解决的研究问题:中国临终患者临终心理有什么样的表现?

    Based on collecting and summarizing the existing literature about psychological behaves of terminally ill patient , this study proposed the research problem : What is the psychological behaves of Chinese terminally ill patients ?