
  • 网络Data Book;display book;Clear Book;esselte
  1. 资料册的附录内则胪列出各种向廉署举报及查询的途径。

    The channels for making election-related reports and enquiries to the ICAC are listed out in the appendix of the booklet .

  2. 交通传票资料登记册

    Traffic Summons Information Register

  3. 五角大楼表示,由于后勤方面的原因而推延了报告的发表时间,因为有关报告包括的资料多达数册。

    The Pentagon said the delay is a matter of logistics because the report includes several volumes of material .

  4. 该抵押的资料记入注册记录册的日期及时间。

    The date and time of entry of particulars of the mortgage in the register .

  5. 注册官不得根据第(1)款将该等资料记入注册记录册。

    The Registrar shall not enter in the register particulars relating to a ship under subsection ( 1 )

  6. 大学各图书馆,书院院院务室及学院院务室均存放有关条例的副本和由个人资料私隐专员公署印发的资料册,以供查阅。

    Copies of the Ordinance and information booklets issued by the office of the Privacy Commissioner for personal data are available at the University libraries , college offices and faculty offices .