
xī pí
  • xipi
西皮 [xī pí]
  • [xipi,one of the two chief types of music in traditional Chinese operas] 用胡琴伴奏的戏曲声腔之一

  1. 我们非常肯定西西皮欧能够获释。

    We have this definite certitude that Cicippio will be freed .

  2. 至少西皮笛不知道最后一颗钻石在哪里。

    At least Zeebad doesn 't know where the last diamond is .

  3. 我们应该给送一束花西皮笛。

    We should , like , send Zeebad a bouquet .

  4. 但是西庇太的魔力是唯一能对付西皮笛的方法。

    But zebedee 's magic is the only thing that can stop zeebad .

  5. 西皮亚山火车站是招呼站,因此如果旅客想在该站上车,须打旗号向司机示意。

    Shippea Hill is a request stop , so passengers must flag down the driver if they want to board .

  6. 二簧腔又与湖北西皮形成皮簧合奏,奠定了徽剧的基础。

    Then the Erhuang Tone merged with Xipi Tone of Hubei , forming Pihuang Complex , laying a foundation for Anhui Opera .

  7. 虽然叫做京剧,它的源头却是安徽的“二黄”和湖北的“西皮”。

    Though it is called Peking Opera , its main melodies originated from " Xipi " melody in Anhui Province and " Erhuang " melody is Hubei Province .

  8. 英国剑桥郡的西皮亚山火车站去年竟仅接待旅客12人次,荣登“全国最冷清车站榜”榜首。

    A table ranking of the quietest stations in the UK is topped by Shippea Hill station in Cambridgeshire , which astonishingly only 12 people used last year .

  9. 这个服务于西皮亚山村的车站已有170年历史。英国铁路和公路办公室公布的2015-16年度数据显示,每个月只有一位旅客在该火车站上下车,较2014-15年度的22人次有所下降。

    Just one passenger a month boarded or exited a train at the 170-year-old station , which serves the hamlet of Shippea Hill , down from 22 in 2014-15 , figures from the Office for Rail and Road for 2015-16 show .