
  • 网络Capital and Financial Account;Capital and Finance Account;capital & financil account
  1. 除个别年份外,我国一直保持着经常项目和资本和金融项目的双顺差。

    Except for a few years , our country has maintained the double surplus of the current account , capital and financial account .

  2. 同时,我国的经济环境、汇率制度以及资本和金融项目管制与西方发达国家都颇不相同,国际收支的结构和状况也由此而异;

    Otherwise , the economic environment , exchange rate regime and Capital and Finance Account Item control in China are different from other western developed countries , and the structure and status of balance of international payment differ also .

  3. 试论人民币的可兑换与国际化论人民币资本和金融项目可兑换

    Discussion on Exchange and Internationalization of Chinese RMB On the Convertibility of RMB Capital and Financial Items

  4. 然而,这一数字却被资本和金融项目的外流资金超过,后者价值达到创纪录的1590亿美元。

    But this was overwhelmed by outflows on the capital and financial accounts worth a record $ 159bn .

  5. 资本和金融项目顺差有所减少,虽然已经达到2001年以来的最低水平,但仍然是一个很大的数目。

    Capital and financial projects surplus decreased , though has reached its lowest level since 2001 , but is still a big number .

  6. 自1993年以来,我国国际收支除个别年份外,都保持经常项目与资本和金融项目双顺差的格局。

    Since 1993 , excepting the individual years , the international payment balance of our country has maintained the double favorable balance among current accounts and capital accounts .

  7. 虽然中国对外贸易连续几年实现经常项目、资本和金融项目双顺差,外汇储备急剧增加,但贸易条件却不断恶化。

    Although Chinese foreign trade has been realizing the " double favorable balance " in current items and capital / financial items for several years in succession , the trade conditions are continuously worsening .