
  1. 商业银行信贷业务模拟MIS的构建

    Construction of the Credit Business Simulation MIS for Commercial Bank

  2. 基于J2EE架构的网络银行信贷业务的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Credit Business in Internet Banking Based on J2EE Framework

  3. 基于ERM的国家开发银行信贷业务流程优化研究

    A Study of Credit Business Process in China Development Bank Based on ERM

  4. 天津广厦银行信贷业务核心流程再造研究

    Research on the Core Business Process Reengineering of Banking Credit in Tianjin Guangsha Bank

  5. 重生的贷款保证保险,必将推动商业银行信贷业务以及社会主义市场经济的发展。

    The bond insurance will promote the development of the credit business and the socialist economy .

  6. 论《物权法》对担保制度的完善及对银行信贷业务的影响

    The Impact of the Law of Property on the Improvement of Security Interests and Banking Credit Business

  7. 更为严重的是,商业银行信贷业务道德风险还会通过信贷业务对整个社会的利益产生负面作用。

    What more serious is that , such moral risk will take negative effect to the interest of whole society .

  8. 商业银行信贷业务操作风险管理框架一般包括两部分:环境建设与管理流程。

    Credit operational risk frame includes two parts . One is environmental construction , and the other is management flow .

  9. 现金流分析预测系统是某银行信贷业务系统的关键组成部分,是为更好的对贷款客户进行多层次的贷后管理。

    Cash flow analysis and forecasting system is a key component of a bank credit system . It provides a better multi-level management of the loan customer .

  10. 按照我国商业银行信贷业务的流程,同时也为了方便论文的结构安排,分为了贷前管理制度和贷后管理制度。

    For the process of credit business and the structure of the paper , these two parts are separated as the pre-loan management system and after-loan management system .

  11. 第三章分析了我国商业银行信贷业务产生信息不对称的原因,为下一步有的放矢研究解决信息不对称问题奠定基础。

    The third chapter analyzes the reasons of commercial banks credit business crisis , which is the basis of solving the problem of asymmetry information in the following chapters .

  12. 随着兰州银行信贷业务的快速发展,除了对信贷业务的风险控制逐步加强,更对信贷数据的采集要求全面完整。

    With the rapid development of bank credit business in Lanzhou , in addition to the credit business risk control gradually strengthened , the collection of credit data requires completion .

  13. 由于票据质押具有较强的流动性以及较高的安全性,近年来被人们逐渐接受并广泛适用,已经逐渐成为商业流通领域、银行信贷业务中常见的一种担保方式。

    Bill pledge has strong liquidity and high security . In recent years it had been gradually accepted and widely applicable and gradually become the commercial circulation of bank credit as a guarantee .

  14. 传统的银行信贷业务主要是指工商企业的贷款,但随着商业银行进军个人消费市场,个人消费信贷也已经成为银行主要的信贷业务。

    The traditional banking credit is business credit , but with the commercial banks entering into the individual market , the individual consumption credit has become the main profit-driven business for commercial banks .

  15. 理论研究方面,从风险管理的角度阐述了商业银行信贷业务流程的特殊性,并在风险管理理论的基础上,构建了风险价值链的分析方法。

    From risk management perspective , theoretically describe the specialty of credit business process , and , on the basis of credit management theory , build up the analysis techniques of risk value chain .

  16. 信贷审批作为商业银行信贷业务的关键环节,在中外银行的实践中表现为复杂、多样的制度安排,而其核心是信贷审批权的配置。

    As the key sector of commercial banks ' lending business , credit screening embodies complex and various institutions in practice , but its focus is the allocation of the power of credit screening .

  17. 同时,以商业银行信贷业务发展目标为主线将信贷业务控制重点在商业银行各层级中进行整合,提高商业银行整体控制信贷风险的能力。

    At the same time , the bank will emphasis the credit operation as the main target , and control the credit operation in each level , enhance the ability to control the credit risk .

  18. 着力开拓农村市场,培植农村消费信贷业务,将为我国商业银行信贷业务的拓展提供一个广阔的空间。

    This paper presents the ideas of the important roles of the spread of the rural market and consumed loan business in providing the commercial banks an apportunity of development in a much wider space .

  19. 然后从理论和实务操作两个层面上,举例说明动产浮动抵押在企业融资、银行信贷业务、公司债发行以及项目融资等领域中广泛应用的可行性。

    And then from two levels of theory and practice , shows by example the feasibility of its extensive applications in multiple fields of corporate finance , bank credit , issuing bonds , as well as project finances .

  20. 首先通过和银行信贷业务人员的交流对系统进行需求分析,根据得到的需求分析报告对系统进行概要设计,然后对每个模块进行详细设计并实现每个模块的功能。

    We get demanding analysis report through the communication with credit business persons of the bank and design the system architecture according to the demanding analysis report . Next , the function of each module is designed detailed and implemented .

  21. 随着银行信贷业务量的逐步增多,个人征信系统的数据已经不仅仅局限于信用记录等传统运营范畴,更多的转向为各级机构提供社会综合数据服务的业务领域中来。

    With the increasing of bank credit bussiness , the personal credit information system is not limited to the traditional operating areas such as credit history data , attention is turned to the business areas of providing social integrated data services .

  22. 本文从业务流程设计、组织结构和岗位设置、信贷业务管理信息系统、内部检查和内部审计等四个方面具体阐述对我国国有商业银行信贷业务风险内控制度建设的一些设想。

    This article tables a proposal on internal control system about credit operational risk of our state-owned commercial banks by expounding operational flow design , organization and configuration and post setting , credit management information system , internal check and audit four aspects .

  23. 信用风险评估与风险预警在金融业中已引起极高的重视,尤其是银行信贷业务中的信用风险评估已经取得了阶段性成果,这些成果的运用降低了银行信贷风险,提高了银行效益。

    The evaluation of credit risk and risk pre-warning are highlighted in the financial sector , some research achievements of credit evaluation are widely used in loan business in banks , the application of these achievements reduced risks and increased profit in banks ' loan business .

  24. 本文遵循现代软件工程的相关思想,在对现有客户经济资本测算方法的基础上,结合银行信贷业务及风险管理的实际需要,提出新的经济资本回报率的需求,并展开详细需求分析。

    This dissertation follows the modern software engineering-related ideas in the economic capital for existing customers calculation methods based on the combination of business and risk management of bank credit to the actual needs , proposes new economic return on capital requirements and commences the detailed analysis .

  25. 作为一种经济活动,商业银行的信贷业务中也存在着道德风险。

    The scandals demonstrate the existence of moral risk in economy field .

  26. 国有商业银行信贷担保业务中存在的问题及其对策

    Problems And Countermeasures Existing In The Credit Guarantee Business of State-run Commercial Banks

  27. 了解相关业务知识,根据需求对银行法人信贷业务进行研究。

    Learn the relevant knowledge and research on the loan business operation according to the demand .

  28. 同时还会对模型在银行实际信贷业务中的使用,给出相应建议。

    At the same time also on the model used in real bank credit business , given the corresponding recommendations .

  29. 房地产开发贷款也相应成为了商业银行核心信贷业务。

    And the loan to the real estate development enterprise also became the core credit business of the commercial bank .

  30. 中小企业信贷业务在商业银行信贷资产业务中的地位越来越重要。

    Extending credit to SMS ( Small-and-Medium-Size ) enterprises is increasingly felt by commercial banks as an important credit asset business .