
  • 网络main culture;host culture
  1. 中医药学是我国独有的宝贵文化,它根植于中华民族主体文化中。

    TCM is the unique rare culture of our country rooted in the main culture of Chinese nationality .

  2. 校园文化是社会主体文化的亚文化,它的职能是对人的精神,心灵、性格的塑造。

    Campus culture , a subculture of the social main culture , functions as the shaper of people 's spirit , soul and personality .

  3. 社会评价主体文化心理的历史考察

    Historical investigation of the cultural psychology of social evaluating subject

  4. 论旅游对旅游主体文化人格的塑造

    Studies on Shaping the Culture Personality of Tourists by Tourism

  5. 有必要在教学过程中融入客体文化与主体文化。

    It is necessary to combine foreign cultures and native culture with English Teaching .

  6. 对主体文化的妥协与篡改&谈维多利亚时代女性写作的兴起

    The Compromise and Subversion to the Mainstream Culture-On the Female Writings in Victorian Age

  7. 旅游主体文化的特征分析

    The Characteristics of the Culture of Tourism Subject

  8. 性观念应随着社会主体文化的用而变化,有继承,有扬弃。

    It should be changed by the development of the principle part of social culture .

  9. 加强主体文化意识的培养。

    Strengthening cultivation of subject cultural consciousness .

  10. 农耕文化与游牧文化是我国传统的两大主体文化。

    The plowing culture and the nomadic culture are two traditional principal cultures in China .

  11. 而在我国的翻译传统中,主体文化对翻译活动起着决定性作用。

    In our tradition of translation , the host culture has been playing an important role .

  12. 旅游文化创新包括旅游主体文化创新、旅游客体文化创新和旅游介体文化创新。

    It consists of innovations in tourism subject culture , tourism object culture and tourism media culture .

  13. 民族文化认同主要是指民族成员对本民族主体文化的归属意识。

    The identity of national cultural is mainly refers to the national members of the national culture consciousness .

  14. 旅游文化可分为旅游主体文化、旅游客体文化、旅游中介文化和旅游社会环境文化四种类型。

    Tourism culture can be divided into the essential parts : subject object , medium and social environment cultures .

  15. 人文精神·人格魅力·人格化管理&高职院校班级主体文化建构的思考与探索

    Several Opinions about the Class-Management of High Vocational College in New Period Humanity Spirits , Personality Charm , Humanistic Management

  16. 第三部分主要从主体文化环境对翻译活动的规范和制约上探究创造性叛逆发生的原因,重点探讨在翻译史上的不同时期,中国主体文化如何有选择地把外来文化纳人自己的发展轨道。

    The third part tries to probe into causes of the creative treason of translation in conditions of host culture .

  17. 结语部分指出了比较文学形象学对主体文化和文化对话的注重。

    Conclusion : This part indicates that the Imagology of Comparative Literature pays attention to subject 's culture and cultural dialogue .

  18. 培养跨文化意识,一方面要重视文化差异意识的培养;另一方面,对主体文化意识的培养也不容忽视。

    To develop cross-culture awareness , attention should be paid to the principal part of culture as much as Cultural differences .

  19. 当代文学批评的文化身份就是文学批评在各种充满差异性的文化思潮和理论实践中所呈现出来的主体文化意识。

    The culture identity of the contemporary literary criticism is its cultural feature which appeared in culture current and theories ' practice .

  20. 从科技创新文化中可以透视出主体文化、组织文化和社会文化三个层面的内涵。

    Therefore , the innovation culture on science and technology has three constitutions : subjective culture , corporation culture , and social culture .

  21. 校园副文化与学校倡导的主体文化不相容,不利于学生健康成长的一种社会亚文化。

    School side-culture , which is antagonistic against the main-stream culture the students are supposed to follow , is a sub-culture of a society .

  22. 旅游主体文化具有自己鲜明的特征,主要表现为规范性、多样性、时代性和扩散性。

    The culture of tourism subject possesses some typical characteristics , mainly known as compulsion , diversity , extension and feature in different times .

  23. 这些都显示史诗是一部宣扬个人主义思想、赞美个人英雄的作品,个人主义是作品一以贯之的主体文化精神。

    All these expressed that the epic was a work that blazons forth individualism and exalts personal hero , so , individualism is th .

  24. 第二语言习得者在文化背景、价值观念等方面存在的差异,不免与汉语报刊的主体文化主导下的价值观和文化意义发生矛盾。

    Second language learners have different cultural background and outlook on world , which can inevitably lead to the conflict between that of the Chinese culture .

  25. 意图与文本功能之间的互动关系有助于揭示主体文化中翻译发生、形成和运作的机制。

    The interaction of translator 's intentions and text functions reveals the initiation , the formation and the functioning of translated literature in the target culture .

  26. 文化根源主要表现在英裔和法裔两大主体文化之间的差异与矛盾。

    The root of culture is mainly displayed in the culture divergences and contradictions of two main parts between people who have British and French origin .

  27. 科技创新主体文化突出地体现为科技创新精神,包括科学精神、社会精神与人文精神三个方面。

    The subjective innovation culture embodies specially the spirit of science and technology innovation , which consist of three parts of science spirit , social spirit and human spirit .

  28. 在我国正处于大规模的社会转型时,由于社会转型剧烈以及经济转型相对发展较快,导致政治转型相对滞后,社会事业发展相对缓慢,社会结构不尽合理,核心价值观缺失以及主体文化未能确立。

    A quicker economic transformation and a slower political transformation have led to a slow social development , and a somewhat poor social structure without core values and mainstream culture .

  29. 由于受主体文化的影响,许多译者大都有意无意地认同主体文化并采取相应的策略来实现各自对其主体文化的选择。

    Owing to the influence of his native culture , a translator usually identifies with his own culture , consciously or unconsciously , and applies some strategies to his renderings .

  30. 西方绘画与此相反,它以人文主义的精神内核与理性的探索世界的方式始终保持着与主体文化的同步行进。

    Western painting is contrary to this , it advances keeping pace with subject culture all the time by way of the spirit kernel of humanism and rational exploration world .