
  • 网络dominant firm;dominate firm;Dominould like firm
  1. 主导厂商操纵(manipulate)价格的行为并没有显示自己的成本信息。

    The incumbent firm manipulate price in a way that does not reveal cost information .

  2. 界定出寡头市场上潜在技术主导厂商的RD投资效率边界,分析了不同RD投资效率条件下厂商的创新动机。

    This paper originally defined the boundary of efficiency of R & D investment ( ERI ) of the potential technological leaders , and analyzed its incentive to innovate with various ERI .

  3. 应用支配型企业价格领导模型的关键是主导厂商能确定出自己的需求函数。

    The key to applying price leadership model is that dominant firm can determine its demand function .

  4. 市场进入的概率刚好是主导厂商高成本的概率;

    MARKETING MUST RULE The probability that entry occur is just the probability that the incumbent is high cost ;

  5. 跨国公司进入的产业组织分析:一个关于主导厂商的模型

    The Industrial and Organizational Analysis on the Entry of a Multinational Company : the Model of a Dominant Company

  6. 本文运用产业组织理论方法,研究了网络外部性特征产业中具有不对称网络规模的寡头市场条件下,潜在技术主导厂商的R&D决策以及创新动机。

    This paper studied the innovation leader 's R & D investment and innovation incentives of oligopoly with asymmetry network size .

  7. Gainsight公司可以说是该领域的主导厂商,以Bluenose和Totango为代表的预测服务商也在奋力争夺市场空间。

    Gainsight is arguably the leading firm ; predictive services like Bluenose and Totango are also vying for a piece of the action .

  8. 小厂商可以通过大幅提高产品质量来克服网络外部性对其产生的负效应,在一定条件下成为市场的主导厂商。

    Smaller firm 's large quality improvement can contradict the negative effects of network externalities , under certain circumstance smaller firm could be the leading firm .

  9. 只有网络外部性较弱而且主导厂商的用户规模优势较大时,主导厂商才会独占技术标准;

    Only if network externality is small and the scale of installed base of the dominant producer is large , the dominant producer should monopolize its standard .

  10. 联想集团的发展基本经历了理论所构建的中国主导厂商基于全球价值链升级的四个阶段,这一案例对文章的理论分析提供了很好的佐证。

    Lenovo experienced the four stages of the upgrading model of a leading firm of china based on global value chain . The example properly proofed the practicability of our theory .

  11. 结果表明,在从属厂商技术联盟等联合反击行为的影响下,网络外部性的强弱以及厂商的用户基础规模决定了主导厂商的策略选择。

    The results show that the intensity of network externality and scale of the installed base have great influence on the decision of the dominant producer when the dominant producer faces the threat of the cooperative behavior of the fringes .

  12. 由于现代制造业的产品价值链越来越具有空间可分性的特征,一些处在产业主导地位的厂商越来越注重于在全球范围内实现价值链的重组。

    Due to an increasingly recognizable spatial separability of the production value chain of modern manufacturing industry , some leading firms are attaching more importance to the value chain integration around the globe .

  13. 自从15年前与上汽集团组建合资公司以来,通用汽车已成为中国这个全球第二大经济体及最大汽车市场上占主导地位的外国厂商。

    Since pairing up with SAIC 15 years ago in a joint venture , GM has become the dominant foreign player in China , the world 's second-biggest economy and busiest auto market .