
zhǔ zhài quán
  • principal creditor's right
  1. 被担保的主债权种类、数额;

    The kind and amount of the principal debt secured ;

  2. 担保合同是主债权债务合同的从合同。

    A security contract shall be a subordinate one to the principal contract .

  3. 抵押权实现的根本条件就是主债权已届清偿期而未受偿。

    The fundamental condition to realize the hypothec is the debt is due but not cleared .

  4. 抵押权附从于主债权,其基本功能是担保主债权的实现。

    Attached to the principal claim , mortgages ' basic function is to guarantee the realization of the principal debt .

  5. 主债权债务合同无效,担保合同无效,但法律另有规定的除外。

    Unless it is otherwise prescribed by any law , the security contract shall be invalid when the principal contract is nullified .

  6. 随着附从性理论的缓和,抵押权先于主债权设立或者先于主债权消灭均不违反其附从性。

    As with the relaxation of the theory , the establishment of mortgage debt before the lord or elimination before the of principal debt do not violate its attachment .

  7. 接着分别分析了不同税种之间以及税收主债权与从债权的效力位序。

    Secondly , research the effect conflict of different types of taxes . Thirdly , explained the effect conflict between main claims of tax and secondary claims of tax .

  8. 主债权履行期届满后,抵押权人行使抵押权,原则上不应当有一个时间限制,但抵押人非为债务人时可容有例外;

    There should not be the time limitation when mortgager realizes the hypothec after the fulfilling term of primary creditor 's rights is over , except that mortgager is not the debtor ;

  9. 专利质权所担保的债权范围包括主债权及其利息、违约金、损害赔偿金和实现专利质权的费用。

    The scope of claims which is secured by the right of pledge of patent includes claim and its main interest , liquidated damages , damages and the cost of realizing patent quality .

  10. 书面形式是抵押合同的成立生效要件,抵押人、抵押权人、以自己的财产设定抵押权的第三人在主债权合同及抵押合同中皆处于不同的利益循环之中。

    A mortgage contract should be concluded in writing . Mortgagor , mortgagee and the third party who set up the right of mortgage on his own property are all in different circulation of interest .

  11. 基于对社会生活关系的稳定性、债务人、抵押人和其他利害关系人等多方利益的考虑,主债权诉讼时效届满,抵押权应当消灭。

    Based on the stability of the relationship between social lives , the debtor , mortgage and other interested parties such as multi-interests , the principal debt statute of limitations expired , the mortgagee should be eliminated .

  12. 尤其近几年,全球金融经济形势更加严峻,国际金融危机愈演愈烈,先后发生了美国次贷危机、国际金融危机、希腊主债权危机及欧洲货币危机,并由最初的局部危机演变为全球危机。

    Especially in recent years , the international financial crisis has intensified with more severe global economic situation and the local crisis has already extended to the whole world from the US subprime crisis and international financial crisis initially to the Greek Debt Crisis and European Currency Crisis .

  13. 定金法律制度是合同担保制度的一种,其主要作用在于保证主合同债权的顺利实现。

    The legal system of deposit is one of contract 's guarantee systems ; its main function is to grantee the realization of the primary contract .

  14. 该部分基于对最高额抵押权特征的分析,对我国《担保法》第61条禁止主合同债权转让的规定进行了检讨,指出该条规定的不合理性。

    By analyzing to maximum amount mortgage in this part , and examining provisions of the sixty-first forbid primary contract creditor 's right assignment in our countries " law relating to guarantees ", pointing out unreason of this provision .