
  • 网络Main street;Main St;High Street
  1. 大巴灵顿的主街两侧林立着许多小的店铺和餐馆。

    Main Street in Great Barrington is lined with small storefronts and restaurants .

  2. 在犹他州法明顿,自从一个当地女子俱乐部4-H提高了其主街的形象后,这个城市变得更舒适宜人了。

    Farmington , Utah , is a more pleasant community since a local girls 4-H club improved Main Street .

  3. 我一个月买3张CD左右,他说道,并展示了他的六张新唱片,包括滚石乐队(RollingStones)的经典专辑《主街流放》(ExileonMainSt.)和一些最新的日本流行金曲。

    I buy around three CDs a month , he said , showing off a haul of six new albums , including the Rolling Stones ' classic Exile on Main St. and an assortment of the latest Japanese pop hits .

  4. 沿着主街一直向前走到咖啡店。

    Then go straight on Main Street to the coffee shop .

  5. 市政厅位于主街的尽头。

    The town hall stood at the end of main street .

  6. 今早事故发生之后,主街现在又可通行了。

    Main street is now open again following an accident earlier today .

  7. 有面向主街的房间吗?

    Do you have a room facing the main street ?

  8. 我在主街与第七街交界的酒吧。

    I 'm here in some bar on main and7th .

  9. 那座桥是主街的一部分。

    The bridge is part of the main road .

  10. 饭馆在主街和林肯街交叉的拐角处。

    The restaurant is at the corner of main street and Lincoln street .

  11. 他们沿着主街急速驰向公路。

    They sped along main street towards the highway .

  12. 我想他们应该已经扑灭了主街上的火吧。

    I think they 've already put out the fire on Main Street .

  13. 到了主街向左转,然后走大约20分钟。

    Turn left on Main Street and keep going for about twenty minutes .

  14. 城内主街,一条留有很深的车辙的马路,冻得硬梆梆的。

    The main street was a deeply rutted road , now frozen hard .

  15. 说自己在主街和橡树街的交叉口

    Said she was on Main Street and Oak .

  16. 百老汇是纽约的主街。

    Broadway is the main drag of New York .

  17. 这里是主街和珍珠大道的交叉口。

    B : You are at the corner of Main Street and Pearl Avenue .

  18. 清洁主街的经历促进了她们的自我提高,

    The experience on Main Street stimulated self-improvement ,

  19. 解放广场相对的主街两旁,高楼成群,气势豪华。

    Luxury buildings were in groups at main street sides opposite the Liberation Circle .

  20. 这些商品和回报的代价就是“主街”,即我们的社区中心。

    They come at the expense of main streets , the hubs of our communities .

  21. 我想最简单的路线是你走到在那边的主街。

    I think the simplest way is for you to go up to Main Street over there .

  22. 我看到有一段学生视频就是带你走了一趟大学城的主街。

    One student video I watched was a walk down the main street of the college town .

  23. 一直向前走,走到主街向左转,就到银行了。

    Go straight until you get to Main Street , then take a left to the bank .

  24. 在主街上活跃着一大批民间艺术家、民间手工艺者,向人们展示着他们的民间绝技绝活。

    In the main street there are many folk artists and craftsmen who show their folk skills and stunt .

  25. 麦克劳克林没有专心驾驶,他在主街和33号大街右拐撞上了另一辆汽车。

    Not paying attention to his driving , Mclaughlin turned right on main street and 33rd street and hit Volkswagen rabbit .

  26. 主街上的商店里堆满了中国面条和蔬菜,普通话则成为了店员们的主要语言。

    Shops on the main street are crammed with Chinese noodles and vegetables , and Mandarin is the chief language among shoppers .

  27. 接着来看另一所寺庙——宗西寺,它坐落在主街旁那片石崖上。

    Looking down on the other temples is Wat Chom Si , which perches on a rocky outcrop next to the main street .

  28. 当他把我的卡车开出镇里的主街区时,我才意识到,我还不知道他住在哪里。

    I realized , as he drove my truck out of the main part of town , that I had no idea where he lived .

  29. 如果室内购物中心真的损害了任何商家的利益话,格伦倒希望是快餐摊和褴褛的步行街,他们杂草丛生般地沿着主街萌芽蔓延。

    If indoor shopping centres harmed any businesses , Gruen dearly hoped it would be the fast-food stands and tacky strip malls that were sprouting like weeds along main roads .

  30. 警察在小镇上拦下了一个在主街上减速驾驶的人,“但是,警官,”那个男子说道:“我能解释原因。”

    A police officer in a small town stopped a motorist who was speeding down Main Street . " But officer ," the man began ," I can explain . "