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  1. 在毛细圆柱中,静相包覆着小直径试管之管壁。

    In capillary columns , the stationary phase coats the walls of small-diameter tubes .

  2. 请看看若干海绵之流出管。

    Take a look at the excurrent canal of certain sponges .

  3. 自动频率控制(AFC)系统用于调节微波功率源输出的微波频率,使之与加速管的固有谐振频率匹配。

    Automatic frequency control ( AFC ) system is used to adjust the frequency of microwave power source to match the inherent frequency of acceleratory tube .

  4. 西部开发要以人才资源的开发和管理为重中之重,管好用好现有的人才,以优惠政策吸引全国各地的良才杰士,为实现西部的快速发展作贡献。

    The west should put great emphasis on management and development of personnel resource .

  5. 硫磺回收装置之废热锅炉管板结构有限元应力分析

    Finite Element Stress Analysis for Structure of Waste Heat Boiler Tube Sheet in Sulfur Recovery Device

  6. 在水电站压力引水钢管或钢蜗壳外表敷设软垫层材料以满足结构受力要求的工程措施称之为垫层管或垫层蜗壳。

    The penstock and spiral case with elastic layer are defined as a engineering measure of having flexible layer material surrounding it to meet the needs of bearing loads in structure .

  7. 视神经管管壁最薄之处在视神经管内壁中部,厚度为(0.52±0.40)mm;

    The middle of the inter-wall was the weakest spot of optic cannel , the depth was ( 0.52 ± 0.40 ) mm ;

  8. 接种剂商品化之程度与品管。

    Teach the agents and quality control of microbial inoculants .

  9. 较之传统晶闸管调速电路,该电路结构简单,调速性能更佳。

    Compared with the traditional silicon controlled rectifier timing circuit , this circuit has more simple structure and better timing performance .

  10. 成年母鸡的白痢病以卵巢变形变色以及与之相关的输卵管阻塞及卵黄性腹膜炎为特征。

    In adult hens , the main findings were abnormal shapes and discolours of ovum , obstruct of oviduct and yock peritonitis .

  11. 其一,假设所有流体都以管道中心的最大速度流动,并以之作为设计保持管长度的依据。

    The first design rule assume that all the fluid was flowing at the maximum velocity of the center of a tube .

  12. 至2002年末,我国国有资产存量已近10万亿元之巨,如何管好用好这笔财富,是一项重大而紧迫的任务。

    Chinese state-owned assets stock has reached 10 trillion RMB by the end of 2002 . It is an important and urgent task to manage and utilize the fortunes efficiently .

  13. 论文第二章以巯基乙酸和甲醇为原料,在以微结构混合器及与之相连的延长管组成的微通道中,进行了巯基乙酸甲酯制备的研究。

    Papers with thioglycollic acid and methanol as raw material in chapter ⅱ, in the reactor with extension tube connected to a micro-mixer and composed of micro-structure , conducted a study on preparation of methyl thioglycolate .