
  • 网络Gigantomachy;Battle of Endor;Battle of Antietam
  1. 马卡蒂后来陪同皇帝登上第二死星并在恩多之战中勉强得以存活。

    Makati would narrowly survive the Battle of Endor , having been aboard Death Star II with the Emperor .

  2. 没几个军官认为德捷之战可被控制为局部战争。

    Few officers thought that a German-Czech war could be localized .

  3. 他们在阿瑟耶之战中一战成名。

    They distinguished themselves at the Battle of Assaye .

  4. 坚决打赢意识形态领域反分裂、反渗透之战

    resolutely win the ideological battle against separation and infiltration

  5. 温斯洛的这部小说按时间顺序讲述了美国“禁毒之战”前30年的征程。

    Winslow 's novel chronicles the first 30 years of the US 's " war on drugs " .

  6. 不巧的是,她在《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》中已经领了盒饭,但是洛基和幻视都可以死而复生回来拍自己的电视剧,她为什么不能?

    Inconveniently1 , she was killed off in Avengers : Endgame , but Loki and Vision came back from the dead for their own TV series , so why shouldn 't she ?

  7. 美国·日本·西欧间de汽车之战论我国客车的造型设计

    CAR WAR On Styling of Buses in China

  8. 或者,既然B级投票权股份已经上市交易(尽管交易量很少),那么有人就能借此通过古老的代理权之战来重组董事会。

    Or , since the class B voting shares are publicly ( though thinly ) traded , someone could mount an old-fashioned proxy fight to reform the board .

  9. 刚一看到唐人街之战这个游戏的开始,你会误以为回到了盗侠车手系列简陋的2D时代。

    At first glance , Chinatown Wars could be mistaken for a return to the Grand Theft Auto series'humble2D beginnings .

  10. 纳尔逊(Nelson)可能无法赢得特拉法加之战。

    Nelson might not have won at Trafalgar .

  11. 分析师约翰o墨菲是“数量”派,他是美银美林(BankofAmericaMerrillLynch)长期调查《汽车之战》(CarWars)的作者。

    On the mass side is analyst John Murphy , author of the long-running " Car Wars " study for Bank of America Merrill Lynch .

  12. 我认为SOA之战已经尘埃落定,该是时候让EA来考虑在实现服务之后的下一步工作了。

    I think the SOA wars are settling down , and it 's time for the EA to consider the next step after service enablement .

  13. 据NewsTimes(AP),这本来是朝鲜的复仇之战,朝鲜官方更是对比赛做了现场直播

    According to News Times ( AP ) , It was supposed to be North Korea 's revenge match against Portugal which for the first time was aired live in North Korea .

  14. 虽然Skype赢得了最初的互联网电话之战,但他们依赖的是传统的、庞大的台式电脑用户群。

    While Skype won the original Internet telephony wars , they did so with a classic fat desktop client .

  15. 1526年的Mohács之战令克罗地亚的国会邀请哈普斯堡皇室来接手对克罗地亚的统治。

    The Battle of Moh á cs in1526 led the Croatian Parliament to invite the Habsburgs to assume control over Croatia .

  16. 霍迪尔之战中的NPC,现在会在战斗开始后,从冰冻中被解救后更快速的施放风暴之力和惬意小火。

    The NPCs in the Hodir encounter will now cast Storm Power and Toasty Fire more quickly after being freed from Flash Freeze at the start of the encounter .

  17. 华纳兄弟生产的DVD比其他任何一家电影公司都更多,并且拥有好莱坞最大的电影图书馆,这可能会令其对蓝光的支持成为这场格式之战的决定性因素。

    Warner produces more DVDs than any other studio and has the largest film library in Hollywood , which is likely to make its support the deciding factor in the format war .

  18. 埃及律师MohammedEl-Helbawi说这场法律之战还在继续。

    Mohammed El-Helbawi , an Egyptian lawyer , said the legal battle is still on .

  19. 1973年,在休斯顿天文馆球场(HoustonAstrodome),29岁的金直接战胜了55岁的里格斯,上演了一场著名的“性别之战(BattleoftheSexes)。”

    In 1973 at the Houston Astrodome , the 29-year-old King defeated 55-year-old Riggs in straight sets in what became known as the " Battle of the Sexes . "

  20. 《猩球崛起:黎明之战》被标记为PG-13级(强烈建议家长指导观看)。

    Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is rated PG-13 ( Parents strongly cautioned ) .

  21. 过去18个月,支持蓝光的索尼(sony)和东芝陷入了一场格式之战,这令消费者感到混乱和困惑,同时可能导致具有破坏性的僵局。

    Sony , which is backing Blu-ray , and Toshiba have been locked in a format war for the past 18 months , leaving consumers bewildered and confused , and leading to the possibility of a damaging stalemate .

  22. 但是该影片有三部,所以会让人感觉不太合适,毕竟比尔博在《史矛革之战》(DesolationofSmaug)中就已经抵达了孤山。

    But with three movies , it suddenly felt misplaced-after all , Bilbo has already arrived ' there ' in the ' Desolation of Smaug . "

  23. Natal和索尼的同类产品都将于明年推出。它们将决定游戏机分化之战以及与任天堂Wii的竞争态势。

    Natal and Sony 's equivalent , both due out next year , are at the heart of the battle to differentiate between the consoles and compete with Nintendo 's Wii .

  24. 而一年前的这场关键之战,格林只能眼睁睁看着球队输掉却无能为力,因为他在G4袭击了詹姆斯的腹股沟之后,累计二次技术犯规而被禁赛。

    Green had sat out this very game a year ago , suspended because of flagrant foul point accumulation after he swiped at James ' groin in Game 4 .

  25. 上周叫车软件之战有所缓和就突显了这一点:优步(Uber)停住了全球扩张的脚步,而一家新的中国数字化冠军企业成功加冕,即滴滴出行(DidiChuxing)。

    That has been underlined by this week 's detente in the ride-hailing wars , which has seen Uber 's global expansion halted and a new Chinese digital champion crowned , in the shape of Didi Chuxing .

  26. 《霍比特人:五军之战》被标记为PG-13级(强烈建议家长注意),如片名所言,有大量强烈的奇幻暴力场面。

    The Hobbit : The Battle of the Five Armies is rated PG-13 ( Parents strongly cautioned ) . Extended sequences of intense fantasy action violence , per the title .

  27. 比如,有些影院可能在下午场上映面向小朋友的《驯龙记》,而将拥有更多暴力镜头的PG-13级《诸神之战》留给晚场上映。

    For example , some theaters could show'Dragon , 'geared toward younger children , during matinees and save'Clash , 'which is rated PG-13 and packs more violence , for evening showings .

  28. “生态系统”之战从本世纪初就开始了,当时诺基亚联合爱立信(Ericsson)、摩托罗拉(Motorola)以及Psion数字技术公司建立了塞班系统的技术平台,用以牵制微软(Microsoft)。

    Again , not really true & the " ecosystem " battle began in the early 2000s , with Nokia joining forces with Ericsson ( ERIC ) , Motorola , and psion to create Symbian as a platform technology that would keep Microsoft ( MSFT ) at bay .

  29. 桑海帝国在疆域和财富方面超过其前代,但同样成为内部问题和内战的牺牲品,于1591年因tondibi之战而垮台。

    This empire exceeded its predecessors in territory and wealth , but it too fell prey to internal wrangling and civil war and was eventually toppled at the battle of tondibi in 1591 .

  30. 但是从长远来看,《汽车之战》调查的价值可能会缩水。

    But Car Wars may be of less value going forward .