
dà péng chē
  • caravan
大篷车[dà péng chē]
  1. 他们能听见雨点落在大篷车车顶的声音。

    They could hear raindrops spattering on the roof of the caravan .

  2. 克里斯蒂和达瑞尔是住在大篷车公园帕尔默斯岛。

    Christine and Darryl were staying at a caravan Park on Palmers Island .

  3. 牛仔们有的赶着大篷车,有的骑着马,抛套索捕牛。

    Cowboys drove covered wagons and rode horses , lassoing cattle .

  4. 旧式的吉卜赛大篷车是由马拉的涂了颜色的木质车辆。

    Old-fashioned Gypsy caravans are painted wooden vehicles that are pulled by horses .

  5. 经过改造的的两卧铺1960年大篷车,也被称为Sol电影院,它使用一台LED视频投影机,并可容纳8到12个成年人。

    Sol Cinema , as this converted two berth 1960 " s caravan is also known as , uses an LED video projector and accommodates from eight to 12 adults .

  6. 一天,有一只由500辆大篷车组成的商队经过村子。

    One day a caravan of500 carts came by the village .

  7. 几天后一辆大篷车经过了这个小峡谷。

    A few days afterwards a heavy wagon pass through the gully .

  8. 大篷车由套上轭的公牛拉着隆隆而过。

    Huge , roofed carts lumber along , pulled by yoked bullocks .

  9. 捐赠的大篷车使得他们在车上进餐的冒险活动变成可能。

    The donated van made their meal-on-wheels venture possible .

  10. 在大篷车里度假的习惯。

    The practice of taking holidays in a caravan .

  11. 他们的大篷车遇上伏击,他们被刀剑乱刺乱砍而死。

    They were ambushed in their Caravan and stabbed and hacked to death .

  12. 科技知识传播的新模式&科技大篷车

    A New Model of Spreading Scientific and Technological Knowledge

  13. 大篷车促销:中国旅游市场营销创新的成功实践&大篷车营销实现从实践到理论的飞跃

    Tourist Caravan : A Successful Practice of the Innovation of Tourist Marketing in China

  14. 他驾着大篷车辘辘行驶在街上。

    He rumbled the wagon down the street .

  15. 我在想,这是1959年,这孩子正唱着一首有关大篷车的歌。

    I think it's1959 , and this boy 's singing songs about the boxcar ?

  16. 旧时的吉普赛大篷车是涂了颜色的木质车辆。

    Old-fashioned gypsy caravans are painted wooden vehicles .

  17. 大篷车紧跟在后面。

    The caravan followed at no great distance .

  18. 宁夏话剧团以“大篷车”精神名扬区内外,成为全国国有演艺团体里的一个榜样。

    It becomes a fine example in China 's famous at its spirit of'caravan ' .

  19. 我想买辆仿制的大篷车,就是西方先驱早先使用的有篷大马车。

    I want to buy a replica of the covered wagons of the western pioneers .

  20. 大篷车的轮子便开始顺着路沿向沟里滑去,

    The caravan 's wheels began to go down into the ditch along the edge .

  21. 更别说一个马戏团的大篷车了?

    Let alone by a circus troupe ?

  22. 吉普赛人坐着大篷车旅行。

    The Gipsy traveled in caravans .

  23. 他想:坐在大篷车里走在宽敞的公路上的生活一定是很刺激有趣的经历。

    He thought that life in a caravan on the open road would be an exciting adventure .

  24. 她居住的内陆国家是一个沙漠地,曾是古代撒哈拉大篷车所走路线的枢纽。

    Her landlocked country is a desert land that was once a hub for ancient Saharan caravan routes .

  25. 然后只听一阵可怕的稀里哗啦声—美丽的黄绿大篷车无助地歪倒在地。

    Then there was a terrible crash-and the beautiful yellow and green caravan lay helplessly on its side .

  26. 他和鼹鼠设法使老马安静,然后开始检查大篷车。

    He and the Mole managed to calm the horse , and then they went to look at the caravan .

  27. 那天早上,他还遇见了一位驾大篷车的人,他正在野地火堆上烧东西吃。

    Later that morning he met a man with a caravan , who was cooking over a fire in a field .

  28. 他们不得不将大篷车先留在沟里,步行到五、六英里以外最近的城镇。

    They had to leave the caravan in the ditch and walk to the nearest town , five or six miles away .

  29. 当时,印度大力支持中国的抗日战争,因此大篷车也装载着大量印度给中国的国际援助物资。

    Caravans trans - ported large quantities of international as - sistance from India , which greatly supported China 's Sino-Japanese War .

  30. 她不习惯乘飞机,一上飞机便有点紧张。在大篷车里度假的习惯。

    She 's unused to flying and get a little anxious in planes . the practice of taking holidays in a caravan .