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  • big stick policy
  1. 大棒政策(以实力,尤指以强大的武力相威胁)。

    The big stick ( the threat of using force , esp of great military strength )

  2. 平克认为,萝卜加大棒政策不仅已经过时,还可能会产生不良后果&因为他们既挫败人们的动力又扼杀人们的创造力。

    Mr Pink argues that carrots and sticks are not only outdated , but can also be counterproductive & motivation killers and creativity dampeners .

  3. 提出解决农民拆迁问题的“胡萝卜加大棒政策”;三、提出集体非农建设用地直接上市的观点;

    I agree to resolve peasant 's removal problem with carrot and strong policy , 3 , I suggest that the collective land not farming but construction directly appears on the market ;

  4. 美国副总统乔拜登(joebiden)最近在慕尼黑的讲话,在伊朗产生了负面影响;鼓吹同样的“胡萝卜加大棒”政策让伊朗感到失望。

    What Joe Biden , the US vice-president , said recently in Munich had a negative impact in Iran ; advocating the same " carrot and stick " policy has disappointed Iran .

  5. 试析大棒金元政策与门罗主义的不同

    Tries to Analyze the Differences between the Big stick-Dollar Diplomacy and the Monroe Doctrine

  6. 大棒和胡萝卜的政策就要双管其下。

    Tough sanctions must therefore be coupled with clearer incentives .

  7. 法律是纸上的,刺刀是钢铸的,大棒手段和怀柔政策相济。

    Law is paper , bayonet is steel .