
  • Ukrainian;Ukraine
  1. 乌克兰人传统的彩蛋绘制也表达了这种恐惧。

    Traditional Ukrainian decorated eggs also spoke to those fears .

  2. 红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)的合伙人戈茨(JimGoetz)写道,WhatsApp用户数量达到4.5亿的速度要快于历史上的任何公司。该公司是由乌克兰人JanKoum和美国人阿克顿(BrianActon)在2009年创立的。

    The company , founded in 2009 by Ukrainian Jan Koum and American Brian Acton , reached 450 million users faster than any company in history , wrote Jim Goetz , a partner at investor Sequoia Capital .

  3. 乌克兰人所说的那种斯拉夫语系的语言类似于俄语。

    The Ukrainians speak a Slavonic language similar to Russian .

  4. 在20世纪30年代,有几百万乌克兰人饿死或被驱逐出境。

    In the 1930s , millions of Ukrainians starved to death or were deported

  5. 本场胜利使乌克兰人甩开了最强有力的对手,莫斯科迪那摩队。

    That victory put the Ukrainians beyond the reach of their nearest challengers , Dynamo Moscow .

  6. 成千上万的乌克兰人聚集在议会门前高喊“好啊”。

    Thousands of Ukrainians burst into cries of ' bravo ' on the steps of the parliament

  7. 几个世纪以来,乌克兰人一直在鸡蛋上描绘出复杂的图案。

    For centuries , Ukrainians have been drawing complicated patterns on eggs .

  8. 这位乌克兰人在YouTube上的账户名是TechRax。他自称倒了几千瓶可乐来填满这个1500加仑容量的游泳池。

    The Ukraine native , who goes by the name TechRax on YouTube , said he poured thousands of bottles of coke to fill the pool with 1500 gallons of pop . '

  9. 然而,如果我们假定不会有更多类似马航MH17航班这样的事件,这个错误的代价就主要是由乌克兰人来承担的。

    But - assuming there are no more MH17s - the price for that blunder will be paid mainly by the people of Ukraine .

  10. 荷兰外交部部长伯特·科恩达斯(BertKoenders)的媒体秘书阿梅德·达杜(AhmedDadou)周一在接受电话采访时说:“在处理这一事件中,我们已经同乌克兰人密切合作,乌克兰方面向我们保证会调查此案。”

    Ahmed Dadou , press secretary to the Dutch minister of foreign affairs , Bert Koenders , said on Monday in a telephone interview : " We are in close contact with the Ukrainians on the proceedings in this case , and the Ukrainians have assured us that they would investigate the case . "

  11. 然而,我们没有理由在乌克兰人面前表现得高人一等。

    However , there is no cause for condescension towards Ukrainians .

  12. 他们把自己作为最为明显的乌克兰人和欧洲人,

    both to see themselves more distinctly as Ukrainian and European ,

  13. 我在与乌克兰人交谈时,他们大多烟不离手。

    Most Ukrainians I spoke to smoked throughout the conversation .

  14. 乌克兰人喜欢集结在布列顿滩。

    Like most ukrainians , we congregated in Brighton beach .

  15. 乌克兰人想要对西方欧洲作出抗议。

    Ukrainians who want to move toward Western Europe have been protesting .

  16. 但乌克兰人说,他们希望把这一切保留下来,而不是摧毁掉。

    But Ukrainians say they want to preserve , rather than destroy .

  17. 我们相信现在是为乌克兰人工作。

    Now we believe he 's working for the lranians .

  18. 乌克兰人似乎在本周已经改变了他们国家的未来。

    Ukrainians appear to have changed their country 's future this week .

  19. 很多乌克兰人认为他们的国家处于危险之中。

    Many Ukrainians think their country is in crisis .

  20. 普京将不得不承认的一点是,乌克兰人不是俄罗斯人。

    Ukrainians are not Russians , as Mr Putin will have to admit .

  21. 虽然说出这些言论,这名乌克兰人对自己却很满意。

    With that said , the Ukraine native has no problems with herself .

  22. 乌克兰人认为这是种族灭绝的行为。

    Ukrainians consider it an act of genocide .

  23. 乌克兰人现在的平均寿命是68岁,低于苏联时期水平。

    Life expectancy is now about 68 , lower than when the USSR disappeared .

  24. 金发小妞她叫汉娜·库什科乌克兰人,25岁

    Blondie . Her name is Hanna Cushko . Ukrainian , 25 years old .

  25. 乌克兰人正在确立自己的欧洲人身份认同。

    Ukrainians are establishing their identity as Europeans .

  26. 最精心制作彩蛋的是波兰人和乌克兰人。

    The most elaborate eggs are decorated by the people from Poland and Ukraine .

  27. 曾享受波兰免签证待遇的乌克兰人现在遇到了官僚方面的障碍。

    Ukrainians , who enjoyed visa-free travel to Poland , now face bureaucratic hurdles .

  28. 一些乌克兰人希望加强与俄罗斯之间的关系。

    Some Ukrainians want closer ties to Russia .

  29. 但穆里尼奥仍然很乐观的期待乌克兰人来证明自己的价值。

    But Mourinho is happy to wait for the Ukrainian to prove his worth .

  30. 但是特别是东部亲俄分裂势力的另外一些乌克兰人却依附俄罗斯。

    But other Ukrainians , especially in some eastern regions are aligned with Russia .