
  • Orchard Road;Orchard Rd
  1. 如今,他经营着自己的餐馆songofindia,就位于乌节路(orchardroad)附近一座经过翻修的黑白色公馆内。

    He now runs his own restaurant , song of India , set in a renovated black-and-white mansion near Orchard Road .

  2. 要买时尚的名牌货,乌节路是理想的地点。

    For trendy branded goods , Orchard Road is the ideal spot .

  3. 你可以去乌节路,那里有很多国际品牌店,诸如香奈尔、LV、BCBG等等。

    There are various international stores , including Chanel , LV , BCBG and so on .

  4. 不同性格不同的进展捕获全身镜头,而在乌节路散步。

    Different strides of different personalities captured in full-body shots while strolling in Orchard Road .

  5. 昨天我去了乌节路。

    I went to Orchard Road yesterday .

  6. 穆罕默德苏丹,克拉码头,跻身世界大都会,乌节路。

    Near Mohammed Sultan , Clarke Quay , Great World City , Orchard Road , Killinery .

  7. 这里的公车交通系统很完善,每天都有车载客人到乌节路和唐人街。

    There was a complementary bus service which took guest to Orchard Road and China Town everyday .

  8. 第一太平戴维斯表示,乌节路拥有新加坡一些最昂贵的楼盘,去年有4000套豪华公寓完工。

    Orchard Road has some of the most expensive property in Singapore , with 4,000 luxury condominiums completed over the past year , says Savills .

  9. 逃避到一个在市中心宁静的花园飞地-从乌节路商店和娱乐场所,并从金融区仅数分钟的步骤。

    Escape into a quiet garden enclave in the heart of the city – steps from Orchard Road shops and entertainment , and just minutes from the financial district .

  10. 位于东陵路与乌节路的交接处,金融区的附近,乌节广场酒店为您提供一切方便。

    Located at the junction of Tanglin Road and Orchard Road , yet just outside the Central Business district , Orchard Parade Hotel offers you all the convenience you need .

  11. 朋友说,要他的女儿在网上购物而不去乌节路,无异于逼她跳楼。

    A friend said if he were to force his daughter to shop on the net instead of letting her shop at Orchard road , the daughter would rather kill herself .

  12. 里面有2500间房,城市房间可以远眺滨海湾区,包括新落成的滨海湾金融中心,而在晴天时,你可远距离地看到乌节路。

    Inside , of the2,500 rooms , the City rooms overlook the Marina Bay area including the newly-built Marina Bay Financial Center , and on a clear day , Orchard Road can be spied at a distance .