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  • Chad
乍得[zhà dé]
  1. 来自乍得的报告显示叛军正向首都推进。

    Reports from Chad suggest that rebel forces are advancing on the capital

  2. 乍得南部B盆地下白垩统碎屑岩储集层成岩演化及特征

    Diagenetic evolution and characteristics of Lower Cretaceous clastic reservoir of B Basin , South Chad

  3. 这是希腊,不是乍得&你以为如果表现不达标IMF就会停止发放贷款吗?

    This is Greece , not Chad : does anyone imagine the IMF will stop disbursing loans if performance criteria are not met ?

  4. 实际上,安哥拉和乍得等国就选择了附带条件更弱的中国贷款,而没有选择IMF或世行的贷款。

    There have been examples of countries such as Angola and Chad opting for Chinese loans , with weaker conditions than the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank apply .

  5. CNN天气气象学家迈尔斯乍得预计这场暴风雪从晚上开始,接连持续几天,最终像前一场暴风雪一样向东推进。

    That storm , which is expected to start overnight , should last several days and eventually make its way eastward , like its predecessor , CNN meteorologist Chad Myers said .

  6. 中石油正在收购中石油集团所持中油勘探开发有限公司(CNPCExplorationandDevelopment)50%的股份。这家合资企业持有双方在哈萨克斯坦、委内瑞拉、阿尔及利亚、尼日尔和乍得等12个国家的多数海外资产。

    PetroChina is in the process of buying CNPC 's 50 per cent stake in CNPC Exploration and Development , the joint venture that holds most of the two companies ' overseas assets in 12 countries including Kazakhstan , Venezuela , Algeria , Niger and Chad .

  7. 据NPR新闻的奥菲比亚·奎斯特·阿克顿报道,乍得官方宣布,该领袖于周六被乍得军队击毙,但是法国等其他国家则呼吁谨慎行事。

    NPR 's Ofeibea Quist-Arcton reports the authorities in Chad announced he had been killed by their troops on Saturday but others including France are urging caution .

  8. 在赞比亚,创办一个企业需消耗掉人均国民总收入(GNI)的6%,而在乍得,这一数字为19%;

    It takes six percent of GNI per capita to start a business in Zambia and19 percent to start one in Chad .

  9. Petronas还在阿尔及利亚、安哥拉、乍得、喀麦隆、加蓬、尼日利亚、苏丹、南非、突尼斯、利比亚从事上游活动。

    Petronas is also involved in upstream activities in Algeria , Angola , Chad , Cameroon , Gabon , Niger , Sudan , South Africa , Tunisia and Lybia .

  10. 当地居民说,那群恶棍是乘坐Afriqiyah航空公司的飞机从利比亚各地和南方邻近的乍得和尼日尔等国抵达班加西机场的。

    Residents say the thugs were ferried into Benghazi 's local airport by Afriqiyah airlines from elsewhere in Libya , or from neighbouring countries to the south , such as Chad and Niger .

  11. 迪尔夫说,哈布雷将会在乍得首都恩贾梅纳被立即处死。

    Diouf says his client will be immediately executed in N'Djamena .

  12. 没有人会去乍得首都恩贾梅纳度假。

    No one goes to the capital of Chad on vacation .

  13. 官方表示,13名乍得军人死亡,另有6人受伤。

    Official say 13 Chadian soldiers died , and six were hurt .

  14. 但是在乍得,他没有那么多时间。

    In Chad , he didn 't have that kind of time .

  15. 乍得指责喀土穆支持叛军抵抗力量联盟。

    Chad blames Khartoum for backing the rebel Union of Resistance Forces .

  16. 这已曾在乍得共和国和苏尔富尔引起过冲突

    It 's already fueled conflicts in Chad and Darfur .

  17. 关于开发乍得湖流域的公约和规约;

    Convention and statute relating to the development of the Chad basin ;

  18. 乍得方面称其军队在马里击毙了这两名武装头目。

    Chad claimed its forces killed both militants in Mali .

  19. 乍得:法国对非政策的一面镜子

    Chad : a mirror of French policy toward Africa

  20. 乍得和利比亚争端问题特设委员会

    Ad Hoc Committee on Disputes between Chad and Libya

  21. 接下来我们前往乍得,这是一个非洲中部的国家。

    Next story takes us to Chad , a nation in central Africa .

  22. 经过两年最严重的干旱之后,乍得遭遇了四十年来最严重的降雨。

    The heaviest rainfall in forty years comes after two years of drought .

  23. 苏丹决绝这种指控,反而称苏丹受到乍得支持的反叛分子的袭击。

    Sudan denies the and says it is being attacked by Chadian-backed rebels .

  24. 阿拉伯的游牧队伍经过一名乍得妇女。

    Arab nomads on horses pass by a Chadian woman in chat , Nov.

  25. 从历史上看,乍得一直与脊灰病毒的进一步国际传播相关联。

    Historically , Chad has been associated with further international spread of poliovirus .

  26. 国家报告:喀麦隆、中非共和国、乍得》附《国家简况》。

    Country Report : Cameroon , CAR , Chad , with Country Profile .

  27. 喀麦隆和乍得尚未报告任何病例。

    Cameroon and Chad have not reported any cases .

  28. 300000多万难民居住在乍得东部的难民营中。

    More than 300000 refugees from Darfur live in camps in eastern Chad .

  29. (常指为攻击而)前进,推进来自乍得的报告显示叛军正向首都推进。

    Reports from Chad suggest that rebel forces are advancing on the capital .

  30. 部分乍得人所说的尼罗&撒哈拉语。

    A Nilo-Saharan language spoken in parts of Chad .