
wěi nèi ruì lā
  • Venezuela
委内瑞拉[wěi nèi ruì lā]
  1. 应委内瑞拉的要求召开了这次会议。

    The meeting was called in response to a request from Venezuela .

  2. 拉美8个国家的领导人今天在委内瑞拉的加拉加斯会晤。

    Leaders of eight Latin American countries are meeting in Caracas , Venezuela , today .

  3. 他的父亲是丹麦人,母亲是委内瑞拉人。

    He was the son of a Danish father and a Venezuelan mother .

  4. 在委内瑞拉,油价的剧跌已使其经济呈自由落体式下滑。

    In Venezuela , collapsing oil prices have sent its economy into free-fall .

  5. HSE管理中的风险分析方法&以中油国际委内瑞拉公司HSE管理经验为例

    The method of risk analysis for HSE management

  6. 什么鸟?将UN,北约,俄国,中国,委内瑞拉,古巴合在一起就成了。

    What the heck , lets combine UN , NATO , Russia , China , Venezuela and Cuba into one unit and be done with it .

  7. 委内瑞拉就是一个例子。该国多年来利用其原油垄断地位诱使拉美国家反对华盛顿共识(Washingtonconsensus)提出的自由经济政策。

    Just look at Venezuela , which for many years used its oil monopoly to cajole Latin American states into defying the liberal economic prescriptions of the Washington Consensus .

  8. 也有过腐败:2013年,委内瑞拉8人因从中委联合基金(JointChinese-VenezuelaFund)挪用8400万美元而被逮捕。

    There has been corruption : in 2013 , eight people in Venezuela were arrested for appropriating $ 84m from the Joint Chinese-Venezuela Fund .

  9. 比如在委内瑞拉,根据经济学人信息部(EconomistIntelligenceUnit)的预测,其非石油政府收入明年将占国内生产总值12%,是石油收入的两倍。

    Next year in Venezuela , for example , forecast non-oil government revenues of 12 per cent of gross domestic product will be twice that of oil revenues , according to the Economist Intelligence Unit .

  10. 他也在会上第一次与脾气暴躁并一直批评美国政策的委内瑞拉总统HugoChavez碰面。

    He also had his first encounter with Hugo Chavez , the fiery Venezuelan leader and critic of U.S policies .

  11. 美国时尚界的两大支柱、卡罗琳娜•赫雷拉(CarolinaHerrera)与奥斯卡•德拉伦塔(OscardelaRenta)分别来自委内瑞拉和多米尼克共和国。

    Two pillars of US fashion , Carolina Herrera and Oscar de la Renta , are from Venezuela and the Dominican Republic respectively .

  12. 以委内瑞拉F油田Z油藏作为研究实例,利用测井资料约束地震数据,建立纵向高分辨率的三维地震波阻抗模型;

    Taking the Reservoir Z , F oil field , Venezuela as an example , this paper illustrates the application of logs data to constrain seismic data for producing a high-resolution acoustic impedance 3D model .

  13. 挤水泥技术在委内瑞拉Caracoles油田的应用

    Application of cement squeeze technology in Caracoles oil field , venezuela

  14. 大宗商品出口大国也无力通过扩大进口降低顺差。沙特、利比亚和委内瑞拉在2002年至2007年期间,贸易顺差占GDP比例平均达到了两位数水平。

    The big commodity exporting nations have a similar inability to absorb enough imports to reduce their surpluses – double-digit percentages of GDP on average between 2002 and 2007 for Saudi Arabia , Libya and Venezuela .

  15. 据彭博社(Bloomberg)资料显示,只有5个国家股市上涨:智利、委内瑞拉、突尼斯,再加上如今被寄予厚望的中国和印度。

    According to Bloomberg only five nations saw gains ; Chile , Venezuela and Tunisia plus the two on which hopes now hang China and India .

  16. 砖墙式三维观测系统在委内瑞拉Caracoles区块的应用

    Application of 3 D brick wall geometry in Caracoles Block , Venezuela

  17. 委内瑞拉总统查韦斯(HugoChavez)上周五出访哈瓦那,与古巴总统劳尔•卡斯特罗(RaulCastro)及其患病的哥哥菲德尔•卡斯特罗(FidelCastro)协调峰会前的战略。

    Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez stopped in Havana on Friday to coordinate pre-summit strategy with Cuban President Raul Castro and his ailing bother Fidel .

  18. 承认他在MITOCW所找到的一些概念,或许也能从委内瑞拉中央大学图书馆(书籍或期刊中)找到。

    Morales acknowledges that some of the same ideas he has found on MIT OCW are probably also available in the Central University library , in books or journals .

  19. JamesGodsil:“今年三月我受邀到了委内瑞拉,我和在厄瓜多尔有项目的人合作,还与刚果、乌干达和坦桑尼亚的人们一起合作。”

    JAMES GODSIL : " I was asked to go to Venezuela this March . And I 'm working with people who have a project in Ecuador . I 'm working with people in the Congo and Uganda and Tanzania . "

  20. 身为委内瑞拉大学冶金工程学的毕业生,RogelioMorales的履历上有著一些不寻常的项目。

    A metallurgical engineering graduate of the University of Venezuela , Rogelio Morales has some unusual entries on his resume .

  21. 委内瑞拉ANACO油田MVR107水平井钻井技术

    Horizontal drilling technique of MVR 107 well in Anaco oilfield , Venezuela

  22. 在委内瑞拉,中国公司修建一条290英里长的高铁的项目的确动工了。该项目是委内瑞拉总统乌戈·查韦斯(HugoChávez)为将人口从沿海地区“转移”而制定的宏伟计划的一部分。

    In Venezuela , Chinese companies actually broke ground on a 290-mile high-speed railway , part of a grandiose plan by President Hugo Ch á vez , to " rebalance " the population away from the coast .

  23. 应用壁面剪应力固井解决了委内瑞拉Caracoles油田固井实践中存在的顶替效率问题。

    The replacement efficiency problems encountered in casing cementing practice in Caracoles Oil Field of Venezuela was resolved by using wall surface shearing stress cementing .

  24. 宇通在委内瑞拉的其中一位负责人XuChunhui承认,他们一开始在该市场很难被当地人接受,他们必须通过他们大巴车的质量来证明自己。

    Xu Chunhui , one of Yutong 's leaders in Venezuela admits they struggled to gain acceptance in the market at the beginning , and says they had to prove themselves through the quality of their buses .

  25. 方法建立了委内瑞拉马脑炎病毒特异、敏感和快速的实时RT-PCR法,并对委内瑞拉马脑炎病毒感染昆明小鼠的不同组织标本中的病毒载量进行了定量检测。

    In order to develop a sensitive , specific and rapid technique of earlier surveillance and epidemiological research on VEEV disease , the real-time RT-PCR assay targeted capsid protein gene sequences of VEEV was developed and used to quantitatively detect the viral loads in different tissue samples of VEEV-infected mice .

  26. 国有石油公司PdVSA今年除面临资金短缺外,还要履行委内瑞拉作为欧佩克(OPEC)成员国所需承担的进一步减产义务。

    This year , state-run Petroleos de Venezuela SA , known as PdVSA , faces a cash crunch as well as increased production cuts as a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries , or OPEC .

  27. 国有的委内瑞拉国家石油公司(Pdvsa)被誉为该国经济的引擎。为了给社会项目提供资金,该公司受到了层层盘剥,而这些钱本可以用在急需的投资方面。

    PDVSA , the state-owned oil company that is the dynamo of the economy , has been leached to fund social projects with cash that otherwise would have been used for much-needed investment .

  28. 阐述了出口委内瑞拉C.V.G.FMO公司矿石敞车的主要特点、技术参数、主要结构及试验情况。

    Described are the main features , technical parameters , main structure and testing of the Ore Gondola car exported to C.V.G.FMO Company in Venezuela .

  29. 委内瑞拉CARACOLES油田采用适合于油藏特点的半闭式连续气举生产管柱,应用细钢丝投捞技术,不动油井管柱即可实现更换气举阀和换层生产。

    Venezuela Caracoles oilfield adopts the semi-closed gas lift tubing string that is fit for reservoir characteristic , utilizes wireline operation technology to realize exchanging gas lift valves and exchanging layers producing without pulling tubing string .

  30. 莫拉雷斯(ArnaldoMorales)是该国一名出租车司机,私下倒卖外汇。他从访问委内瑞拉的游客那里买入美元,然后再将美元出售给当地人。他说,持有美元就像是有了堵防护。

    ' Having dollars is like a barricade , 'says Arnaldo Morales , a cay who moonlights as a currency trader , buying dollars from travelers as they enter the country , then selling them to Venezuela .