
wěi tuō shū
  • letter of attorney;letter of authorization;power of attorney;proxy statement;mandate
委托书 [wěi tuō shū]
  • [trust instrument] 建立委托关系的合法文件(如遗嘱、契约或委托声明)

  1. 授权委托书必须记明委托事项和权限。

    The letter of attorney must list the items of trust and the limit of powers .

  2. 我们到了警长那儿,阿尔芒把玛格丽特姐姐的委托书交给了他。

    We went to see the superintendent of police , and Armand handed over Marguerite 's si ster 's letter of attorney .

  3. 随后对委托书的格式、内容、期限以及能否实行有偿征集、征集费用由谁承担以及违反该制度的法律责任进行论述,并提出自己的一些见解

    Section IV is about the proxy solicitation system and corporate governance .

  4. 注:我们还安装了一个软件保费看起来你的内部静态IP的,所以没有更多的委托书及其他作弊东西!

    Note : We have installed an premium software that looks for your static internal IP so no more proxies and other cheating stuff !

  5. 像其他很多公司一样,通用电气、微软、默克和思科每年的代理委托书都将企业盈利视为CEO奖金的主要依据之一。

    Like many other firms , the annual proxy filings of Ge , Microsoft , Merck , and Cisco cite corporate earnings as one of the primary justifications for CEO bonuses .

  6. 但上述信息仅代表库克的“已披露收入”,即公司在最新股东委托书中给出的CEO薪酬。

    But these figures merely represent the rise in Cook 's " reported pay , " which is what a company gives as a total figure in its latest proxy statement .

  7. 上周五,戴尔公司(Dell)发布了股东签署的委托书。委托书详细阐述了首席执行官迈克尔?戴尔和私募基金公司银湖资本(SilverLakePartners)联手开出的总价高达224亿美元的收购要约的出炉过程。

    Dell Inc. ( DELL ) today filed a proxy statement , detailing the process leading up its its $ 24.4 billion buyout proposal from CEO Michael Dell and private equity firm Silver Lake Partners .

  8. 这样的举措正合“行动型”股东卡尔•伊坎(CarlIcahn)的意,伊坎今年曾发起一场委托书争夺战,试图在摩托罗拉董事会获得一席,但没有成功。

    Such a move would satisfy activist investor Carl Icahn , who this year ran an unsuccessful proxy fight to gain a board seat .

  9. 委托书并未说明这是在哪次行业会议上,但我敢打包票,那就是阿斯彭举办的“《财富》头脑风暴技术大会”(theFortuneBrainstormTechconference)(当时迈克尔?戴尔和银湖资本的埃贡?德班都做了发言)。

    The proxy does not say which industry conference , but I 'm 99.9 % certain it was Fortune Brainstorm Tech in Aspen ( where Michael Dell and Silver Lake 's Egon Durban both spoke ) .

  10. 苏格兰皇家银行指数研究负责人詹姆斯宾尼(JamesBinny)补充道:我听说一些投资委托书已转向更加全权委托型了,总体上使投资变得更平衡,我希望这种方式将管用。

    James Binny , head of index research at RBS , adds : I have heard that some mandates have switched to be more discretionary , just generally getting more balanced , and my hope is this is the way it will go .

  11. 委托书征集信息披露法制研究

    Researches on the Legal System of the Proxy Solicitation Information Disclosure

  12. 如果是,请填写有限的授权委托书。

    If yes , please complete Limited Power of Attorney Form .

  13. 据说代理委托书明天或周四就会签署。

    Word is that the proxy is coming tomorrow or Thursday .

  14. 论委托书征求与小股东利益保护

    On Proxy Solicitation and Protection of Minority Shareholders ' Profit

  15. 委托书征集对公司治理具有双刃剑效应。

    Proxy solicitations have a so called double - edged sword effect .

  16. 比如说,交给您,很简单,只要写封委托书。

    You , for instance . a proxy would make it easy .

  17. 法律上被允许代表别人行为的人委托书代表别人做事的书面授权证明

    Person who is legally allowed to act on behalf of someone else

  18. 中国银行托收委托书

    Letter of delegation " Application for collection , Bank of China "

  19. 并一同放入你的保险卡,和委托书

    with copies of your insurance cards , your power of attorney ,

  20. 征集股东委托书法律制度研究

    Researches on the Legal System of Acquisition of Shareholders ' Letter of Authorization

  21. 为一项以上的申请和/或注册提交一份委托书

    Single Power of Attorney for More Than One Application and / or Registration

  22. 给他的律师(初级的)授于委托书。

    His solicitor is granted power of attorney .

  23. 根据委托书,一名代表可以代表一名以上的董事。

    By Letter of Proxy , one agent may represent more than one directors .

  24. 越来越多的公司高管们要求在委托书中加入‘关键人条款’。

    There is rising demand from executives for key man provisions in engagement letters .

  25. 申报者的营业执照副本和生产企业授予的代理注册的委托书。

    Qualification Certification and business license of applicant and Power of Attorney about registration .

  26. 债权人或分担人可向任何人发出一般委托书。

    A creditor or a contributory may give a general proxy to any person .

  27. 调查没有统计那些根据委托书披露已离职或即将离职的老板。

    It excluded those whose departure or pending departure was disclosed in a proxy .

  28. 又是一年,上周惠普发布了新的股东委托书。

    It is a new year and HP issued its new proxy last week .

  29. 然后本章对我国目前关于委托书征集的立法现状进行梳理。

    Then this chapter combs out the current regulations in connection with proxy solicitation .

  30. 根据股东签署的委托书显示,雅虎考虑过一系列申请。

    Yahoo weighed a variety of offers , according to the proxy statement filed .