
hé lǐ xìng
  • rationality
合理性[hé lǐ xìng]
  1. 反规避条款有其存在的合法性和合理性

    The anti-circumvention clause has its " validity and rationality . "

  2. 中央银行地区分行辖区划分的合理性&基于结构性VAR的中美比较研究

    On Rationality of Regional Partitions of Central Banking System : A Sino-US Comparison Based on Structural VAR

  3. 那些批评至少有一丝真实性和合理性。

    The criticisms have at least an element of truth and validity .

  4. 当然,一些人否定了此类说法的合理性。

    Some people , of course , denied the validity of any such claim .

  5. 我不得不承认他的论点的合理性。

    I had to grant the reasonableness of his argument .

  6. 实用性是否能够单独证实美国设计者新理念的合理性呢?

    Could utility alone justify the new ideas of the American designers ?

  7. 其与商业数值模拟软件ECLIPSE对比计算,表明了所开发模拟软件的合理性

    The compared result of the new software and ECLIPSE indicates justifiability .

  8. 不过,正是这种无视逻辑和合理性的壮举,《速度与激情》系列才会如此有趣。

    Still , it 's this heroic disregard for logic8 and plausibility9 that makes the Fast & Furious franchise10 so much fun .

  9. 其次与经典理论解和通用有限元软件ANSYS的结果进行比较说明了本文研究方法的正确性和合理性。

    Secondly , comparing with the theoretical solution and the results of ANSYS indicates the correctness and rationality of the present .

  10. 以FK506为基础的免疫抑制方案在肝移植后应用的合理性研究

    Tacrolimus-based Immunosuppression after Orthotopic Liver Transplantation : A Randomised Study Comparing

  11. 在试验路现场自行设计和实施了大型原位剪切试验并依据相关理论对试验数据分析得到了填石路堤的抗剪强度参数c、φ值,为验证参数反演的合理性提供了依据;

    A locate large-scale shearing test was designed and carried out at the experimental road and the shear strength index c , φ could be worked out with relative theory applied .

  12. 特别是为描述某一彩票模式的吸引力,我们根据各奖项出现的概率、奖金额等因素引进了效用函数U,对彩票模式的合理性进行评价;

    To begin with , based on the probability and bonus amount of prizes , we introduce availability function U to evaluate the feasibility of lottery pattern .

  13. 最后利用JADE多智能体系统开发平台建立了一个多智能体控制系统,并通过实验验证了该系统的有效性及合理性。

    Finally we established simulation system of a multi-agent control system with JADE , a Java Agent DEvelopment , and tested it in WFMS .

  14. 目的:分析疑难危重病例率(CD率)和病例优良率,验证病例分型分级的合理性和稳定性。

    Objective : To analyze case difficulty danger rates ( CD rates ) and case eligible rates , and to validate the rationality and stability of case branch and classification .

  15. 然后调用接口操作形成DiffServ的软交换机,验证了接口描述的合理性和可行性。

    We use the interface to form the DiffServ SSWs , which prove the validity and feasibility of our work .

  16. 通过系统的功率分配设计,对RoF系统的可实现性、合理性和稳定性做出必要的分析。

    Necessary analysis is made of the realizability , rationality and stability of the system through the power distribution design .

  17. 然后,简单介绍了CSC工法并基于现场监测数据对该深基坑支护方案的合理性进行了分析;

    Secondly , the feasibility of CSC method and retaining and protection structure is analyzed , according to monitoring data in situ .

  18. 提出将CBR技术应用于设计评价过程,提高了对概念设计结果评价的准确性和合理性。

    For the first time , the author puts forward the CBR-based conceptual design evaluation system which can make the evaluation of conceptual design more exactly and reasonably .

  19. 由于CAC初步协议的不完全合理性,在实际应用中动态调节是必要的;

    Since the first contract of Call Admission Control ( CAC ) may be not reasonable , dynamic adjustment is necessary during practical application .

  20. 研究内容是在国内学者有关的理论研究成果基础上,采用模糊决策、层次分析(AHP)法对河流区域间水权初始分配进行探索性应用研究,并分析水量分配的合理性。

    This paper adopts Fuzzy Decision and Analytical Hierarchy Process to investigate the original water right of rivers based on the research results of domestic scholars , and analyzes the rationality of their results .

  21. 如何用C语言实现DOS功能调用和BIOS功能调用,如何用C语言访问外设端口。及用C语言设计该系统的合理性。

    Introducing how to bring about the function call of DOS and BIOS by using C language , how to use C language to access the port , and the rationality of designing the system by C language .

  22. 进一步将扩展有向网络图转换成工作流网模型,应用Petri网技术分析该模型的冲突结构,以确保工作流过程的逻辑合理性。

    Then the directed net graph is transformed into workflow-net , and the technologies of Petri net are used to analyze the conflicts of workflow-net in order to ensure the logical soundness of workflow process .

  23. 综合测试证明了方案合理性的同时还优选出结构更优良的SCB点火装置;

    The all-round test proves rationality of plan , and the initiating device with good configuration is chosen .

  24. 通过对比研究输入、输出指标数之和、之积与DEA有效单元数之间的关系,对上述经验的合理性进行了探讨,得到了一些重要结论。

    This paper studies the validity of this experience through contrasting the total number 's influence with the product 's influence of inputs and outputs on DEA efficiency and gains some useful conclusions .

  25. 用静载和疲劳试验的方法,研究了DTS-1型预应力混凝土轨枕的承载能力,并分析了设计截面的合理性。

    By static and fatigue test , the load-bearing capacity of DTS-1 prestressed concrete sleepers is studied and the reasonableness of its designed cross-section is analysed .

  26. 在AGREE可靠度分配算法中,首次采用三次参数设计中的极差,来确定可靠度分配中的重要度因子,使可靠度分配结果更具科学性和合理性。

    In the method of reliability allocation of the AGREE , It is first to determine important degree factor of reliability allocation by three-parameter design . Therefor , the result of reliability allocation is changing more science and more rational .

  27. 在此基础上,以减少应力集中为主要目标,对拐轴不合理的结构提出了改进意见,再利用ANSYS软件对改进后轴结构进行了进一步的有限元分析,验证了改进后轴结构的合理性。

    Based on it , aiming to reduce stress concentrate , improved measure is brought forward , and ANSYS software is used to do further finite unit analysis and configuration of the axle after amelioration is proved rational .

  28. 进而建立电子束焊接件的SN曲线与pSN曲线,并对当量应力集中系数法的合理性进行了检验。

    Then , the S N and p S N curves for the welded specimens were established . The equivalent K t method was proved reasonable .

  29. 采用EPRI-36节点系统进行仿真,验证了方法的正确性及合理性。

    Simulation with EPRI-36 node system verifies the accuracy and rationality .

  30. 利用K-T条件可以求出一个经济效用的最大化,能充分考虑费用分摊的合理性的全局最优解;

    It can seek for optimal solution that can maximize the utility and consider the rationality of expense separate by using the K-T condition .