
wěi yuán zhǎnɡ
  • chairman;Chairman of the Standing Committee
  1. 现年67岁的张成泽是朝鲜最高决策机构国防委员会(NationalDefenseCommission)副委员长。

    Mr. Jang , 67 years old , was vice chairman of North Korea 's highest decision-making body , the National Defense Commission .

  2. 韩国统一部表示,朝鲜负责朝韩关系的祖国和平统一委员会(CommitteeforPeacefulReunification)的委员长李善权(RiSonGwon)也将出席本届冬奥会。

    Also attending will be Ri Son Gwon , chairman of the agency that oversees inter-Korean relations , the ministry said .

  3. 可是我依然对棒球委员会委员长乔治。W。

    But I have faith in Baseball Commissioner George W.

  4. 因此,我们也在其他清洁能源行动计划方面进行更密切的合作,这其中包括委员长先生本周与亚利桑那第一太阳能公司(FirstSolar)签署的协议,该项目将致力于开发世界最大的聚光太阳能发电厂。

    So we are cooperating more closely on other clean energy initiatives as well , including the agreement you signed this week , Mr. Chairman , with the Arizona company First Solar to develop the largest solar farm in the world .

  5. 但是,警察委员会委员长RayKelly在三月三号的一次演讲中力挺他们这样的行动,并认为忽略这个城市以外将发生的事情是一件十分愚蠢的事情。

    But Ray Kelly , the police commissioner , defended his force in a speech on March 3rd , saying it would be folly to ignore what takes place outside the city .

  6. 可我们并不知道,菅直人当时还指示日本原子能委员会(AtomicEnergyCommission)委员长、近藤骏介(ShunsukeKondo)博士设想出“可能出现的最糟糕情况”。

    Unbeknown to the public , Mr Kan also instructed Dr Shunsuke Kondo , chairman of the Japan Atomic Energy Commission ( AEC ) , to draw up a " worst case scenario . "

  7. 密西根州州长RickSnyder,连同州众议院拨款委员会委员长ChuckMoss表示即使再次注入资金也无法从根本上解决底特律所面临的问题。

    Both the governor of Michigan , Rick Snyder , and the head of the state 's House Appropriations Committee , Chuck Moss , argue that yet another infusion of cash will not solve Detroit 's underlying problems .

  8. 然而,他也没有从委员长那里得到任何满意的回答。

    But Kao got no satisfaction from the generalissimo either .

  9. 副委员长、秘书长协助委员长工作。

    The vice-chairmen and the Secretary-General assist the chairman in his work .

  10. 该事件是纽约消防委员长特指示要刊登的。

    The story was about an order from New York 's fire commissioner .

  11. 全国人大委员长/副委员长

    Chairman / Vice Chairman , National People 's Congress

  12. 谢谢你们大家。谢谢你,吴委员长。

    Thank you all very much , and thank you , Chairman Wu .

  13. (委员会、公司董事会等的)委员长,董事长,主席

    Permanent president of a committee , board of directors of a company , etc

  14. 委员长还表示,三分之一的爆炸残骸已被清理。

    The commissioner also says about a third of the debris has been cleared .

  15. 和全国人大副委员长许嘉璐。

    And NPC vice chairman Xu jialu .

  16. 从那以后,我便开始在重庆的军事委员会委员长侍从室上班。

    Since then , I started in Chongqing chairman of the Military Commission room attendants work .

  17. 全国人大常委会由委员长、副委员长若干人、秘书长和委员若干人组成。

    The Standing Committee is composed of the chairman , vice chairmen , the secretary-general and members .

  18. 多年来,他一直是希思手下的督导员。委员长〔计划督导委员会〕

    He had been Chief Whip for many years under Mr. Heath . Executive [ Project Steering Committee ]

  19. 今晚能在这里和你们一起欢迎吴委员长访问华盛顿,令我非常高兴。

    And it is a real pleasure to join you this evening in welcoming Chairman Wu here to Washington .

  20. 第二次世界大战结束的时候,蒋委员长似乎已成为世界上最强有力的统治者之一。

    When WWII ended , Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek appeared to be one of the most powerful rulers in the world .

  21. 纽约消防委员长称,再一次瓦斯爆炸爆炸后失踪的8名遇难者如今已经康复。

    New York City 's fire commissioner says all eight people missing after a deadly gas explosions have been recovered .

  22. 从外表看,蒋委员长似乎成了近二百年中国历史上最强大的统治者。

    Outwardly , the generalissimo appeared to have become the most powerful ruler in the last two centuries of Chinese history .

  23. 英国特种部队委员长&艾德里安·斯多斯作为证明人出席了该葬礼,并当众披露了关于艾琳·尼尔内老人的故事。

    Adrian Stones , chairman of Britain 's Special Forces Club , takes the stand and Eileen Nearne 's story unfolds .

  24. 将北劳党和南劳党合并,成立朝鲜劳动党,担任副委员长。

    He combined the Labor Party from the north and the south , established Korean Labor Party and took the role of vice chairman .

  25. 既然如此,不知道我们的委员长为什么又向参政会“聆听”起“意见”来了。

    If that is so , why does our generalissimo now go to the people 's Political Council to " listen " to " opinions "?

  26. 这就是中美关系的核心所在–对那样的未来抱有的希望与作出的承诺。谢谢你们大家。谢谢你,吴委员长。

    That is what is at the core of our relationship between China and the United State – a hope and a commitment to that kind of future .

  27. 有许多铁的证据,如像张荫梧给其部下进攻八路军的命令等,我们已送给蒋委员长了。

    We have already sent Generalissimo Chiang a mass of indisputable evidence , such as Chang Yin-wu 's orders to his subordinates to attack the Eighth Route Army .

  28. 在前委员长的强烈要求,黄河将收到的个人免息贷款为3个月收到的形式表明它。

    In the foreshore Peng 's strong request , yellow before it will take a personal interest-free loan for three months of its receipt of the form shows it .

  29. 吴委员长和我知道,即使我们的政治制度十分不同,但最终我们会以同样的标准受到评判。

    Chairman Wu and I know that even though we have very different political systems , at the end of the day , we are judged in the same way .

  30. 委员长先生,我希望你在我国首都感到备受欢迎,一如我今年早些时候作为国务卿首次出国访问时在北京的感受。

    Mr. Chairman , I hope you feel as welcome in our capital city as I did in Beijing earlier this year on my first overseas trip as Secretary of State .