
wěi tuō rén
  • client;consignor;consigner;assignor
  1. 他正忙于向伦敦各文学作品代理人兜售他的委托人的一部新书。

    He 's busy touting his client 's latest book around London 's literary agents .

  2. 交易完成后,委托人会出现并将她购买的东西交给她。

    When her deal is done , the client emerges with her purchase .

  3. 出版商已委托人把这本书译成法语。

    Publishers have commissioned a French translation of the book .

  4. 我可以证明委托人的资质。

    I can testify to the credentials of the clientele .

  5. “很明显我的委托人对我不够坦白,”他的律师说。

    ' It is clear that my client has been less than frank with me , ' said his lawyer

  6. 委托人太穷了,付不起律师的诉讼费用。

    The client was too poor to pay his lawyer .

  7. 她指责她的律师对待委托人的命令式态度。

    She rebuked her lawyer for his authoritarian attitude to his clients .

  8. 他们让自己的委托人戴着眼镜接受审判。

    They get the people they work for on trial ( ) to wear glasses .

  9. 律师机智地为委托人辩护。

    The lawyer produced a clever defence of his client .

  10. 拥有许多著名委托人的律师

    a lawyer with many famous clients

  11. 多Agent合作求解分销系统中多委托人及委托人可能合作的委托代理问题

    Survey on Multi-Agent Collaborative Problem Solving The Analysis on Principal-Agent Theory in Distribution System with Multi-Principal and the Cooperation between Principals

  12. 因为ricky的律师很聪明,他知道我们盯上了他的委托人。

    Because ricky 's got a smart attorney , and he knows we 're looking at his client .

  13. 给出了在研发规模和投标人数n这些变量变化的时候,委托人合同的选择,也给出了相应的代理人的竞标数额B和努力水平e的选择。

    The contract choice when x ( thescale ) or n ( the number of the bidders ) changes , the principal facing and the agent 's choice of B ( the bid ) and e ( the effort level ) are presented .

  14. 552名LokSabha的成员每五年由直接选举产生,是政权和政府机构起决定性作用的委托人。

    The552-member Lok Sabha is directly elected for a five year term , and is the determinative constituent of political power and government formation .

  15. 在英格兰,Solicitor是指其业务主要为充当法律代理的律师,在低级法院中代表委托人,在高级法院审理中作为出庭律师准备案卷。

    In England a solicitor is a lawyer whose practice is devoted largely to serving as a legal agent , representing clients in lower courts , and preparing cases for barristers to try in superior courts ;

  16. 他协助FBI选择有嫌疑的目标,并联系了一大批人,告知他们他的委托人(即捏造出来的阿拉伯酋长)想要投资一大笔钱以换来可观的政治优惠条件。

    He assisted the FBI in selecting potential targets and contacted a variety of individuals to tell them that his principals ( in this case the concocted Arab sheik ) were looking to invest large sums of money in exchange for various political favors .

  17. Bout的律师向联邦法官ShiraScheindlin抱怨,他无法忍受与他的委托人见面的牢房环境。

    Bout 's lawyer asked the government to provide his client with better prison conditions . Bout 's attorney told Federal Judge Shira Scheindlin that the prison room where he and his client meet is unacceptable .

  18. 刑事辩护中律师与委托人的关系

    The Relationship between the Defend Attorney and Client in Criminal Procedure

  19. 委托人-代理人理论与外贸代理制研究

    On the Principal-Agent Theory and Export & Import Agency System s

  20. 代理人应该始终维护委托人的利益。

    The agent is expect to protect the principal 's interest .

  21. 论委托人及其在信托关系中的法律地位

    On the Trustor and Its Legal Status in the Trust Relations

  22. 我领会你说你的委托人有证明人。

    I apprehend that you say your client has a reference .

  23. 我的委托人理解并同意我出席为了。

    My client understands and agrees I should be present for .

  24. 代理人到伦敦来见他的委托人。

    The agent has come to London to see his principal .

  25. 商务词汇:单词解释:客户委托人这家餐馆的常客以年轻的生意人为主。

    eg.The restaurant 's regular clientele were mostly young business people .

  26. 委托人故意不提供有关会计资料和文件的;

    The client intentionally refuses to provide relevant accounting materials and documents ;

  27. 如果律师有大量的委托人,他将变的富有。

    If a lawyer has plenty of clients , he grows rich .

  28. 代议制下委托人一代理人之间的信息不对称假设。

    Under representative system trustee-agent 's information not symmetrical supposition .

  29. 与代理人相比,委托人明显地缺乏信息。

    Compared with the agent , the principal lacks the information obviously .

  30. 中美企业产权制度中委托人-代理人博弈的比较分析

    The principal-agent game between the enterprise of China and USA