
mò sāng bǐ kè
  • Mozambique
莫桑比克[mò sāng bǐ kè]
  1. 莫桑比克于1975年获得独立。

    Mozambique became independent in 1975 .

  2. 多达1万名津巴布韦士兵正在莫桑比克执行任务。

    Up to ten thousand Zimbabwean soldiers are operating in Mozambique

  3. 他们花了36个小时穿过茂密的莫桑比克丛林。

    They walked through the dense Mozambican bush for thirty six hours

  4. 莫桑比克鳗鲡对温度、盐度和pH的耐受性试验

    The Tolerance of Eel Anguilla mossambica to Water Temperature , Salinity and pH

  5. 数据显示莫桑比克约有五百七十万人口感染了HIV病毒。

    In figures there are about 5.7 million of people in Mozambique who are affected of HIV .

  6. 用He-Ne激光照射莫桑比克罗非鱼仔鱼,对其生长、抗病和耐病和耐低温能力都有一定的促进作用。

    Larva of the Tilapia Mossambica are irradiated by He-Ne laser to the promoters in growth , disease-resistance and cold-resistibility .

  7. 莫桑比克仍然需要国际援助,还没有完全恢复,Baxter说。

    Mozambique still needs international aid and has not fully recovered , says Baxter .

  8. 世界银行的莫桑比克国家业务局局长MichaelBaxter把IDA描述为莫桑比克发展援助中的一个关键组成部分。

    World Bank Country Director for Mozambique Michael Baxter described IDA as a " linchpin " in development assistance to Mozambique .

  9. 咨询机构MerchantResearch&Consulting称,钽的主要开采地包括巴西(26%)、澳大利亚(12%)以及莫桑比克(17%)等国家。

    Brazil ( 26 % ) , Australia ( 12 % ) , and Mozambique ( 17 % ) , according to merchant Research & consulting .

  10. Baxter注意到,莫桑比克虽然在实现其发展目标方面取得了良好的进展,但仍然面临严峻的挑战。

    Baxter notes that Mozambique is making good progress towards its development goals but still faces hard challenges .

  11. GeocapitalHoldings公司总部在澳门,最近派出了代表团访问莫桑比克。

    A delegation from Geocapital Holdings , which is headquartered in Macau , recently visited Mozambique .

  12. 该研究受到了莫桑比克政府与IRRI的合作资助。

    The research was funded by the government of Mozambique in partnership with IRRI .

  13. 今年非洲高曼环保奖的得主是来自莫桑比克的FelicianodosSantos。

    The winner of this year 's Goldman Prize for Africa is Feliciano dos Santos in Mozambique .

  14. 当我和我的朋友若热(jorge)到达马拉维和莫桑比克之间的边境时,我有理由表现得很乐观。

    As my friend Jorge and I reached the frontier between Malawi and Mozambique , I had reason to be optimistic .

  15. 多元化经营的印度塔塔集团(TataGroup)在非洲进行了多项投资,从赞比亚的TajPamodzi酒店到莫桑比克的有轨电车和钢筋厂等等。

    India 's sprawling Tata Group has African investments ranging from the Taj Pamodzi hotel in Zambia , to a railroad-car and steel-fabrication plant in Mozambique .

  16. 一个名为TAP的试验项目正在为三个国家(布基纳法索、莫桑比克和加纳)的抗逆转病毒药物治疗提供6000万美元的资金援助,以期为成千上万更多的人提供这种治疗。

    A pilot project , TAP is providing a total of US $ 60 million to fund ART in three countries Burkina Faso , Mozambique , and Ghana in anticipation of providing ART to thousands more .

  17. 其他国家对此产生了兴趣,而且我们已经着手在博茨瓦纳、莫桑比克和纳米比亚安装AFIS。

    There has been interest from other countries , and we are already working on implementing AFIS in Botswana , Mozambique and Namibia .

  18. 弗拉基米尔普京(VladimirPutin)宣布上述决定之际,联合国粮农组织(FAO)召开紧急会议商讨小麦短缺问题,同时莫桑比克发生骚乱,造成7人死亡。

    The announcement by Vladimir Putin came as the United Nations ' Food and Agriculture Organisation called an emergency meeting to discuss the wheat shortage , and riots in Mozambique left seven dead .

  19. FranciscoSongane博士来自莫桑比克,是母亲、新生儿和儿童健康伙伴关系主任。

    Dr Francisco Songane , who is from Mozambique , is the Director of the Partnership for Maternal , Newborn and Child Health .

  20. 看一下我最近到莫桑比克楠普拉省(Nampula)的一个家庭农场参观的情况。

    Consider a visit I recently made to a family farm in Nampula Province of Mozambique .

  21. 在实现千年发展目标方面,莫桑比克已经进入实现在2015之前将贫困人口减少一半的目标的轨道,尽管该国仍然是世界上最贫困的国家之一,Baxter说。

    Mozambique is on track to meet the Millennium Development Goal of halving poverty by2015 , though the country remains one of the poorest in the world , says Baxter .

  22. 澳大利亚官方周四表示,在莫桑比克发现的残骸“极有可能”来自MH370,为这架两年前失踪、机上载有239人的马来西亚航空公司(MalaysiaAirlines)飞机的下落提供了进一步证据。

    Debris found in Mozambique is " highly likely " to come from MH370 , Australian authorities said on Thursday , providing further evidence of the fate of the Malaysia Airlines plane that disappeared two years ago with 239 people on board .

  23. 来自非洲农业技术基金会的一位农业行业专家GeorgeMarechera说莫桑比克只有在接受技术的情况下才能从该中心受益。

    George Marechera , an agriculture business specialist for the African Agricultural Technology Foundation , says Mozambique will benefit from the centre only if it embraces the technologies on offer .

  24. 例如,在莫桑比克,IDA资金正被用来追踪进展、监督工作、帮助政府“将项目推动的方法转变为国家自己当家作主的方案,”他说。

    In Mozambique , for instance , IDA financing is being used to track progress , supervise efforts , and to help the government " move from a project-driven approach to a nationally owned program ," he says .

  25. ICRISAT与Rusni计划同莫桑比克石油公司合作,这家莫桑比克国有石油公司控制着该国的燃油。

    ICRISAT and Rusni plan to collaborate with Petromoc , the national petroleum company of Mozambique to market the fuel .

  26. 在几个案例中,NSO集团制作的工具被用来追踪也门、土耳其、莫桑比克、墨西哥、肯尼亚和阿拉伯联合酋长国境内的用户。

    In several cases , NSO Group 's tools had been crafted to target users in Yemen , Turkey , Mozambique , Mexico , Kenya and the U.A.E.

  27. 莫桑比克科学研究协会的会长PatricioSande说该中心将使用科学研究加速莫桑比克的农业发展。

    Patricio Sande , president of the Scientific Research Association of Mozambique , says the centre will use scientific research to speed up agricultural development in Mozambique .

  28. 其中一块残骸是美国律师及业余调查者布莱恩•吉布森(BlaineGibson)在2月份发现的,而另一块残骸是由南非少年利亚姆•洛特(LiamLotter)去年12月在莫桑比克度假时找到的。

    One of the pieces of debris was discovered by an American lawyer and amateur investigator Blaine Gibson in February while the other was found by a South African teenager Liam Lotter , who was on holiday in Mozambique in December .

  29. 迄今为止,他们在这个网站上找到的工作包括:经营莫桑比克的一家海滩旅馆,管理南极洲的一间邮局,在博茨瓦纳北部主办一个游猎营地,为红海一家豪华的高尔夫度假村记账,以及主持电视节目《ParadiseHunter》等。

    Among the jobs they have found through the site so far : Managing a beach lodge in Mozambique , running a post office in Antarctica , hosting a safari camp in northern Botswana , keeping the books for a luxury golf resort on the Red Sea , and hosting a television series called Paradise Hunter .

  30. Mocumbi博士是莫桑比克前任总理,他还领导了该国的卫生部,并且是莫桑比克医学会的一名创始成员。

    The former Prime Minister of Mozambique , Dr Mocumbi has also headed his country 's health ministry and is a founding member of the Medical Association of Mozambique .