- Moh's hardness

It has specific properties , such as the Moh 's hardness in 8 & 8.5 , chemical stability and non volatility , which would reduce to cause the environmental pollution .
The independently produced CHA artificial bone is white in color , with porosity of 25.87 % - 53.58 % , which is approximate to those of the human bones and the original coral , by Mohs hardness of 3-4 and compressive strength of 4.87-12.31 MPa .
Human teeth are harder than gold but softer than pyrite , according to the Mohs Hardness Scale .
The relative resistance of a mineral to scratching , as measured by the Mohs scale . Hardmetals & Metallographic determination of microstructure
It has a Mohs rating of9 and is excellent for daily wear as it is the most durable of the colored gemstones , combined with great beauty .