- press-in;indentation;impress

Calculating Rock 's Indentation Hardness and Plastic Coefficient with VB Program
It is indicated that there is the best correlation between rock indentation hardness and integrated RMS of AE events .
Refers to push-down stack procedures and is the acronym for last in / first out , a buffer procedure .
B then called pop and pushed in data , one part of which was from recycled memory from the earlier Pop operation .
Improve the production ability for TT Pushing machine
Studies on the Superhardness Effect of ( Ti , Al ) N / AlN Nano-scale Multilayers by Two-step Penetration Method Using the Microindentation Technique
The methods of the forced ventilation and mixed ventilation in TBM construction are compared .
Notice that if we click back a few times , then click Add , the stack is truncated , and the new event is pushed onto the top of the shortened stack .
It is possible to use the parameter integrated RMS to assess rock indentation hardness and further to predict rock drillability .
For some exceptions , the CPU control unit also generates a hardware error code and pushes it on the Kernel Mode stack before starting the exception handler .
Raman scattering spectroscopy and AFM were used to analyze the structure of the gradient film . The mechanical properties were evaluated by nano indentation .
Bash responds with the directory you pushed and a list of all the directories currently in the stack separated by a space .
If it is larger , it is pushed on the stack , and one INDENT token is generated .
By modern test methods like mercury intrusion pore measurement ( MIP ) and scanning electron microscope ( SEM ), the hydration and hardening mechanism of the slag cement was analyzed .
The surface brittleness of nickel phosphorus ( Ni-P ) coatings by electroless plating is investigated with the method of rigidity ball indentation together with the acoustic emission technique .
According to the theory of the calculated contact pressure , the conditions of PDC pressed into the rock crushing were analyzed through the rock compressive mechanical properties .
As the important part of the material , the structure provides strength and porosity . CBR method and dynamic load method are used to evaluate the structure mechanical property .
To create the objects , you first obtain a reference to the StAX API for the payload that the SOAP stack ( such as Apache Axis ) pushes into the service implementation .
The mechanism of micro / nano fabrication is investigated . AFM diamond tip and film / substrate system is modeled ; nano-indentation and nano-scratch processes are simulated using molecular dynamics simulation .
Next when it hits ulink , it also pushes that on the stack .
When anti-ions in diffusing electric double layer were all pressed in stern , Zeta potential is zero , and the micelle is isoelectric . This pH value agrees with that suitable for preparation of mesoporous oxide .
Calling any Lua function from C is similar to this code : Grab the function using lua_getglobal (), push arguments , make a lua_pcall (), and then process the results .
The Cu thin films on ( 111 ) of Si substrate were prepared by the co-sputtering equipment of ion beam enhance deposition , using the nano-indentation experiments , the elastic moduli and hardnesses of Cu films at different annealing temperature were obtained .
For example , if you enable the Z shell option pushd_ignore_dups , pushd won 't push a directory onto the directory stack if it 's already there .
To find out how having an air sac changed the sounds produced , Dr de Boer created plastic models of the mouth , tongue and throat and forced air down them to produce different vowel sounds .
Due to the atmospheric pressure , air is pressed into the liquefaction tank , meanwhile , induced by the flowmeter , we get the signal and the signal will be gathered by the USB acquisition card , and transmitted to the computer .
You can use the dirs command to display the current directory stack without pushing or popping a new directory .
In order to explore the correlation of rock indentation hardness with acoustic emission parameters such as accumulated number of events , total energy , peak RMS and integrated RMS . nine different types of rocks were tested .
The Typodont investigation of the effect on orthodontic intrusion of upper anterior teeth
Because the PDC of the PDC bit is in oblique cutting way to pressed into broken rock , the shape of the indenter is different from the spherical or conical indenter , and the cylindrical flat-bottomed indenter .