- 网络compression ignition engine;C.I.

The heat radiation in cylinder of a high speed light load compression ignition engine is measured using a heat radiation sensor .
Effects of Fuel Parameter on Combustion and HC Emissions at Sudden Loading Operation of Small Compression Ignition Engine
Latest Development of the Applications of DME on Compression Ignition Engines
The combustion and HC emission at cold modes sudden loading operation were investigated on a small compression ignition engine under different fuels with a self-made special transient operation and exhaust measuring and control system .
Current Research Situation of Gas Fuel Used in Compression Ignition Engines
Vehicle ; Compression ignition engine ; Visible pollutants ; Emission ;
Study on Fuel Diesel Oil and Alcohol for DI Compression Ignition Engine
An investigation of squish air motion in compression ignition engines
A Statistics Study on the Visible Pollutants from Automotive C.I.Engines
A Study on the Present Emission Level of Compression Ignition Engines in China
Study on Preparation of Homogeneous Gas Mixture in Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Engines
Engine type alternator generating set , driven by compression-ignition engines , alternating current
Study on the Application of Dimethyl Ether Fuel in Compression-ignition Engine and Its Prospect
DME ( dimethyl ether ) is a high-quality alternative fuel for compression-ignition engine .
A Study on a DI Compression Ignition Engine with Diesel-Methanol Injection by Dual Injection Systems
Performance Comparison Between Diesel-Methanol Injection and Diesel-Ethanol Injection with Dual Injection System in a DI Compression Ignition Engine
An Investigation into Methanol Combustion in the Original C.I. Engine by Adopting Electric Heating Plug Aided Combustion Method
An Investigation of the Flow Pattern of the Toroidal Movement in the Combustion Chamber of a Compression Ignition Engine
Limits and measurement methods for exhaust visible pollutants from compression ignition ( C.I. ) engines and vehicles equipped with C.I.engines
The Method of Power Calibration and Correction of a Naturally Aspirated Diesel Engine Performance and Emissions from a Naturally Aspirated DI CI Engine Fueled with Diesohol
Decreasing NOx Emission of Compression Ignition Engine Fueled with Diesohol by EGR ; Study on the Emission of NO_x and N_2O During Combustion of Petroleum Coke in a FBC
This paper describes a study of the relations between the visible pollutants from automotive compression ignition ( C.I. ) engines in the test at steady speeds under full-load and the test under free acceleration .
It has been shown from the experimental results that the engine using this combustion mode may have higher compression ratio than that using spark ignition and faster combustion velocity than that using compression ignition .
Injection quality of the fuel is the critical factor of the formation of the gas mixture for compression-ignition engine , which influences the combustion performance of combustion engine , and determine the power and the economy of the engine .
This paper analyses the characteristics of DME as the fuel of compression-ignition engines , sums up the current research of DME at home and abroad , and makes a research on the in-cylinder turbulence flow and the current research of combustion simulation to an extent .
There is a strong vibration signal as in operation of engine . The vibration signal is a weak stationary random signal , and it can be extracted by electret microphone .
Some Problems Occurred in Numerical Simulation of Combustion Process in a Compressed Ignition Natural Gas Engine
Effects of combustion chamber parameters on combustion characteristics were studied in a compression ignited natural gas engine with separated chamber by coupling the detailed chemical kinetic mechanism with multi-dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamic ( CFD ) code .
A study about the effect of combustion chamber passage configuration on air plow field is performed in a compression ignition natural gas engine with a separated combustion chamber using Multi-dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics ( CFD ) code .
New Development on Combustion Model of Compression Ignition Dual Fuel Engine