首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 早晨一睁眼就9点多了,本来想早起去城皇庙吃早点的,看来免费豆浆和爱吃的茶叶蛋也么有了。

    Eyes on the morning of a9:00 more , originally wanted to get up early to eat Shing Wong Temple breakfast , It seems free soya milk and eat the eggs as well .

  2. 她仍然是一个普普通通的12岁女孩,她也喜欢么过女孩喜欢的玩具和JonesBrothers。

    She 's still a normal 12-year-old girl . She likes , you know , American-girl dolls and Jones Brothers .

  3. 做个名人的姐姐也不错么?

    Would it be so bad to be a celebrity sister ?

  4. 这在数学上不是也成立么?”

    Doesn 't that , like , mathematically make sense ? "

  5. 你不是说过你什么也没有么。

    I thought you said you didn 't own anything .

  6. 凯恩说,“那其他温度也正常么?”

    Cain said ," And the other temps are normal ?"

  7. 酒精并不解决任何实际问题,不过要这么说的话,牛奶不也一样么。

    Alcohol does not solve any problem , but them neither does milk .

  8. 到最后也别去么?

    At last will it also depart me ?

  9. 你能把这个也弄好么?

    C-can you m-make this go away too ?

  10. 这些对你一点意义也没有么?

    None of this means anything to you ?

  11. 我们即将新生你也会么?

    We will make good men better how can you make good men better ?

  12. 比如说,桌面系统上也可以么?

    Do you get the same startup behavior as on , say , desktop systems ?

  13. 当然页数总数是上升,但人均也一样么?

    Absolutely of course they 're going up , but is this on per capita basis as well ?

  14. 我们不也这样么?有时,环境非常黑暗。

    May it not be the same with us in our weaving ? Sometimes it is very dark .

  15. 约十一37其中有人说,这位开了瞎子眼睛的,岂不能叫这人也不死么?

    Jn . 11:37 But some of them said , Could not He who opened the eyes of the blind man also have caused that this man would not die ?

  16. “戏也不看看么?”

    " Do n 't you want to see an opera ?"

  17. 写上祝福的情人节卡也被人么所使用。

    Valentine cards with words are often used by many people .

  18. “我们的树也会死么?”弗雷迪问。

    " Does the tree die , too ?" Freddie asked .

  19. 他那双豪爽的红褐色眼睛里,不是也常常热泪盈眶么?

    The hot tear was often in his magnanimous ruddy-brown eye .

  20. 如果我失掉一半视力视野也会减半么?

    If I loose my sight will my vision be halved ?

  21. 当你死了,爱也死了么?

    When you die , does love die , too ?

  22. 你车里的另一个箱子也搬过来么?

    Shall we get the other box from your car ?

  23. 难道两姊妹就连命运也要相同么?

    Surely her sister was not destined to share her own fate ?

  24. 难道我们从神得福乐,不也受灾祸么?

    Should we receive the good from God but not receive the ill ?

  25. 我们也有很么多东西可以教他们。

    And we have so much to teach them .

  26. 在别的地方也有是么?

    He 's gotta have places outside the states , too , right ?

  27. 你也这么觉得么?还是你还想要格莱美?

    Do you feel the same way-or would you still like that Grammy anyway ?

  28. 你在北京也这样穿么?

    Do you dress like that in Beijing ?

  29. 我也可以认养么?多少钱?

    Anne : Can I adopt one of them ? How much is it ?

  30. 将来爹爹骂我,你也没甚么好。

    And if my dad blamed me , it would do you no good .