首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 我的朋友那末讲,也那末做了。

    My friend has done the same as he says .

  2. 她回到密苏里州的lamar了,我爷爷奶奶也住那。

    She 's back in lamar , missouri , where my grandparents live .

  3. 但比利爱那只狗,我们也爱那狗

    But Billy loves the dog and we love the dog .

  4. 他也决定那一页上的哪一部分让扫描机扫描。

    He also determines which part of the page the scanner reads .

  5. 你假装车祸受伤也住进那家医院去。

    You 're going undercover as a car accident victim .

  6. 而且也比那件蓝色的便宜。

    Also , it 's cheaper than the blue one .

  7. 我们也知道那是惊恐与庞大压力的来源。

    We do know it was a source of stress and consternation .

  8. 水果摊的老板娘也在那。

    The iady from fruit store was there too .

  9. 她可能也知道那旧的任务目标已经成了你最好的新朋友。

    She might know that old targets are now your new best friends .

  10. 你也把那女孩送那里了?

    Did you send the girl there , too ?

  11. 我将来也想到那去工作。

    I want to work there someday , too .

  12. 可我也希望那混蛋死掉。

    But I want the bastard dead , too .

  13. 黄师父:好呀,找时间我也去那转转。

    Master Huang : Well , I 'd like to go there sometime .

  14. 是的,我也以为那是我最喜爱的餐馆之一。

    Yes , I consider those 's one of my favourites , too .

  15. 你可读这本书也可读那本书。

    You can read either this or that .

  16. 多谢安慰,我也知道那是不可避免的事情。

    Thanks a lot . I know it was just one of those things .

  17. 她也认为那很好笑。

    She thought it was funny , too .

  18. 我没有那份胆量,也没有那份心意来单独跟他作伴。

    I had neither the nerve nor the will to be his companion alone .

  19. 很凑巧,我的妹妹也乘那列火车。

    It was quite a coincidence that my sister was on the same train .

  20. 我也见过那辆恐怖货车。

    I saw that awful truck , too .

  21. 我喜欢那只灰色的小鸭子,孩子们也喜欢那只。

    I like that little gray one . The kids like that one too .

  22. 有人在物色人才,赞助商也在那。

    We got the scouts out there , we got the sponsors out there .

  23. 我太太也在那工作过。

    My wife worked there , too .

  24. 你也看到那部美国纪录片里的人怎样了,对吧?

    You saw what happened to the man in that documentary from America , right ?

  25. 就是罪人也爱那爱他们的人。

    Even'sinners'love those who love them .

  26. 你昨天也穿那件吗?

    Did you wear that yesterday ?

  27. 你也知道那时候我们丢了多少球!

    Not that there were all that many at West Ham in those days , mind you !

  28. 中国体操代表团在2000的奥运会上获得了铜牌,而杨云也在那一届奥运会获得了高低杠的铜牌。

    China won the bronze medal in2000 , and Yang was a bronze medalist on uneven bars .

  29. 假若我也这样那怎么办?我很不喜爱浪费食物。

    Lisa : What if that happens to me ? I hate to let food go to waste .

  30. 我喜爱那洁净的暖风吹拂在我的皮肤上使我陶然欲醉,也喜爱那清凉的流水把我的身体托浮在水面上。

    I enjoy the clean voluptuousness of the warm breeze on my skin and the cool support of water .