
  1. 但分析师们表示,也门冲突双方都没有足以对曼德海峡的油轮构成严重威胁的那种武器。

    But analysts say neither side in the Yemen conflict has the kind of weaponry that would pose a serious threat to tankers in the Bab el-Mandeb .

  2. 过去五个月,千百万居民逃离也门北部冲突区域。

    Cold Weather Adds to Misery of Yemen 's Displaced Tens of thousands of people have fled the conflict in northern Yemen over the past five months .

  3. 而有16个国家,其中包括了如叙利亚和也门在内的冲突地区,这一数字有所下降。包括美国在内的39个国家的这一数字则保持不变。

    Sixteen countries , including areas of conflict such as Syria and Yemen , witnessed a decrease , and 39 countries , including the U.S. , stayed the same .

  4. 美国强力谴责也门的暴力冲突升级。星期五也门首都萨那的总统官邸遭到炮击,总统萨利赫受伤。

    The United States is strongly condemning the upsurge in violence in Yemen including Friday 's shelling attack on the presidential compound in Sana'a that wounded President Ali Abdullah Saleh .

  5. 在叙利亚和也门,国内冲突风起云涌,勇敢的平民走上街头,但局外人似乎做不了任何事情来左右结果。

    In Syria and Yemen , internal conflicts swell , as brave civilians take to the streets , but there is little outsiders can do , it seems , to influence the outcome .

  6. 而中国制造的无人机已经出现在伊拉克、也门以及尼日利亚的冲突中。

    Chinese drones have already appeared in conflicts in Iraq , Yemen and Nigeria .