
  • 网络Country Wedding
  1. 好莱坞女星斯嘉丽约翰逊周日参加了一场英国乡村婚礼。

    Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson got a taste of an English country wedding on Sunday .

  2. 瑞典的乡村婚礼也很有趣,一般通过传统的形式来庆祝。

    A country wedding in Sweden is also very interesting . It is celebrated with traditional festivities .

  3. 直到近年来,丹麦的乡村婚礼还是一件关系到全村所有人的大事。

    Until recently , a Danish country wedding was an event which concerned all who lived in the surrounding district .

  4. 人情纽带:一个皖南乡村婚礼中礼物流动的人类学分析

    The Bond of Friendship & Anthropological Analysis of the Presents Mobility at a Rural Wedding Ceremony in the Southern Anhui Province

  5. 直到现在,在匈牙利大多数乡村,婚礼形式都是相同的。

    In most Hungarian villages , wedding takes place in the same way , even today .